Americana Cove

With gratitude......for the renewal of Spring

Mar 31, 2005

?“ Christ is Risen?”; He is Risen Indeed.?”
Most Glorious and Gracious God we celebrated earlier this year Your Son?’s victory over death. It is a day we should always remember because it is the basis of our faith. Just before this event took place hundreds of years ago Your Son celebrated the Passover with His disciples. This year our Jewish friends begin this celebration again on April 24, 2005. It is the time when the Angel of Death passed over the dwellings of the Hebrews who were in captivity in Egypt. God?’s grace and blessings are still in evidence with or without our prayers. Let us never forget to pray and say thanks toYou O God! AMEN
John Whittredge Hill, Chaplain

There is no beautifier of complexion, or form, or behavior, like the wish to scatter joy and not pain around us. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

By John Layner
His name is William Hart. To all of us, he is just plain Bill. For health reasons, Bill has chosen to head back north, where family and friends will greet him with open arms. For the past ten years, Bill has been a member of the MAROA Board (President of the Board in this last term) until retirement came into the picture. A most important cog in our wheels of progress, Bill has helped show us the way. His guidance helped to cultivate an appreciation of both the responsibilities and benefits that go with family friendship here in Americana Cove.
Yes, there were many positives Bill possessed and shared. TIME and EXAMPLE had to lead the top of the list. Add all of his plusses and it spells LOVE. But there is more. It is said, ?“behind every good man there is a good woman?”. Everybody knows your Claire. Always wearing a twinkle in her eyes and sharing a smile full of sunshine. Yes, Bill, you were blessed with a special someone. Soon you shall be miles away and there will be a spot in our hearts that will keep you here. Thank you for all you have done. Thanks for the memories and May God Bless and Keep you, Bill and Claire.

"What if you gave someone a gift, and they neglected to thank you for it--would you be likely to give them another? Life is the same way. In order to attract more of the blessings that life has to offer, you must truly appreciate what you already have." ~Ralph Marston

By Gerri Bassett

Bernie MacDonald Senior (Former Resident)
Leonard Berg

Nursing Homes
Bob Ortel Carrington Place
Mitzi Delzell Shore Acres
Kay Brownsey Pinellas Park Care & Rehab. Center
Dorothy Goldsworthy Fountains of Boca Ciego Bay
Cameron Shults Abbey
C.J. Tietema (Cappy) Shore Acres
Jan Renaud Marie Manor

April Birthdays
02 Annette Solomon
03 Loretta Berg
04 Sil Oliveira
07 Helen Smith
08 Dick Stannard
09 Bob Hoey
10 Eva Pratt, Don Harris
11 Eunice Roe, Robert Hamel
12 Richard Norcross
13 Ted Kwiatkowski
19 Peggy Hubrich
21 Marie Sirois
22 Barbara Magada
23 Nicole Baxter, Juanita Smouse
24 Pauline Macomber, Mark Faxon
25 Gilbert LeBrun, Morris Van Patten , Jerry
26 Howard Brown, Linda Ward
27 Ralph Rogers
29 Pauline Newman

April Anniversaries
06 Leni and Pete Lambert 37 years
Bonnie and Jim Parr 06 years
07 Eleanor and Earl French 63 years
10 Nancy and John Hill 57 years
12 Ruth and Paul Beauregard 61 years
20 Billie and Cleve Ballentine 59 years
Fran and Jim Bowling 42 years
30 Linda and George Meyers 33 Years

Would you like your Birthday or Anniversary in the Forecaster? Let me know. Email me at Or see me at one of the park functions I attend.

By Bill Stanford, President

An absolutely fine send off for Bill Hart was held on March 12, 2005. He was truly deserving of the accolades and we will miss him. Others have paid tribute to him elsewhere in this paper so I will only say he promises to stay in touch. His address is listed here in the Forecaster and I am sure he and Claire would enjoy hearing from you. His treatments started March 16th in Michigan.

Now?…on to business. The possibility of our causing a ?“penalty?” of many hundreds of thousands of dollars on our loan from Bank 0f America has been eliminated. Through interaction with the bank and our Board of Directors, our attorneys are drawing up an amendment to the loan. This amendment will allow any monies that might have caused such a penalty to be held in an interest bearing account, in trust, to be applied to the loan at termination. This savings account will prevent unintended excess loan repayment. The penalty, which was of concern to all of us, will no longer be a reason to discourage selling additional shares or other prepayments on the loan.

The reinvestment of $150,000 in maturing CD?’s has taken place on recommendation of the Finance Committee. In accordance with our stated conservative policy and desired laddering of maturities, we have purchased FHLB 2.25 year 4% yield notes (Federal Home Land Bank). This continues the investment of our reserve funds as outlined and approved in 2004.

