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The Mayoral Race Heats Up

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C. Dwayne West / MG Media


The Mayoral Race Heats Up

There is about four weeks left before Chicagoans take their souls to the polls. This is one of the most watched political races in recent decades. And network news organizations around the globe has assigned media personnel to cover every aspect of mainly the mayoral portion of Chicago's historic run-offs. There is a record number of incumbent aldermen being challenged, and it's expected that 8 - 10 incumbents will be out of work. It's also suspected that Chicago will have its first Hispanic Mayor after the April 7th election.

There has been political maneuvering going on behind the scene to win endorsements from some of Chicago's prominent leaders. And it seems like mayoral contender Jesus Garcia has won the name game. He snagged the thumbs up from Rev. Jesse Jackson, Sr., the iconic Civil Rights leaders who has proven to still have relevance in certain political and business circles.

Garcia also won the coveted endorsement of the now infamous Dr. Willie Wilson, who decided, after being corted like he was deciding who his prom date was going to be, chose Chuy. I don't think anyone was surprised with Wilson's selection for mayor but the current mayor himself. Rahm Emanuel has such arrogance, and is still the sitting mayor, that he thought that the gospel show Singsation creator would be enamored with the potential to stand at a stunt conference next to him, like so many other Negro zombies showing their loyalties.

And that's exactly what TBTNews will spend the next few weeks focusing on. Instead of beating down the mayor and his challenger, who will only do what their closed door puppets allow him to do. So by highlight the elite black folks who's been back stabbing the black community for decades, the news service will profile some of the real enemies of the state of Illinois and Chicago.

I want to take a stand! TBTNews is going to point fingers at those powerless black people who are holdovers from the Richard M. Daley administration, as well as the new (black) stabbers. The older elitists watched and assisted during Daley's entire career as black Chicago and its select communities were left in ruins. This happened while these celebrated black folks lined their pockets with riches and access into this co-called 'ROOM' that all mayors, governors and presidents maintain to keep a collar on folks. It happens in all racial groups, but I'll focus on the blacks who fight each other to get inside those wooden doors.

Inserting the names of the zombie like paid pretenders is one way to pull the covers from over the old-heads. And there's a new body of young hustlers who've decided that they also want to play on the so-called big corrupt stage. I'm still not sure how to play this move, but I'm for certain that names need to be listed. If I decide to uncover this list, there are names who will surprise many, but not some. The bulk of them have been very, very visible during these mayoral and aldermanic races. They have climbed the latter on the backs of poor and disenfranchised black folks for far too long.

Chicago, if we are to make real change that will uplift the next generation from bondage, and give concerted blacks real collective freedom to progress, then (we) must shake up these back door dealings that continue to cause nothing but destruction and dysfunction for the urban landscape. And by forcing these not yet completely corrupt emerging leaders to think twice about back door (bad) dealings, the community can then stand up to ensure that the constant pressures on their necks to produce false images for small political and business gains can be stopped before they become another generation of lost souls.

If we slice the neck off the garden snake, corrupt elected officials, especially mayors and governors will not have these false figures to lean and depend on. These people truly only benefit themselves, and not the community in which they promised to represent. They've convinced the downtown power elite that they have control over black voices and organizations that stand strong in the hood. I beg to differ... Peace and One Love.

I Write to Differ

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