Minutes of Meeting: May 14, 2003, 7:00 p.m.
Location: Over 60 Health Center: 3260 Sacramento St. Berkeley, CA 94703
City of Berkeley: Taj Johns, Patricia Duncan-Hall, Ofc. Robert Rittenhouse
AANA Officers: Ron Casimere (Chair), Charles Daniels (Vice Chair), Lori Lott (Secretary)
10 Alcatraz Avenue Neighbors/Visitors
1. Meeting called to order at 7:15. Roll Call of AANA officers.
2. Reading of the minutes: Lori Lott. Motion to accept minutes passed unanimously.
3. Financial Report: Fredia Smith is resigning as Treasurer. We will accept nominations at the next meeting.
4. City of Berkeley Update: Patricia Duncan Hall was present for Councilmember Breland. Margaret and Mel Martynn had a good time at the block party, and Ron offered thanks for the certificate the AANA received. Taj Johns represented the City Manager's Office, and to hear from residents. She discussed how the City can help neighbors deal with problem properties, and how to change the mindset of tenants with regard to their rentals. She mentioned a "Recipe letter" property owners have developed in partnership with City (e.g. put items in lease such as no drugs, public drinking, or car repairs). We also discussed the possibility of offering tenants incentives (e.g. rent rebates) for keeping the property clean, attending meetings, etc. Taj will speak to Frank Davis of Rent Board.
5. City of Berkeley Police Update: Ofc Rittenhouse and other officers who attended the block party were impressed. He has been working with neighbors to deal with problem properties, doing "knock and talk", and walk-throughs. We can expect an increase in drug activity during the summer. He reported that a Townhall Area Meeting is tentatively scheduled for July 17 at Black Repertory Theater. Public forum to be attended by Chief Meisner, Lt. Yuen and other DTF, Peter Hillier, and many others will be present, so we can discuss ways of more effectively getting what our neighborhoods need.
6. 62nd / 63rd Street Neighborhood Association Update: Members report that there are still major drug dealing problems on 63rd Street (and up to 62nd Street on California). Certain members along with Ofc Rittenhouse and Sgt. Curtain, have been discussing the removal of the barrier at Calif and 63rd. Neighbors will be polled in the next few weeks to see what they think about it, since several were instrumental in having it placed). Taj stated that a letter should be sent to Councilmember Shirek requesting that the barricade be removed on a trial basis. A landlord from 63rd Street provided a copy of the first page of the letter from a tenant who recently broke her lease due to fears for the safety of her children and herself. Additionally, a problematic drug dealing 62nd Street neighbor has been released from jail, and seems to be back in business!
7. New/ Ongoing Business: Block Party: Special thanks to Taj for all her help, Darnella for great entertainment, and Ken for cooking, as well as all others who contributed and attended. Approximately 200 people attended. Discussion of forming a committee make arrangements with City Council to make block party arrangements occur automatically. Ralph will head up a committee to look into this. Traffic Calming Issue: Lori will contact Peter Hillier to ask him to attend an AANA meeting (or hold a separate meeting soon to inform us about the City's plan for traffic calming in South Berkeley). Patricia stated that Peggy Kirahara should be cc'd on the email as well. CAT Report: Candace report that the CAT had a good turnout for the community forum. The top priorities from the report on the South Berkeley survey were: Activities and opportunities for Youth (mentoring, employment), Problem liquor stores, Litter and Substance abuse. They will soon hold a Youth Forum to deceide what to do about the first. The CAT meets the 1st Wednesday of each month. AANA Summer Hiatus: Motion was made to cancel one AANA meeting this summer. (Vote: 12 for, 1 opposed, due to increase in crime that occur during the summer.) Motion carried. Suggestion was made to cancel the meeting during which City Council is off, which will be decided next meeting. Others: 1) One neighbor complained of an unleashed bulldog in 1300 block of Alcatraz. She called police who referred her to the Animal Control, but when she called, no one answered the phone. She also complained once again about cars blocking the sidewalks. Taj stated that she will turn this over to the Consolidated Enforcement Unit. 2) Mike Korin of Stanford Market and Liquor asked for neighbor's support of his store.
8. Next Meeting is scheduled for June 11, 7:00 p.m. at the Over 60 Health Center.
9. Meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m