Americana Cove

Welcome Home Dear Friends

Oct 25, 2001

Dear God,
We have been mandated by Federal Law to give thanks this month on the 22nd

I pray that giving thanks for the beauty of your creation, the bounty of your provision and the everlasting love you show us does not have to be mandated. I pray that it comes daily, hourly and every minute from our hearts which are filled with gratitude for all of your unbounded blessings. Amen
John Whittredge Hill,

Ed Kelly
This is the time of the year we welcome back our Residents from all parts of the country.
At the present time there are 72 Canadian Residents of which 57 are Shareholders leaving 15 Renters. The Canadians were very much involved with the Share Program when we purchased the Park. They are an asset to our Park and one of the big Social Events of the year is ?“Canadian Night.?”
Canadians, Welcome Home.
The return of all residents and their involvement in the Park Activities show the spirit and cooperation in making this Park a great place to enjoy their lifestyle.

From Office:
Remember that the Park is responsible for the City water and sewer up to the home. If you have problems after hours we do have a maintenance person on call. We are responsible for well water up to your connection. Florida Power is responsible for power to the pedestals. The Park is responsible from the pedestal to the home.

Call the office ?— 526 ?— 9141 or the gate 527 ?—3329 if you have problems after 3:00 pm. If the main water system is turned off due to leaks in the Park do not use your Water Heater until the water is turned back on.
Welcome Back Northern Residents

We have had several sewer backups in the Park. We are finding Baby Wipes, Handy Wipes, Paper Towels etc. clogging up the sewer lines. Please do not dispose of the above in your toilet (only toilet tissue).
Thanking you in advance for your cooperation in this matter.

Renter?’s Association RA.M.A.
By Cleve Ballentine
The Board of RAMA is scheduled to meet with the Negotiating Committee of MAROA on Monday November 5th 2001.

The lot rent increases set by MAROA is not a negotiated settlement between MAROA and RAMA, therefore under Florida Statues 723 037 the Park Owner is obligated to meet with the Homeowners Association within thirty days after the notice to increase rents has been received.

The first monthly meeting of the season for lot renters will be held on Wednesday November 7th at 7 pm in the Club House. At this meeting the Board of RAMA will report on what has transpired since last March.


ELSING, Bette.
303 Mt. Richmond Ave (522-4516)
(Previously Connors Residence)

HARLESS, Ronald & Thelma (In)
6835 Americana Drive
(Previously Kimal Residence)

ISRAEL, Esther
223 Mt. Piney Ave (521-4220)
(New Home)

McKenna, Walter, W.
7162 Mt. Arlington Dr.
(Previously Lavezzi Estate))

Peggy Hubrich

Jean Brown
Pat Crake

Jane Bryant Maria Manor
Bob Evans Carrington Place
Erna Wring Carrington Place
Mitzi Delzell Shore Acres
Milton Johnson Shore Acres
Anita Perrault Fountain Senior Properties
Carl Rosenquist Westminster Shores

02 Margie Slaugenhaupt
03 Peggy Pippenger
05 Mary Kelm
Herb Steele
06 Ruth Rosebush
07 Frank Wright
08 Ginger Phillips
09 Doris Dion
14 Eleanor George
15 Lou Louzier
16 Hugh Roberts
19 Rosann Decola
23 Emma Hubartt
24 Sandy Wilkinson
26 Curt Sigourney
27 Ann Berdeen
Bob Paige
John Wadsworth
28 Evelyn Dusza

09 Carol and Ed Slade 50 years
19 Beverly and Donald Parks 24 years
Gail and Dick Jones 04 years
25 Peggy and Ed Church 20 years

MAA Council meeting is Tuesday November 6 at 10:00am. Because it is Election Day, we will meet in the Atrium. Following the Council Meeting at 10:30am MD to You will be here with an open panel discussion.

MAA Luncheon Meeting at 12:00 noon on Wed. November 7.

Our annual Bazaar will be on Saturday, Nov.10 from 10:00am till 2:00pm. Set-up will begin at 10:30 on Friday. All the workers will be treated to coffee and donuts and hotdogs /chips/soda. If you have NOT signed up to help you may do so on the lists on the bulletin board. We really can use your support! If you are a new resident this is a good way to get acquainted with your neighbors!!

