Alpine Breckenridge

Idea for trash pick up and UPS Delivery From Sarah

Posted in: Alpine Breckenridge

what about asking the county to at least PAY for a boma to be built at the bottom of the road where you all put your trash. Everyone could keep their garbage cans in there, and just swing by and dump bags in your own cans? They could be locked. Might help with the bears, too. I do know the commissioners (not super well) but would be glad to make a presentation to them on this (for a different neighborhood face). It just killed me to see you two with your injuries lugging that garbage can up the hill on your subaru. UPS has also mentioned that they were be receptive to a lock-off at the bottom of the hill as well. If we could just get the county to pay for it and approve it, that would help. It would not help one darn bit in getting the road plowed though.


Would you mind sending something out to the neighbors on the road about getting the road named? It won't cost us anything, we just need 100% of signatures. We are down to naming it Alpine Vista Way or Silver Creek Trail. Have people contact me if they are in support or opposed. Thanks!

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