The right to be heard does not automatically include the right to be taken seriously.
~ Hubert H. Humphrey

By Dawn Simmons

PARKING: The parking of vehicles on empty lots and concrete pads is NOT permitted. The Roving Patrol has been instructed to issue parking citations to violators. YOU ARE ASKED TO PLEASE COOPERATE.
Please do not throw branches, bushes, wood, grass or any yard clipping on any vacant lot or concrete pad. The maintenance men will only haul the above if it is sitting at curbside on Tuesdays or Fridays.
Operation Ground Control has asked the wells be left on, on Wednesdays so they can fix their customers?’ sprinkler heads. Residents can also call whatever sprinkler service company they are using and schedule an appointment for Wednesdays only.

Page 11-Rule 12 - Yard Maintenance
V. ?“Maximum 18?” Cable Satellite dish may be mounted in the rear so as not to be seen
from the street?”.
K. Washing machines, dryers, refrigerators, freezers, water softeners etc. are only permitted inside of a mobile home, utility room or enclosed porch.
No one is ?“grandfathered in?” under this rule. Anyone in non- compliance must make arrangements to move the satellite to the rear of the home and move appliances inside the home or to a utility shed. Remember Folks- We are not a ?“Trailer Park?” and we do not want to look like one! THANK YOU!

Friendship is a single soul dwelling in two bodies. ~ Aristotle

By Frances McVay

ABODEELY, James & Sandra (MA)
7213 Mt. Essex Drive 525-6191
Previously Cosentino

GILLIES, Crailey & Linda (NB)
7139 Mt. Hawthorne Road 528-0440
Previously Lepand Estate
Moved From 7257 Mt. Georgetown

GRADMAN, Bernard M. (NC)
7257 Mt. Georgetown Drive
Previously Gillies

HAISH, Caryl & Tom
6711 Americana Court
Previously Buffa

HAMILTON, Donald & Janet (NH)
136 Americana Court
New Home

HARLESS, James & Sandra
6833 Mt. Pleasant Road
Previously Gaither 521-1407
Moved to 6830 Americana Drive

HELSEL, Harold & June (IA)
6817 Americana Drive
Previously Slade

MOORE, Dennis & Joan
107 Americana Court 528-7521
New Home

Man needs, for his happiness, not only the enjoyment of this or that, but hope and enterprise and change. ~ Bertrand Russell


We?’d like to offer some words of appreciation to a wonderful community. How can we express our feelings as we move into the next chapter of our life and leave behind all our fine friends at Americana Cove? Who could ask for better company to share the trials and tribulations, the laughter and the tears, the victories and, yes, some defeats as we have traveled together into our retirement years? The special gift of fellowship that this community presented to Claire and me on Saturday March 12, 2005 will remain in our hearts forever. With family to sustain us, we look north into Michigan with confidence. Your warm smiles and kind words will be with us as we face new challenges, making our way into new surroundings in a new place. Americana Cove isn?’t simply an address, Americana Cove is a caring, sharing community and we loved every minute of our time together! But a note or two from old friends would surely make Spring come a little faster up there. Our new address in Lansing, Michigan (just around the corner from Bill Jr. and Char) is William and Claire Hart, 7438 Delta Commerce Drive, Lansing, Michigan 48917. And, don?’t forget to add a little Florida Sunshine!

I hope our wisdom will grow with our power, and teach us, that the less we use our power the greater it will be. ~ Thomas Jefferson

By Gail Jones

JOHN P THOMAS resides at 7009 Mt Georgetown Drive. He was born in Rushten, England which is located in the north Hampshire and Chilton Hills area. He proudly states that his great-grandfather knew George Washington. John came to the U.S. as a young child and for many years resided in Mattituck, Long Island, N.Y. He has had many careers. First as a veteran of the military with the First Army of Engineers, then a long time register representative in the stock market with First Investors of Wall Street. He came to Florida 35 years ago, locating in the Sarasota area. He is a member of the Latter Day Saints church on 62nd Avenue. He would like everyone to know that he is active in Genealogy and would be happy to assist anyone in his or her own endeavors. He spends many hours researching at the extensive genealogy department in the Largo Library. He is also registered as a member of the International Genealogy Index (IGI). If you stop by his home, John would be pleased to show you how he cares for his special orchids, Australian Fern Palm and yellow Fagipainay from Hawaii.

RON and MARIE SELLARS bought their home at 448 Mt Oak last year. We didn?’t see much of them during last spring because they hurriedly put things in order and returned to their northern home in Bristol, Michigan. For 28 years they have owned and operated a 51-acre campsite with 292 lots. They provide an active, ongoing bible study group throughout the week for those who want to participate in the Chapel services on Sunday evenings. Ron is Vice Chairman of Campsite Ministries. They previously had been spending their winters in Hudson, FL and are very happy to have found Americana Cove. They have two grown sons who make their homes in Michigan. One is an attorney and the other a child psychologist. They also have three grandchildren. If you?’d like to meet Ron and Marie sometime, attend Vespers- they are both active members!

