Ahwatukee-Foothills Crime Prevention

Parking Problems

Posted in: Arrowhead Ranch Phase 2
Is it just me or does it seem like every time I drive down my street I see more and more cars parked in violation of our rules? If its not someone who parks their cars on the street rather in their garage or in their driveway, they are parking on their landscaping. The most easily fixed violation: If you have three cars in your family, clean out your garage so you are not required to park your third car on the street. If you have to park your car temporarily on the street park it in the direction of traffic. If it leaks oil, that is no excuse not to use your garage or driveway. All these cars on the street clutter up the neighborhood and deter the safety of our kids and pedestrians.

By Robert & Jennifer
On Street Parking

Thanks for taking the time to express your concerns. I?’m hoping this response will be read by others viewing the on-line discussion.

On street parking and trash cans not put up are two of our most frequent Rules violations.

Not only is on street parking a Rules violation, it is an invitation to be a crime victim. Car thefts and car break ins are on the rise in the Association ?– we have even had reports of items being stolen from open garages during the day. As our CAT officer reported last year, he?’s never taken a report of a stolen car parked in a garage! Our community garage sale is coming up on April 7 and that?’s a great opportunity to clear out garages and move cars inside. The CAT officer also talks about what?’s the sense of securing your stuff in the garage and leaving a $25,000 vehicle on the street? On-street parking also makes it more difficult to identify suspicious behavior in the neighborhood.

You may be interested to know that there is Senate Bill (SB 1360) working its way through the legislature now that would strip HOA?’s ability to regulate activities on public streets (our HOA has all public streets). If approved by both houses of the legislature and signed by the Governor, the effect would be to make our on-street parking and commercial vehicle regulations unenforceable (just park your commercial vehicle on the street). This is only one of several bills aimed at restricting HOA?’s and your Board has joined other Associations in lobbying against these bills. Let me know if you are interested in joining this lobbying effort and I?’ll put you on my alert list of legislators to call or email. The status of these bills is changing weekly but several have now made it out of committee and are ready for vote by the full Senate or House. SB 1360 went before the Senate Rules Committee last week but the results haven?’t been posted yet.

I sincerely hope that you will attend the Annual Meeting on March 20 to express your opinions to the Membership. Too often the Board only hears from the Rules violators when they file appeals to fines.

If you haven?’t already joined, let me suggest that you join our other web site at www.groups.msn.com/ArrowheadRanch2HOA. It has much more information available because it has more capabilities than the Neighborhood Link site and I try to keep it current with what?’s going on in the HOA. There is a link to this web site on the Neighborhood Link web site. Another opportunity is to have your name added to our Association Email Address Book ?– we use it to update members between newsletters on important matters. If you are interested just let me know and I?’ll get your email address added.

Again, thanks for taking the time to express your opinions.

Rose Jacobson, President
Arrowhead Ranch Phase II

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