Tickets for Thanksgiving Dinner will be sold on Monday Nov. 12 at 9:00am at the hall. The dinner will be turkey and all the trimmings. This is Thursday Nov. 22. We?’ll begin at 3:00 pm with salad bar. Jim Boutwell and his guitar music for your listening pleasure will follow dinner at 4:00pm.

Saturday November 24 we are going to try a Holiday Decorating Party!! Come at 1:00pm and bring HOMEMADE COOKIES and the recipe to share. I?’m sure we can find some hot chocolate, coffee, eggnog. The trees take a while to trim and our decorating team would enjoy your help. I would like to thank Beck and Ken Hopkins, Leni and Pete Lambert for volunteering to decorate the hall. We really appreciate their efforts.

On Monday Nov.26 tickets will be sold for ?“Winter Seasonings?”. This affair will be Sat. Dec. 1 at 6:00 pm There will be hamburgers on the outside charcoal grill, potato chips, fruit salad, beer, soda. From 6:30pm till 8:30 ?“Dee?” will entertain us with karaoke. This is a welcome back party and a special ?“thank you?” to MAROA Board Members. Also we welcome any residents that are candidates for the board openings. You can get this full evening of entertainment for only $5.00.

Betty Chase
Preceding our last MAA Luncheon we had Paula Black speak on the concept of Medical Doctors to you. Some of you expressed a desire to have more information on the subject. Paula has arranged for a panel of experts to be here Tuesday Nov 6th (following the MAA Council meeting) in the Atrium at 10:30am. Changes are coming in January that may affect your present HMO plans. It would be worth your time to know your options. The Panel will be able to answer questions on HMO?’s, Medicare and Drug Plans. Paula has offered to bring some door prizes.

Don Delzell,
Vespers Choir - rehearsals Fridays at 8:45 AM to 10:00 sharp have begun. We again have the talented professional, Alys Schulz as our Music Director and we urge anyone who likes to sing to join the Choir. We welcome all voice ranges, but particularly need altos, tenors and basses. We work diligently, but we have a lot of good-humored fun thanks to Alys?’ keen wit and the Choir?’s spirited cooperation

Vespers Services begin November at 4:50 PM for an informal hymn sing, followed by announcements and the main service. We welcome a different minister each week through Easter. We conclude at 6:00 PM followed by yummy finger sandwiches, desserts and tea/coffee. Most of our Vespers congregation attends local churches?’ Sunday morning services, but some have Vespers as their primary local spiritual congregation.

Betty Chase will cater the Vespers Welcome Back Dinner at 5:30 PM on Saturday, November 17 and tickets at $6 may be purchased from me (526-2410) or Vice Chairman Faith Brundage (527-6925). Everyone is welcome to come and enjoy the always-delicious Chase meal, musical entertainment and good fellowship. Table selection will be at 10:00 AM on 11/17 and your own table service will be needed. Tablecloths will be furnished. Please call me about any questions. (526-2410).

Vespers Ministers for November are as follows: 11/4, Frank Reynolds, Riviera Methodist; 11/11, Jerry Straszheim, retired Lutheran minister; 11/18 Glen Quam, retired Methodist minister; and 11/25, Roger Miller, Trinity United Church of Christ.

The Vespers Committee and other ex-officio volunteers all combine to make Vespers an ongoing success. My sincere thanks to:
Chairman Emeritus & Chaplain ?— John Hill,
Vice Chairman - Faith Brundage
Secretary ?— Bernice Boone
Treasurer ?— Jean Pavlik
Ministers ?— Lorraine Brown
Greeters ?— Rita Lewis
Music/Wardrobe ?— Gail Jones
Set Up ?— Paul Beauregard & Crew
Beverages ?— Phil Tarpley
Refreshments Joan Mitchell
Memorials ?— Esther Louzon
Flower arranging for shut-ins ?— Ruth Healy
TLC Nurse ?— Nancy Hill
Angel ?— Dick Jones
Food, Greeting, Memorials, Flowers, Offering and Attendance ?— Vespers Attendees

If you live alone and feel

I may have an answer to help you. I?’d be pleased to receive your call at 522-2412.
John Hill, Chaplain

There is, at the maintenance shed on Mt. Piney Avenue, an air pump, which you may use 24 hours a day to pump up your bicycle tires. Please replace the air hose on the hanger.

All items and other information for the Forecaster may be placed in the box just inside the entry doors to the Atrium. All items to be in BLACK INK Deadline for December (now 5 pm); for general articles, the 11th of November; for last minute items, the 12th Please note that the minimum font size is number eleven.