HERB and JUDI CONNOLLY bought the George Campell home located at 6713 Mt Pleasant Road. They promptly removed the old coach and replaced it with a new Palm Harbor home. With Herb?’s extensive knowledge of construction he was able to oversee and manage activities and he and Judi moved into their completed home within three months! The Connolly?’s have been married for 10 years and worked together with a trucking company to transport cars for the snowbirds. Both originate from Gorham, N.H. They previously resided for six years in River Harbor, a manufactured home community, where Herb was President of their Association. They love Americana Cove and have been active in guiding five other residents to also purchase homes here! Judi especially enjoys line dancing and the crafter?’s club, and has helped with the White Elephant sale. She is looking forward to getting involved in other activities when time permits!

By Don Delzell, Chairman

The Committee would like to extend its?’ thanks to all residents for considering the survey we sent out, and, in particular, we thank the 30% that completed the survey! We also wanted to congratulate our two residents who won the $50 drawings for completing the survey on time (we had over 200 returned): JOAN McALLISTER and ANDREW MOSES! We?’ve already received some excellent suggestions for improving our community and we will give each one careful consideration. Our major short-term objective is to concentrate on ways to fill the empty lots with optimum income-producing units. And, our major long-term objective will be to pay off the mortgage and minimize monthly fees. As we proceed with steps to accomplish these goals, we will keep you informed. Thank you for your interest in your community and for your help.

"Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart." ~Seneca

By Ken Hopkins

PET PATROL - Recently a subject was brought up on the Listbot that I think bears repeating here. It seems that some of our dog owners sometimes forget their ?“pooper scoopers?” when they head out in the evening with their pets. That means that when Fido does his thing on your lawn, they have no way to remove the droppings and they become yours to discover in the morning on your left shoe as you walk across your lawn to get the newspaper. Now, we?’re all adults so I won?’t lecture you about why you shouldn?’t do this. No one would throw their garbage on your lawn; why would they think it?’s OK to leave your dog?’s recycled dinner on your lawn? So, here?’s a simple plea. Do the right thing folks! Let?’s not have any more accidents. And, if you do observe such thoughtless action, that?’s the time to file a complaint with the office so that Management can take the appropriate action. While we?’re on the subject, let me also remind all dog owners that our rules stipulate that Fido must be on a leash when you take him out for a walk. That?’s a courtesy to your fellow dog walkers and a good way to avoid accidents. Thank you for your cooperation.

SUPPORT NETWORK - At New England Night we had an unfortunate incident. One of our ladies collapsed during dinner. (At first I thought it was a clever way of keeping all the 50/50 money since it happened just before the drawing) Then I realized it was serious and for real. Paramedics were summoned and thankfully, the lady was revived. I asked somebody if she had someone to look after her and they said that she lived alone. It started me thinking that there must be many people in the Cove who are elderly and have limited physical resources. Some have lost their driver?’s license and have a difficult time getting to the grocery store, doctor?’s appointment, and similar. I remember discussing this topic when the decision was made to discontinue the van service due to economics. I wonder, though, if there isn?’t some way to utilize the resources of the many kind-hearted people here in the Park who would be perfectly willing to lend a hand if they only knew about people?’s circumstances. Of course, it?’s understandable that people don?’t want to share their difficulties with others but indeed there are many people here in the community who would be willing to offer their time and energy to help their neighbor. What?’s really missing is leadership. It takes some one or some group to step forward and help organize things. Anyone interested?

DINNER AFLOAT - The Americana Boat Club would like to invite you to a potluck supper with a difference. On April 27, 2005 at 5:00 P.M. a bunch of our boats will head out to Beck?’s Bay, anchor, and tie up to each other. At that point we will break out all of the good eats provided by passengers and crew alike for a feast on the water. Sign up sheets will be on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. If you?’d like to participate, just sign up and come on out that day. The captain of your boat will contact you to make boarding arrangements. Those that did this last year are still talking about how much fun they had. Hint: Sign up early; we have limited capacity.

911 CALLS - If the need should arise to make a 911 call from the clubhouse, there are a couple of options. The public phone immediately outside the door of the clubhouse in the little alcove by the mailbox (the smoking area) has a dial tone and can be used to call 911 without depositing a coin. Also, in the Atrium outside the exercise room there is a dedicated phone that can only be used to call 911. Please familiarize yourself with both locations for future emergencies.

