Properly stored domestic refuse shall be collected by the department of public works, Owners occupants of residential structures who receive curbside collection shall place approved containers on a berm area not earlier than 6:00 am on the day of collection and shall remove the same not later than 7:00 p.m. on the day of collection. Properly stored commercial refuse may be collected by the department of public works subject to the requirements of section
Refuse that is larger than can be stored in approved eon containers shall be placed in a location convenient for collection on the day designated for bulk collection by the director of the department of public works. Bulk refuse refrigerators; stoves, beds, crates furniture; water heaters appliances, other such large, bulky and heavy items and leaves and grass clipping in plastic bags. Doors from such items must be removed before being placed for collection. A charge will be made for the collection of items improperly and/or prematurely placed far collection, and for items that exceed one (1) cubic yard in size; six (5) feet in length, width or height or one thousand {1000) pounds in weight.
It shall be the duty of the owner; occupant or person in control of any premises, vacant or occupied to keep such premises sidewalks, and all adjoining public property between the center of street and center of alley, free of litter at all times. All litter removed shall he placed in approved containers or removed to an approved disposal location.
(b) In the absence of any written agreement to the contrary between the owner and any person. Partnership or corporation, it shall be prima facie evidence of ownership, that the individual, partnership or corporation listed in the tract index of the Wayne County register of deeds is the owner and is responsible for keeping such premises, sidewalks and adjoining public property between the center of the street end the center of the alley free of litter at all times.