The November Bazaar - by Kay Sebek
Jewelry is needed for the bazaar, for selling and for the raffle. Until I return in October please give what you can, you know, all that stuff you never use that sits begging for attention, to Mia Booth. Please!!

Vespers by Rita Lewis
As the new Vespers season approaches, we need to organize our Volunteer Greeters and Ushers for the coming season. All those that would like to help, please call me at 527-0693 as soon as possible. Thanks.

Memorial Service Harold Mallory
There will be a memorial service in the Atrium on November 8th 2001 at 2 pm for Harold, who passed away earlier this year. Harold was a long time resident of the Park and is missed by his many friends and neighbors.

Free phones for the hard of hearing ?— Yes, it?’s true. Florida Telecommunications Relay Inc. has specially designed free phones to help you understand clearly your phone messages, without screeching, whistling etc. You can reach F T R I at 1 800 222 3448, or visit them at 83 Street and Park Blvd. in Pinellas Park. (Thanks to Lucy Laberge for supplying this info.)

Phone Books ?— Northerns, please pick up your 2001 Verizon phone books in the main hall. And put your old phone books in the aluminum shed at the Americana Drive trash pick up area.

Koffee Klatch ?— Shirley Wadsworth - We will once again be having Koffee Klatch the second Thursday of every month. Please come and mingle with your neighbors, new and old.

Dogs by Jeanette Stang ?— I noticed the memo in the October Forecaster that some residents have found droppings on their lawns. While I walk my dog daily, I often add to my ?“collection?” droppings of other animals possums, raccoons etc. It may be these droppings that have been left by ?“night visitors?”.

RAMA ?— Cleve Ballentine, President, the first meeting of the 2001/2002 season will be on November 7th at 7.OOpm in the clubhouse.

Hobby Shop Leo Laberge; There will be a meeting of the Hobby Shop on November 5th at 9.OOam. Coffee and donuts will be provided. All men are invited.

Cue Club There will be a meeting of the club at 11 am on November to get reorganized. Pleases attend if you plan on playing this season.

By Joan Mitchell
Joan Dell?’Angleo and I are doing the Basket of Cheer for Peggy Hubrich this year.

We ?“two Joans?” really wish to continue in Peggy?’s footsteps and make this endeavor a great success. We will be very grateful for any contributions, either cash or bottles.

Drop offs can be made to me, at 360 Mt. Oak Ave., or you may call me at 525-1240 for pickups, by November 8th
We thank everyone in advance for any help you can give us.

Monthly Bridge
Gerri Bassett

Joan Dell Angelo has agreed for the next year to be in charge of the monthly bridge game, which takes place the 3rd Wednesday of every month. The one for Nov. will be on the 21st. It has not been decided yet if it will be a luncheon or just an afternoon of bridge. Watch the bulletin boards, or attend the meetings of MM and the Old Timers.

Hope to see you all there and we welcome our returning residents. God Bless America!

By Ginger Phillips
Tom Priestly, who will return here on November 10th would like to inform everyone that the bloodmobile will be in the Mobel Americana parking lot on December 13th at 9 a.m.

Our residents have been increasingly more responsive to these blood drives; let?’s keep it up. If you plan to give in the near future, please mark this date on your calendar.

Shuffleboard News By Jo Waldron
It?’s finally here, November! The start of our shuffleboard season, it begins with our first meeting on November 3rd 9 a.m. in the atrium.

We encourage anyone who is interested in learning to shuffle and become a member of the group to attend this meeting.

Our trainer for the beginners is Chick Kageyama. In the past, his classes have been held at 1 p.m. on Wednesdays, if there is a change it will be announced at the November meeting. If Chick has not arrived ?“home?” yet, just introduce yourself at the meeting and we will make sure someone show?’s you the basics. As I have said many times before, Chick has taught most of us, so we can help you get started until he returns.

Sil Oliveira has offered to assist seasoned players in developing a strategy of play and honing their skills on Mondays at 9 a.m. He is requesting that you have at least one year in the Nova league before attending these classes. This will be for the month of November only.

The Red & Black games are held on Mondays at 1 p.m. We also have the Pin games and Fun games, which will be discussed at our meeting. Be sure to check the bulletin board on the courts to keep track of any changes in our regular schedule.