GOLF CARTS - A couple of quick thoughts for our golf cart drivers (I?’m one.) When parking in the parking lot, please utilize the area at the front of the clubhouse designated for golf carts. This is the area between the rose garden and the entrance to the clubhouse. There are parking spots marked off there for golf carts and it would be greatly appreciated if you would continue to use these. As our parking lot continues to get more action we really need all the space we can get and automobiles can not park in the golf cart slots. On another note, one of my friends asked me to suggest that you (we) golf cart drivers remember to offer our services to some of those amongst us who don?’t have much mobility. We were talking about the boat rides the boat club offers and she suggested that maybe some of the golf carts could be used to transport people down to the dock or marina so that they might enjoy a boat ride. Seems like a good idea to me and one that would be greatly appreciated by some of our residents who can?’t get around very well.

SCAMBUSTERS - If you are on the Internet at all, you must have received a message or two proclaiming stuff like, ?“Pepsi Cola is pro Satan and if you spell Pepsi backwards and add 3 to each letter it spells D-E-V-I-L.?” You know?… garbage like that. What?’s alarming is that people then take that message and pass it on to all their friends and pretty soon gossip grows into urban legend. First of all, please don?’t send that message to me. I get enough junk without any of my friends helping. More importantly, if you would like to check on stuff like that, there is a very convenient web site,, where you can look up all of these myths, find out the real story and debunk them. You can also subscribe to their email service at no charge and you will get the latest information sent to your email inbox. Check it out.


As outgoing Vice President of ACA, I wish to express my thanks and appreciation to
all those who do so much for our luncheons.... Ferne Eppers for her beautiful accompaniment, Betty and her Kitchen Krewe for all their preparations, to all the servers, to those who helped set up, to the cleaner-uppers and to all those who helped in any way. Without you we would
not be able to function! Thank you so very much and God Bless you. Have a safe and happy summer.
From Joan Mitchell

We would like to thank everyone who contributed money in memory of Jeremy. Your donation to the Living Library means a great deal to us in our sorrow. Your generosity is appreciated.
Louise and David Harris

I wish to gratefully acknowledge and thank all my friends and neighbors here in Americana Cove for your kind expressions of sympathy for the recent passing of my husband Bob. Your cards and prayers are greatly appreciated.
Sincerely, Cecile Lescarbeau

There is located at the maintenance shed on Mount Piney Avenue an air pump that you may use to inflate your bicycle tires.

Newspapers and Magazine Recycling
All newspapers are to be placed in the newspaper bins. Please do not put brown paper or plastic bags in the newspaper bins. The bins are only for newspapers.

A magazine bin is located at the storage compound on Americana Drive. Please take all your magazines to this bin.

Phone books should be taken to the dumpster on Mt. Piney. Do not put them in with your regular trash.

Aluminum Cans/Can Tabs
Please put these out on Tuesdays only (or late Monday evening) for very early Tuesday pick-up, or take to one of the Old Timers Aluminum sheds. Do not put in the garbage compactor. It is for household garbage only. As the sale of aluminum contributes money to our social activities, please take the effort to segregate the cans from the regular trash. Aluminum can top tabs can be placed in the jar provided in the clubhouse.

Yard Brush and Tree Trimmings
Pick up days is Tuesday and Friday. Place all brush and tree trimmings at the side of the road separate from the garbage. It must be contained in trash bags, plastic containers or bundled.

Dumpster The dumpster at the Mount Piney location is for the use of residents who have scrap materials from work that they themselves have done. Contractors doing renovations or repairs to your property are to remove any such materials from the community and dispose of it at their cost.

KITCHEN KREWE Ice Machines To all residents and guests: Do not use ice from the kitchen supply for your personal home use or for your coolers. Ice in the kitchen is required for activities in the Hall and Atrium. Traffic through the kitchen area creates sanitary problems. Thank you! From Betty Chase, Kitchen Manager

All items and other information for the AMERICANA COVE FORECASTER may be placed in the box just inside the entry doors to the Atrium, or may be sent electronically to our Editor- Linda Lou Fairbanks at: All items are to be in the original type- no photocopies, please, in BLACK INK, on full-size paper (8 ?½ by 11). The DEADLINE for APRIL for all articles is Thursday April 14th. The font size is number twelve (12).

If you can, please send me your items by email, either by attachment, or as part of your email text. You will save yourself money and perhaps a little time as well. Thank you for your cooperation. If you are sending me an email for the first time, please let me know by phone what your email name is. I get so much spam in my mailbox and if I don?’t recognize a name I may inadvertently delete your item(s). It would also be very helpful if you could identify ?“Forecaster?” in your subject line.

