Andreson St John Neighborhood Meeting February 20, 2008
Neil Chambers was Chairperson for the meeting.
Neil introduced Jim Quintana from C-tran. He discussed a new study that was completed pertaining to the bus stops and the new Transit Center on 99th. Several questions were
answered about our local area and the different routes. He handed out a system map. The web site is
Our new Clark County Deputy Swenson was introduced.
A citizens Academy will held on Wednesdays, 6:30 to 9:30. March 5th through May 7th. It will focus on how the office works involving drug, crime scenes, etc. It is free.
One of the biggest problems in the area now is metal theft.
Theft is occurring at construction sites. Mail thefts are also a problem. Neighborhood Watch programs are one of the ways neighbors can catch these persons. They are encouraged to call 911 if suspicious persons are seen in the area. Cars and car wheels are also a primary source of theft.
We were also advised to call 911 about any park violations and persons in the park after hours.
Neil also discussed the Railroad Crossing in our area. The county has hired a person to start maintaining and businesses are encouraged to start using the rail system.
Forms are available from the Safeway Pharmacy for the Drug Discounts that are being offered by Clark County.
The ongoing problem concerning the traffic light at 63rd and 58th street was discussed. It was decided we should follow up with the Department of Transportation.
The next meeting will be May 29th.
Laverne Nelson, Secretary