Our league season has not even begun and we already have tournament winners. In the St. Petersburg doubles, amateur division, held October88th & 9th at Mirror Lake, Nick Misciagna & Sil Oliveira took 1st place and Doug Reid & Tom Solomon took in the Main Event.

Then, believe it or not, Doug and Tom entered a tournament in Clearwater that same week on the 11th & 12th Due to a little glitch in the system, they had to play in the Pro division and even in this stiff competition, they managed to take 4th in the consolation.
Congratulations to all.
Happy Shuffling

By Drew Fairlie

Don?’t forget to attend the first Par Seekers golf meeting on November 5th at 10:00 in the Atrium. All Par Seekers?’ meetings are on the first Monday of the Month. Y?’all come!

As the days grow shorter, more Par Seekers show up to play golf each week. During November, we?’ll a return to a significant number on Thursdays.

At the time of this writing, play is still rather scanty. For example, last Thursday only 5 people showed up for the early morning start.

I stopped at the Mainlands Clubhouse to get the rates for this fall and starting times for the Par Seekers. Starting November 1, through December 16, prices are as follows:

18 holes walk $15.00

18 holes ride $22.00

10-Play card, walk $135.00

10-Play card, ride $198.00

So you get a 10% discount for the 10-play cards. After December 16, the ?‘high season?’ rates go into effect. Tentatively, they will be $1.00 more than they were this past winter. There will also be the usual $1.00 charge each week, which goes into the kitty to be distributed at the Awards Banquet like last season. Starting time is still planned for 12:45 as it was last year. Meet at the Mobel Americana Clubhouse at 10:45 for car-pooling, schedules and to pay tournament fees ($1.00).

The first regular sign-up sheet up on October 22nd Remember to sign up to play between Tuesday of the preceding week and Sunday so that reservations may be placed at Mainlands on Monday for the upcoming Thursday play.

If you really want to be better at golf, go back and take it up at a much younger age.
Straight shots on the driving range are directly attributable to not aiming at anything.
It is a law of golf and physics that you can hit a 200-yard wide fairway 10 percent of the time and a one-inch branch 90 percent of the time.
It is as easy to lower your handicap, as it is to reduce your hat size.

Nora Adell Andrews

?“I cannot live without books.?” -Thomas Jefferson

We are looking forward to seeing all our ?“Friends of the Library?” again after this warm summer. We welcome all those Snowbirds back as well as those that were year-round residents.

Our book for our first meeting, November 8th is Are You Somebody by Nuala O?’Faolain. Jerry Regan will lead the discussion. The book is a memoir of a Dublin woman.

We have no dues; meet usually on the second Thursday of each month at 1:00 p.m. We discuss the projects and duties concerning the library, and then do our book review. You are most welcome to come and join us Thursday, November 8th at 1:00 p.m.

By Shirley LaForce

The Garden Club?’s November 27th meeting will feature Don Prahl, for Dolin?’s Garden Center. He will discuss the care of poinsettias and other Christmas plants.
There will be coffee and donuts at 9:30 a.m., with a short business meeting at 10:00 followed by the program. All are welcome to attend.

Dear Needlecrafters
By Annette Solomon
Hello everyone! It?’ s wonderful to be back in Mobel Americana and meet our great Friends once again. Welcome to the Snowbirds.
I see many have been busy making beautiful articles for the Bazaar and Craft Fair to be Held on November 10 from 10 to 2 pm. New handmade articles may be brought to the Clubhouse on any Monday 6?— 8 pm or Thursday 9?— 11 am, or call me for pick-up at Your home. Crocheted and knitted items, Christmas ornaments, novelty items, painting, Woodcarving, shell creations handmade jewelry, etc. are all included as long as they are handmade, the profits from the sale of these items will be submitted to MAA

As last year, clubhouse tables may be rented for $15.00 each payable to MAA
You may display your craft, sell it and keep the money. I have application forms Available so that I can assign you a table. Space is limited, so hurry! Hurry!

Free classes in basic embroidery, crocheting, counted cross-stitch and plastic canvas are offered at any meeting on Mon. or Thurs. All materials are supplied.

For further information call ANNETTE at 527-5151
See you SOON

Looking Ahead to Christmas By Shirley LaForce

The Garden Club will again donate canned goods and new unopened toiletries, such as shampoo, lotion, soaps, etc. to CASA, an organization that helps victims of spousal abuse. These will be collected at our December 11th meeting. All donations will be welcomed.