The deadline for the calendar is different from the articles, so please make note of this. Deadline for entries will be the 13th of each month, except for December and January. These months require submission two (2) days prior to the Forecaster entry deadline. AND PLEASE NOTE: ALL calendar submissions must come from, and be approved by the ACA! Please contact President Ken Hopkins if you need/require information. COORDINATOR for the calendar is Nora Adell Andrews, 528-9888. THANK YOU!


Submitted by Beck Hopkins

Hauling, sorting, pricing, selling, setting up, tearing down--so much work, so many willing hands! With the type of cooperation Pat Fielhauer and Beck Hopkins get every year, of course,the White Elephant was a success! The Sale grossed over $6,000 this year! This money goes to a worthy cause--US! It helps pay for lunches, entertainment programs, Koffee Klatch and Crime Watch refreshments and other expenses incurred by the myriad of activities here in our wonderful community. Many thanks to all the organizations and individuals who contributed their time and talent to this event.

EDITOR?’S NOTE: I know Beck and Pat may have received a few verbal thanks for all their efforts on our behalf. I would like to go on record as saying they deserve a tremendous amount of thanks and appreciation from each of us. What they accomplished is short of miraculous. Thank you Beck and Pat. You truly epitomize what good deeds are all about.

By Norine Fisher

This update is for all those who went to the St. Patrick?’s dinner and show. They sure had a great time. The Just Us & CO entertained. The line dancers also performed. My thanks to Cathy Thomas, Gene Latreille and Gail Jones for joining me. It was lots of fun. On March 24, 2005 the line dancers had their lunch party and a great time was had by all! I?’m sorry to say our class ended March 28, 2005 for the season. I really had a great time with all of the dancers and I am looking forward to seeing you all next season, along with lots of new dancers too! Look for the date and time in the upcoming issues of the Forecaster. We generally begin classes in January and continue through the end of March. And, I would like to extend many thanks to Mel the Music Man for helping me out and also to John Layner for making sure my articles get in the Forecaster. Thanks also goes to all my faithful dancers who truly enjoy it as much as I do! See you all again in January!

By Tom Solomon

This year New England night was hosted by the wonderful State of Massachusetts. There were 5 special prizes, 30 beach-themed door prizes, and a $150.00 50/50 raffle. 335 people attended this gala affair! We enjoyed a delicious traditional turkey dinner with all the trimmings, prepared by Betty Chase and her Kitchen Krewe. We wish to thank you for coming to celebrate the night with us! If you couldn?’t make it this year, we hope to see you at next years?’ New England Night, to be hosted by the Great State of Rhode Island. It is scheduled for Saturday February 25, 2006. All Americana Cove residents from Rhode Island are cordially invited to attend the first Planning Committee meeting on Wednesday April 6, 2005 at 4:00 P.M. in the Atrium. There are only 9 families listed in our directory. But have no fear- ?“Great things come in small packages!?” Please plan to attend and represent your State of Rhode Island! And, I wanted to thank you once again for your support and encouragement for New England Night. All the profits derived from this event go to the Kitchen Krewe and the monies are spent for the benefit of ALL residents of Americana Cove. SEE YOU AT THE NEXT MEETING, and at NEW ENGLAND NIGHT 2006!

Submitted by Conrad Weiser, Secretary RAAC

At our monthly meeting of the Renter's Association, on March 2, 2005 our organization adopted the new name: Renters Association of Americana Cove, (RAAC), conforming to the revised title of our community and replacing "Mobel Americana" with "Americana Cove". Bill Stanford, President of the MAROA Board, addressed our RAAC meeting, welcoming our newly elected officers and acknowledging his commitment to maintaining harmonious relations with our organization. He reaffirmed that the park renters are welcome to attend all of the shareholder's meetings, with the exception being those meetings at which voting for MAROA Board membership is scheduled. We were very appreciative of Bill's remarks and assured him that we extend the same courtesy to the shareholders and the MAROA Board who may wish to attend our meetings.


By Ken Hopkins, President

A hearty welcome to our new officers for 2005. Susie Doyle as Secretary and Dave Turner as Vice President have joined Treasurer Nora Adell Andrews and myself to make sure that your social and recreational plate is filled all year. We look forward to the opportunity to serve.

This year?’s White Elephant Sale was a tremendous success thanks to the dedication and hard work of Co-chairs Beck Hopkins and Pat Fielhauer, as well as the hundreds of people who contributed merchandise, sweat, tears, and dollars. The White Elephant is our big fund- raiser for the year and provides for the many social and recreational activities that ACA pays for. With everyone?’s help, we are solvent and ready to have fun! Thank you all.

The summer hiatus for ACA activity will soon begin. Most of the officers of ACA head north for the summer but we are concerned that you ?“fulltimers?” have some social and recreational opportunities during the summer. To that end, we are in the process of planning the following activities. We would love to have some help in planning and implementing these activities. If you would be willing to help out in any way, please contact the Chairperson shown below: Please. We could use some help!

