Alexander NA

Pool Draining Guide/Codes

Posted in: Westleigh
POOL DRAINING TIPS (excerpt from Southern Nevada Water Authority?’s web-site ( under ?“swimming pool?” search)
Before you drain your pool, check with your pool professional and check your pool chemistry. It may be time to drain your pool if the:
?• Total dissolved solids (TDS) exceed 1,500 parts per million (ppm), or
?• Calcium hardness exceeds 350 ppm (or about 20 grains)

Local water-waste ordinances and some water providers' Service Rules prohibit discharging pool water to the street or storm drain. Pool water must be drained directly to the sanitary sewer system, which allows the water to be recycled and reused.

Rules and Oridnances

*Las Vegas Valley Water District Service Rule Section 12 -?“Conservation and Drought?”- (12.4) Water Waste Prohibited -(A) Waste water shall include (4) discharging swimming pool or spa water drainage off the property where discharge into a public sanitary is available.

*Las Vegas Municipal Code Title 16 ?“Buildings and Construction?”- (16.30) Pool Code - (16.30.010) Pool Code Adopted Ordinance No. 5879 - ?“2006 Southern Nevada Pool Code?” (Section 400) ?“Plumbing Installation?” - (G) Wastewater: wastewater from pools, spas and water features shall be discharged to the public sewer through a permanently installed waste line. Wastewater shall not be discharged to a septic tank. [Exception 1(paraphrased): if sewer unavailable, prior authorization required to discharge above ground but shall NOT be allowed to drain to adjacent properties or the public way.]
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(The Entire ?“Code?” can be found on the web by searching ?“2006 Southern Nevada Pool Code?”)

Pool Code Violation
Call Neighborhood Response - Code Enforcement at 229-6615

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