Neighborhood Crime Watch
By Barbara Magada
Our next Neighborhood Crime Watch/Prevention meeting will be on Nov. 9th. 2001 in the ?“ATRIUM?”. Because of the Bazaar setup for Saturday once a year we move from the Clubhouse to the Atrium. Officer William ?“Chip?” Wells will be our speaker and he always has some interesting subject to talk about. Refreshments as usual.

The Sunrise Community Resource Center is open and running again after being closed for a week for repairs as a result of the Bowling Alley fire on September 30th. Stop in and see for yourselves. Our Community Police Officers got together and cleaned and painted deodorized the smoke damage we had sustained from the fire.
Please mark your calendars for Friday November 9th for our next Crime Prevention meeting. See you there
Barb Magada, Esther Louzon & Jim Chase

Potpourri ?— from the Editor?’s desk (additional contributions from Gem Bassett, Lucy Laberge and Nancy Hubartt)

Thought ?— Money can?’t buy happiness, but it sure makes misery easier to live with.

Dilbert?’ rules of order ?— Tell me what you need, and I?’ll tell you how to get along without it.

You?’re getting marvelously mature when ?— you sit in a rocking chair and can?’t get it going.

Fun definitions ?— Secret, something you tell to one person at a time.

Remember when ?— (from John Stewart) having a weapon in school meant being caught with a slingshot.

Translations ?— That?’s interesting dear. Meaning; are you still talking?

Simple Signs ?— At a tire shop in Milwaukee: ?“Invite us to your next blowout.?”

A few minor glitches in the October Forecaster. Thanks go to Pat Ruedy for the ?“Yes, I?’m a Senior Citizen?” on page 14, and on page 7, the memorial service is for Harold Mallory. See details this month as well.

Random Thoughts ?— Forget the health food, I need all the preservatives I can get.

Ever Wonder Why... We have noses that run, and feet that smell!

What has four wheels and flies? ?— A trash truck!

Integrity ?— What you spend years building, someone could destroy overnight. Build anyway.

Dances at the Pier ?— Now let me get this straight. According to the Times of October 10th the dancers will have to pay to have bands at the Pier because the new management, Urban Retail Properties, did not realize that the bands were being paid to perform by the current management. And the City gave them the contract to manage the Pier! Wow, if only I could operate my finances on that basis. Never look at details, and hope there?’s money in the bank to cover my checks.

And if I understand this correctly, from now on City Council is going to accept a handshake and a promise from contractors to do what they say they will do. Well it will save a lot of paper, and apparently we don?’t need a legal department any more either, if this kind of contract can slip through. By the way, if you want to eliminate the subsidy completely, why not install a tollbooth at the entrance to the Pier, $5.00 each to use the Pier. Now you?’ll either have a profit, or no one will go and you can close it down and demolish it. No more expenses and no more subsidy!!

Forecaster Deadlines for December 2001 and January 2002 only, the 11th of November and December respectively.

Some of you are still typing the month you want the article or item published in the body of the item, that is, on the same page. This is a NO NO. All that the publisher or I can do is cross it out, so why type it on in the first place!!

MAROA Board ?— At the October 17th. meeting it was announced that two more sections of seawall had failed, which now makes five seriously affected sections in all. A number of proposals will be discussed at the November meeting, including the strong possibility that a $1.2 million loan will be requested to fix all the seawalls.

From Lucy Laberge
Bless this house, oh Lord, we cry,
Please keep it cool in mid-July.
Bless the walls where termites dine,
While ants and roaches march in time.
Bless our yard where spiders pass
Fire ant castles in the grass.
Bless the garage, a home to please
Carpenter beetles, ticks and fleas.
Bless the love bugs, two by two,
The gnats and mosquitoes that feed on you,
Millions of creatures that fly or crawl,
In Florida, Lord, you?’ve put them all!
But this is home, and here we?’ll stay,
So thank you Lord for INSECT SPRAY!

Duplicate Bridge Gerri Bassett

Howell Movement
Sunday September 23, 2001
1. Gerri & John Bassett
2. Elaine Laberge & Joan Dell Angelo

Sunday September 30, 2001
1. Joan Dell Angelo & Tex Batchelder
2. Gerri & John Bassett

Sunday October 7, 2001
No Duplicate Oktoberfest Sunday

Sunday October 14, 2001
1. Tie
Lucy & Roger LaBerge
Gerri & John Bassett
2. Esther Louzon & Joan Dell Angelo
Time again to wish you all a happy Thanksgiving.