Brown Bag series. Designed to replace the monthly luncheon. See the Forecaster and bulletin boards for exact details of time and activities. Virginia Curtis and Vivian Linville, Co-Chairs.

Memorial Day Celebration. All veterans are urged to participate. Ceremony, food, activities. Veterans Committee, Chair.

Mother?’s Day - Virginia Curtis will arrange something to honor our Moms.

Independence Day - Chicken Dinner. Dot Kolb, Chair
Labor Day - Dot Kolb, Chair. Program to be announced.

Our next ACA luncheon meeting will be Wednesday, April 6, 2005. We will install our new officers on that day so please come and greet them. Our monthly Council meeting will take place the day before on April 5, 2005 in the Atrium. Card night will be on Saturday, April 9, 2005 this month. Come and play your favorite card game with your favorite friends. Or, better yet, come and play a new game and meet some new friends. Prepare your appetites for a Dutch Amish feast on Saturday, April 16, 2005. Das Dutchman, Betty Chase and Krewe will do their best to put you on the groaning board.

By Gerri Bassett

The new officers for the coming year will be President Dorothy Kolb, Vice President Helen Walters, Secretary Conrad Weiser and Treasurer Gail Jones. At our luncheon on March 23, 2005 Shirley and Roger Beauchamps?’ grandsons from Canada entertained us. Ben is 15 years old and his brother is 9 years old. Ben came a few years ago and entertained us and we all enjoyed him then. He sings, dances, plays the piano, and is a puppeteer. He makes the puppets and also makes their clothes. He has been doing this since he was 5 years old. We all enjoyed them very much so we hope they come back to entertain us again!

By Annette Solomon

WOW!!! We did it again!!! This year, the Crafters Club submitted 23 items to be judged at the Florida State Fair and we were awarded 15 ribbons: Four 1st place blue ribbons, Six 2nd place red ribbons, One 3rd place white ribbons and Four honorable mention gold ribbons! The proud winners are: Claudette LeBrun (1 blue), Diane Massey (1 blue), Margie Trimm (1 blue, 1 gold), Genevieve Van Patten (1 blue), Carol Undieme (1 white), Nora Clifford (1 red), Beck Hopkins (1 red, 1 gold), Annette Solomon (3 red, 1 gold), Grace Tight (1 red) and Pat Vargas (1 gold). CONGRATULATIONS TO ONE AND ALL!!! We hope you had a chance to view them either at the Fair or at the ACA luncheon.

The Crafty Crafters meet every Monday evening in the Clubhouse from 6:00 to 9:00 P.M. Come visit us anytime. All are welcomed! If you reside here over the summer months we are currently planning a summer program for you. Check the bulletin board for the classes that are being offered. Most lessons and supplies are FREE! We are already preparing for our popular fall Craft Bazaar. Tables will be available to rent for this event. Stay tuned for additional information in upcoming Forecasters. HAPPY CRAFTING!

By Barbara Magada

Our next Crime Watch/ Crime Prevention/ Crime Patrol Meeting will be held in the Clubhouse on Friday April 8, 2005 at 1:30 P.M. We expect a speaker from the St Petersburg Fire Department. He or she will discuss the latest information on smoke alarms and fire prevention. As usual, we will have delicious refreshments. We hope to see you there and remember to bring along a friend or neighbor!

By Brian Birch

It is my pleasure to once again announce our Cue Club League Champions for the 2004-2005 season.

In the Men?’s League Singles 1st place was won by Nelson Taylor, 2nd place went to Pete Lambert, and 3rd place to Sil Oliveira. For the Men?’s League Doubles 1st place went to Norm Begin and William Buckland, 2nd place to Jack Young and Leo Dwyre, then 3rd to Nelson Taylor and Kenny Sanders.

The Women?’s League Champion in the Singles was won by Leni Lambert, 2nd place went to Arlene Harmon and 3rd to Peggy Church. For Women?’s League Doubles Debra Craft and Louise Pickett took top honors of 1st place, 2nd went to Arlene Harmon and Peggy Hubrich and 3rd to Irene Goulet and Linda Lou Fairbanks. We had a great tournament for both the men and women, with some exciting and awesome games.

It is always nice to see spectators on the sidelines and I?’d like to thank everyone who came out to support the players. I also want to thank the League Captains- Roger LaBerge, Bruce Perry and Leni Lambert for organizing their teams and keeping track of all the statistics during the season. It?’s not an easy job. You all did a great service to our Club. And to all the referees- thank you for your time and your willingness to help the tournaments run smoothly. We couldn?’t do itwithout you!

