Alta Mira residents brainstormed community improvement ideas for the Maryanne Corder Neighborhood Grant opportunity offered by the City of Tempe.
A City wide competitive grant is offered in the amount of $15,000 for projects that benefit the community.
The community has benefitted from the master plan for Goodwin Park and the upcoming Alta Mira entryway improvements through this grant process.
At the Feb 21, 2009 Alta Mira meeting at Goodwin Park, there was a concensus to pursue landscaping improvements around the perimeter of the community.
The grant application is due in May, 2009. The proposals are reviewed by the Neighborhood Services Team (NST), a committee comprised of City staff.
On Wednesday, July 15, 2009 the NST will vote on the projects to be recommended for funding by City Council. The NST will provide names of the selected projects at a subsequent public meeting of the City Council during an Issue Review Session, which will likely take place in mid to late August 2009.