By Jo Waldron
The ?“stay fit" group of exercisers would like to express their appreciation to two very special ladies.

Kay Jones, our water aerobics instructor, is a jewel. Her greeting each Monday, Wednesday & Friday morning ?“Does anyone have any good news today??” sets us up for a fun session. She is there rain or shine and yes, we have exercised in the rain and we had a great time doing it. Kay always ends her classes with ?“Thank you all for coming?”. We thank you Kay, for your faithfulness and constant good humor.

We would like to thank another special lady (in more ways than one!), Sharon Miller. For most of the summer, except when she bicycled around Lake Superior, she hauled her television set and exercise tape into the Atrium every Monday, Wednesday and Friday so we could get in our floor aerobics in before the pool exercises. In the winter we have a professional instructor, but Sharon didn?’t want us goofing-off all summer so she encouraged us to join her in the Atrium. She also willingly fills in for Kay on the rare occasions that Kay is absent.

Thank you ladies, we are very fortunate to have you living in Mobel Americana.

Tax Deduction
Submitted by Gerri Bassett

A little boy who wanted a $100.00 very badly, prayed and prayed for 2 weeks but nothing happened. Then he decided to write God a letter requesting the $100.00. When the postal authorities received the letter to ?“God?” U.S.A., they decided to send it to President Bush. The President was so impressed, touched and amused that he instructed his secretary to send the little boy a $5 bill. Mr. Bush thought this would appear to be a lot of money to a little boy. The little boy was delighted with the $5 and immediately sat down to write a thank you note to God, which read.

Dear God, Thank you very much for sending me the money. However, I noticed that for some reason you had to send it through Washington and as usual, they deducted $95.00.

(Part one)
Don Delzell
My September 6-27 trip started with considerable anxiety as the Tampa/Miami commuter flight was intermittently delayed by lightning and the Miami departure was 3 hours late, essentially robbing us of a day in London. Our 22 day Trafalgar first class escorted tour was directed by Marese Lynman, an Irish Leprechauness who was a great historian and joke teller who has lived and studied all over the world, and chauffeured by Luciano Sanapo a non-English speaking Italian elfin dynamo who handled 48 very heavy suitcases at every hotel stop. Our 46-member congenial tour group included 10 Australians, 2 Chinese, others and me from the US. There was a lot of good-natured teasing that went on about shopoholics. Honeymooning (50 year), Viagra, etc. As the only man rooming alone, the Director quickly labeled me Don Juan and inquired about my nights and expressed concern over the lady I might be keeping in my very heavy suitcase.

My London hotel (Tower Thistle) room overlooked the Thames River, Tower Bridge and the Tower Of London (Crown Jewels). Visited Buckingham Palace Queen?’s private apartments (open only August and September) with furnishings from Louis XVI palaces, Parliament (Big Ben actually is only the big bell in the clock tower), National Gallery, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus and Westminster Abbey.

Crossed the English Channel at White Cliffs of Dover/Calais - most impressive. Brussels, Belgium is a quaint city and the seat of the new European Community. In Brussels I got locked out of my room, fortunately fully clothed, and it took 6 men 45 minutes to gain access, thereby delaying our departure. From that point on, everybody knew who I was!
En route to Amsterdam viewed the making of cheese/wooden shoes in a farm factory, took a canal boat ride and visited a diamond cutter. Lunched in Vollendam, a colorful Dutch fishing village overlooking the former Zeider Zee, storybook neat farms and a huge working windmill.
We were en route to Germany when we learned of the September 11 tragedies. Cell phone communications with the Director?’s family left people spinning in disbelief. CNN TV in English and The Herald Tribune (published in English jointly by The New York Times and Washington Post) kept us reasonably current on developments.

The Cologne, Germany cathedral was started in the 8th. century and with volunteer labor took 600 years to build. Though damaged in WWII, there was complete restoration making any damage undetectable. The altar contains the remains of the Three Magi brought back by the Crusaders. City?’s best-known product is 4711 Kolnisch Wasser (Eau de Cologne) made for over 200 years. Rhine cruise passed The Loreli, castles and ruins from 1100. Walking tour of Heidelberg viewed the 600-year-old castle, Church of The Holy Ghost and the University. Passed Freiburg and lunched in a picturesque restaurant/inn/clock making shop in the Schwarzwald (Black Forest named for the dark green fir trees covering the mountains/valleys).