We have some others achievements to also announce for the season. These deserve special mention because they are the ?“cream of the crop?” for our sport. The Highest Average winners this year played outstanding and consistent games and attained the top scores of ALL the players- Phyllis Jackwin for the Women?’s team and Brian Birch for the Men?’s Teams. The Most- Improved awards go to Arlene Harmon and Bill Stanford. This category is one of the most difficult to attain and the most coveted by avid members of the League. They each deserve high praise for these categories. And lastly, the season wouldn?’t be complete without recognizing two players that made the ?“8 Ball on the Break?”!!! This feat is one that is rarely, if ever, achieved by a billiard player. Accolades go to Ted Jackson and Cleve Ballentine. Congratulations!

Experience is a hard teacher because she gives the test first, the lesson afterward.
~Vernon Law

Gerri Bassett & Shirley Beauchamp

Howell Movement
Sunday February 13,2005
Gerri & John Bassett
Daphne & Dick Gunton
Helen & Walter Smith
Sunday February 20, 2005
North & South
Beverly Hamel & Linda Cook
Shirley Beauchamp & Jo Waldron
Anne Kocher & Claire Bator
East & West
Gerri & John Bassett
Lois & Leo Dwyre
Lucy & Roger LaBerge
Sunday February 27, 2005
North & South
Jo Waldron & Shirley Beauchamp
Claire Bator & Anne Kocher
Michelle Willett & Joan Dell?’Angelo
East & West
Joy & Bill Slepin
Lois & Leo Dwyre
Gerri & John Bassett
Sunday March 6, 2005
North & South
Milene & Al Wingrove
Lucy & Roger LaBerge
Beverly Hamel & Linda Cook
East & West
Joy & Bill Slepin
Lenore Helson & Shirley Wadsworth
Daphne & Dick Gunton

We?’ve been having a good turn out on Sunday so keep coming. This helps to improve your game. So?… find a partner or call me. Maybe I can help you get a partner: 525-6806.

By Linda Lou Fairbanks

We had a lovely and lively meeting in March with Justin Stedham from the Pinellas County Rose Society educating us on selecting, planting, pruning, fertilizing, watering, cleaning, mulching and harvesting the elusive rose! He, along with two other friends (I can only remember their first names- Barbara and Dick) gave us the ?“everything you?’ve always wanted to know but were afraid to ask?” lecture, followed by a question and answer time.

We then had our regular meeting where Nominating Committee spokesperson Marcia Fay presented the candidates for election for the 2005-2006 season. The following slate of officers were elected: President- Linda Lou Fairbanks, Vice President- Joanne Ebert, Treasurer- Gail Jones, Secretary-Bev Hamel. Marcia Fay will continue as Membership Chairperson, as will Don Delzell as our Rose Garden Chairperson.

I am also pleased to let you know although Nancy Hubartt won?’t be ?“treasuring?” she will continue to make coffee and get the donuts. I would like to extend a heart-felt thank you to outgoing officers Jerri Regan and Nancy Hubartt for all their years of service to our club. It is greatly appreciated and did not go unnoticed or unappreciated.

We will be winding down our season with our final get together on Tuesday April 12, 2005 at our Annual Picnic in the Park. This year we will be trying Sawgrass Park. It is a little closer and a new change of scenery is always good. We will meet in the pavilion area at 10:30 A.M. If interested, a sign up sheet is posted on the bulletin board in the Clubhouse. If you need a ride call me and I will arrange one for you. You are asked to bring a passing dish and a comfortable, folding chair. Chicken and drinks will be furnished. SEE YOU THERE!!!

"Let us be grateful to people who make us happy; they are the charming gardeners who make our souls blossom." ~Marcel Proust

Submitted by Beck Hopkins

It happened! The locks to the Hobby Shop have been changed! If you need a new key, come to the Hobby Shop meeting on April 4, 2005 at 9:00 A.M. Dan Craft (525-7005), Hobby Shop President and his Vice-President, Rick Birtcher (526-1306) are both anxious to contact all Hobby Shop members in an effort to update the files. The $5 dues fee paid annually by Hobby Shop members pays for the belts, blades, and other items needed to maintain the Shop.

By Gail Jones

The Koffee Klatch gathering was designed for residents to come together on a designated morning to share with each other over a cup of coffee. It is particularly great for those who are new to our community. It?’s a way to help them learn and understand the "ins and outs" of getting the most enjoyment from our "inner world". The next date for Koffee Klatch will be Thursday, April 14, 2005. Please come join us!

By Linda Lou Fairbanks

?“I have never known any distress that an hour's reading did not relieve.?” ~ Montesquieu

The Library Club members met to review, discuss and select the books to be read for 2005-2006. Rita Lewis prepared the reading lists and ballots for everyone. She always does such an outstanding job researching, writing synopses, and presenting the list. We?’re lucky to have her! After we all read a portion of the proposed books, we then voted and selected the books. Assignments were given for Hostesses as well. If you?’d like to start reading the books in advance of our meetings you will find the list posted under our assigned space on the Clubhouse bulletin board. We take our usual summer hiatus from meetings but not from reading so come along and join us as we all get ready for next season.

The Library does purchase one copy of each of the selected books (from our candy/chips sales). You can contact Rita and she will make arrangements for you to sign books out.

We also had a wonderful discussion on Mitch Albom?’s Five People You Meet in Heaven.
Arlene Harmon and Rita Varney served as hostesses and led us through the various aspects of this compelling and entertaining book. Look for it in the Library if you haven?’t read it already and find out for yourselves why we all enjoyed it so much. Until October, HAPPY READING!!!

By Mike Regan

Congratulations to the following Club Champions: For Men?’s A Division- Ken Hopkins; B Division- Cleve Ballentine; and C Division- Bernie O?’Brien. For the Women?’s Division- Peg Truex.

We held our Annual Golf Banquet on March 21, 2005 in the Clubhouse and presented trophies to the winners of each division. Betty Chase and her Kitchen Krewe again served us an excellent meal!

New officers for the 2005-2006 season were installed. The office of President will be held by Ed Higgins, Vice President is Bert Nauta, Treasurer is Roger LaBerge, Secretary is Barbara Vlick and Coordinator is Bob Fitzgerald. We will continue to golf at Airco through April 2005 as a club.

Our new season is scheduled to begin at Airco on Thursday November 3, 2005. Hope to see you all there!

I wish to thank Pete and Leni Lambert, Roger LaBerge and Marcia Fay for all their help and hard work over the past four years. It has been a joy to golf and serve with all the great people in Parseekers and I am looking forward to another great year in November.

By Jo Waldron

The WINNERS of the park singles, held on February 19,2005 were:
Main Event:
1st place Mary Wright
2nd place Doug Reid
3rd place Bill Fullerton
4th place Cleve Ballentine
1st place Frank Pereira
2nd place Ginger Phillips
3rd place George Luce
4th place Lorraine Boshek
George Luce will be the new name engraved on the Agerholm Trophy. Congratulations to all.
Finishing in the standings in the Blue Sky tournament held March 10 & 11,2005 were:
Class A Consolation
1st place Lenore Helson
3rd place Doreen McGrath
Class B Main Event
2nd place May Kageyama
Class B Consolation
4th place Ruth Healy
Sil Oliveira and Nick Misciagna took 1st place in the Main Event and Tom Solomon and Ed McGrath came in 2nd in Consolation in the Saturday Associated League tournament doubles.
The Friendship I team came in 1st in their league. Congratulations on your great season. Jubilee league is in 2nd place- they still have one game left to play. The rest of the teams finished near the middle of the leagues and hopefully all teams had a good time.

A new slate of officers were elected at the last meeting and will take office at the Wednesday April 6,2005 meeting President- Tom Solomon, Vice-President-George Luce, Secretary- Shirley Wadsworth, and Treasurer- Ginger Phillips.
The Shuffleboard club contributed $150 to the Garden club for their sprinkler system upgrade.

By Valerie Cox

Submitted by Rita Lewis
A woman was waiting at an airport one night,
With several long hours before her flight.
She hunted for a book in the airport shop,
Bought a bag of cookies and found a place to drop.
She was engrossed in her book, but happened to see,
The man beside her as bold as could be,
Grabbed a cookie or two from the bag between.
Which she tried to ignore, to avoid a scene.
She munched cookies and watched the clock.
As the gutsy cookie thief diminished her stock!
She was getting more irritated as the minutes ticked by!
Thinking if she wasn?’t so nice: ?“I?’d blacken his eye!?”
With each cookie she took-He took one too!
When only one was left, she wondered what he would do?
With a smile on his face and a nervous laugh-
He took the last cookie and broke it in half!
He offered her half as he ate the other
She snatched it from him and thought. Oh Brother!
This guy has some nerve and he is also rude,
And he didn?’t even show any gratitude!
She had never known when she had been so galled.
And she sighed with relief, when her flight was called.
She gathered her belongings and headed to the gate.
Refusing to look back at that thieving ingrate!
She boarded the plane and sank in her seat.
Then sought her book, which was almost complete.
As she reached in her bag, she gasped with surprise!
There was her bag of cookies in front of her eyes!
If mine are here she moaned with despair.
Then the others were his, and he tried to share!
Too late to apologize, she realized with grief,
That SHE was the rude one, the ingrate, The THIEF!

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