Viewed the 70ft Rhine Falls at Schauffhausen. Switzerland en route to Lucerne, a jewel and favorite of mine and many others. Set on a 600 ft deep sparkling blue lake surrounded by cloud-shrouded mountains up to 10,000 ft, Lucerne is breathtaking. A lake cruise and funicular/lift trip up 5,000 ft Mt Rigi treated us to goat/ cow bell ringing herds, bone chilling gales and wind whipped clouds intermittently obscuring soaring mountains and lush chalet filled valleys. The day was capped by a delicious Swiss lunch with fondue, sauerbraten, kraut, hot potato salad, good beer, yodelers, alpenhorns, dulcimer, spoon playing and broom/flag dances.

Innsbruck, Austria yielded a visit to the famed Swarovsky crystal works and a horse carriage ride through the picturesque Stubaita mountain valley with glacier fed streams, resorts, farms, cascading flower boxed chalets and a country inn hunter?’s lunch with hot wine. Salzbum, Austria, another gleaming jewel, boasts 26 churches, Hohensalzburg fort/castle, Mozart?’s birthplace and ?“Sound of Music?” background scenery.

In Vienna, Austria I also got locked out of my room (still clothed), had a city tour of palaces, churches, parks and public buildings and a personally guided tour of Schoenbrunn Palace, the 1,440 room home of the Hapsburgs who ruled for 640 years and included Empress Maria Teresa who had 16 children, including French Queen Marie Antoinette (who was beheaded in the revolution) and Napoleon?’s Empress Maria Luise. Evening entertainment included a ride on The Prater (Ferris wheel), a Mozart/Strauss concert/arias/ballet in the historical frescoed marble Palace Liechtenstein and sumptuous dinner with strolling gypsy musicians at Marchfelderhof, a country mansion.

Italy was our introduction to unusual hotel bathrooms in hotels, which contained showers in the corner w/w/o curtains, w/w/o racks to stand on and drains in the floor. Some hand held showerheads would snake all over the place. Also in Italy we experienced very unusual restrooms on our rest and lunch stops. At the outset of the tour, the Director named restrooms ?“Mrs. Murphy?” always providing a bit of humor and at each stop she would describe the precise location and the appropriate country?’s coinage for entry. Usually the attendant was a woman who also came in, cleaned and looked around. But sometimes the controller was a stile or coin door, which unrelentingly didn?’t give change. We men would occasionally have women visitors who had overflows, couldn?’t read signs or were just checking things out. We even experienced unisex ?“Turkish toilets?”, a hole in the floor with footmarks and no handles. A genteel North Carolinian woman said, ?“I?’ll be so happy to get home where I don?’t have to pay to use a toilet!?”

Our Venice hotel was on the one of 118 islands comprising Venice and our stay began with a water taxi night-lights tour of the Grand Canal, Rialto Bridge, Doge?’s Palace and cappuccino with symphony music in St. Mark?’s Square. A Murano glass demonstration was followed by a gondola ride with singing musicians and a vaporetta boat ride to the quaint fishing/lace making island of Burano. Here we had one of the most delicious lunches I have ever enjoyed. Prosciutto, risotto with shrimp, pasta with meat sauce, filet of sole, steamed vegetables, bread, wine, fruit tarts, fresh fruit and Amaretto ?— paradise! (TO BE CONTINUED)

God?’s Love ?— What It Is
It?’s silence when words would hurt,
It?’s patience when your neighbor is curt,
It?’s deafness when the scandal flows,
It?’s toughness for another?’s woes,
It?’s promptness when stern duty calls,
It?’s courage when misfortune falls,
God, in His memory, will grace and bless
Us all for whatever will He calls,
He will bless this nation one and all because
He gave us the symbol, ?“In God We Trust.?”
God Bless You All
Submitted by Al Nosek

Dear Readers - from the Editor
The Forecaster is primarily for advance news of Park activities by the various clubs and Park management, and reports of those events as they occur. The Forecaster should also include items of human interest and entertainment. To this end I encourage you, the residents, to submit articles, short stories, poetry, jokes, pet peeves, how we met, and anything you think might be of interest. For example I know that many of you have learned, from experience, little tricks of life, cleaning tips, how to make travel reservations, where to go, where to eat etc. With the amount of life experiences and talent that exist in this Park I should have no trouble in being inundated with your first person stories or whatever you choose. If you have ever wanted to be published, now?’s your chance. I only ask that your entries be based on your actual experiences, or at least direct knowledge of the story you submit. You can submit under a pen name and change the names in the story to protect the innocent-a la Dragnet (I will need your real name). I know there is lots of original material out there.
As you know I have been trying to encourage MAROA Board members to contribute articles concerning their responsibilities on the Board. To this end Dick Nemi has been contributing articles on the status of current park business, and I thank Dick for that. My intent, as stated, was for the members to talk about their own field, but as the MAROA Board, as of this writing, has no policy on who can report for the Board, articles such as Dick?’s are more than welcome. The possible problem is if two or more members submit similar articles, so as I do not want to be put in the position of deciding whom to publish, I would ask that some coordination of content be agreed upon.
I would also like to point out that all submissions for publication become the property of the Forecaster and as such can be edited for content and clarity. If this is a problem for some then please say so when you submit your item. And as the notice says at the airport, you do not have to go through this screening, but you may give up your right to fly. Now don?’t get too excited. I?’m not planning on changing how I edit. Mostly I correct grammar and spelling and try to eliminate repetitious information and keep writers on their subject. However I do want to make it clear that criticism of individuals and/or derogatory remarks are not permitted. Major edits have been and will always be referred back to the author. So thanks to all for your contributions.
Also on a final note the Forecaster will not accept, or at least will edit out, any articles praising or criticizing announced candidates for the MAROA Board. This will ensure a level playing field and you, the shareholders, can all make up your own minds. Usually there is a meeting where all candidates explain their positions, so be sure to attend.
Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

Newspapers and Magazine Recycling
All newspapers are to be placed in the newspaper bins. Please do not put brown paper or plastic bags in the newspaper bins. The bins are only for newspapers.

A magazine bin is located at the storage compound on Americana Drive. Please take all your magazines to this bin.

Aluminum Cans and Scrap Metal
Please put these out on Tuesdays only or take to one of the Old-timers Aluminum sheds. Do not put in the garbage compactor. It is for household garbage only.

Yard Brush and Tree Trimmings
Place all yard brush and tree trimmings at the side of the road separate from the garbage and it will be picked up. Do not put it with the regular garbage. This only increases the amount we must pay to have hauled away.

Help the Park ?— There is a shed at the Americana Drive compound where you can place your old phone books. By keeping as much as possible of all these materials out of the garbage we save on garbage hauling costs as well as generating some funds, not only for us, but for a school that turns these in for recycling to raise school funds.
Bertram Zanaglio,
MAROA Board member

NOV 15, THU - LUNCH BUNCH, Food, and Fun & Friendship...$?’: (Moved from November 8th)
NOV 17, SAT - ?“WEBB?’S CITY?” matinee and meal at the Mahaffey Theater...$48 W/L
NOV 26, MON SEEING EYE DOG SCHOOL in BRADENTON with lunch at Miller?’s...$34
NOV 27, TUE - BOK TOWER TOUR with TOUR OF PINEWOOD ESTATE decorated for Christmas WI meal...$42
NOV 28, WED - SHOPPING WITH GAIL at the NEW International Plaza Mall in Tampa, near TIA...$16 W/L
NOV 30, FRI - CHRISTMAS MYSTERY TOUR at Night with Meal...$42 W/L

DEC 1, SAT - MOUNT DORA CHRISTMAS PARADE with Reserved Seat...$27
DEC 2, SUN ?— ?“HO HO HO THE CHRISTMAS SHOW?” at Broadway Palm Diner Theater, matinee...$50
DEC 4, TUE - OUR ANNUAL CHRISTMAS PARTY, Our plans changing, watch this space! ...$48
DEC 6, 13 or 17, THU, THU or MON - DISNEY CHRISTMAS DINNER at Polynesian Hotel...$48
DEC 7 or 14, FRI or FRI - SILVER SPRINGS LIGHTS and Meal...$42
DEC 8 or 19, SAT or WED - HOLYLAND PARK with Special Christmas Events throughout the day. . $37
DEC 15, SAT - VICTORIAN CHRISTMAS STROLL at the University of Tampa with Meal. . $40

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