Arbor Croft

Arbor Croft BOD Meeting Minutes: 2010 - 2011

Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes

December 14, 2011

  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 6:30 pm by David Tate, HOA President.   Also present were Sharron Stein, Vice President, and Charmaine Stokes, Secretary, as well as Tammy Coppola of Cedar Management. 
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted as written.
  3. Management - The Board reviewed and discussed the financial status report provided by Cedar Management.  It was mentioned that the assessment notice had caused some confusion because it showed information from the previous year.  Tammy said she would review the notice.
  4. Annual Meeting – The annual meeting is planned for just after the holidays, and as we have no permanent meeting location, we agreed to make reservations at the library as we have done in previous years.  There is a fee of approximately $25 for using the library room and there are time constraints based on library hours.  We agreed that this is still our best known option.  The meeting is planned for 6:30 Thursday night, 23 February 2012.   Tammy will make reservations.
  5. Nominations – We are actively soliciting new members for the HOA Board, as David’s term is nearing completion.  Homeowners are encouraged to serve.
  6. Landscape issues – We are working to change the scope of work for the landscaper, to include occasional mowing of the weedy edge of the rural common areas, and to stop mowing of the rock wall, so as to encourage growth in that area to help slow down the erosion.  We also are asking for a price for the landscaper to mow all yards for the convenience of those homeowners who would like those services.  David will explore the options with the landscaper.
  7. Development Completion – The Arbor Croft development has been turned over from the developer, which means the main roads are now the responsibility of the city of Huntersville.    [Action item from previous meeting: Charmaine was charged with contacting DeEtte, who has been in contact with Kevin Fox, to determine whether the HOA Board can provide any assistance.  Status:  Charmaine asked the DCC whether any assistance was needed, but received no response to that particular inquiry, though other information was provided.]
  8. Management – The Board discussed changing the management options.  The Board will provide Cedar with the parameters for services we would like to have or reduce in order to see whether they can provide a new quote for Arbor Croft that includes increased self-management and lower costs.  The Board explained that this is a cost-savings measure, rather than a reflection of Cedar’s performance.  Tammy indicated that she would discuss our parameters with Cedar and get back to us before the January meeting.

The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

The next meeting will be held on 11 Jan 2012 at the residence of David Tate.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes

November 9, 2011

  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 6:00 pm by David Tate, HOA President.   Also present were Sharron Stein, Vice President, and Charmaine Stokes, Secretary.  Martin Stinson, of Community Association Management, attended in order to present information on HOA Management, and departed after presenting that information.
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
  3. Management - The Board discussed the revised budget provided by Cedar Management, and considered our options.  We continued the discussion of ways to prevent an increase in our annual dues.  We reviewed an insurance proposal, and agreed to move our account to a lower-cost provider.
  4. Development Completion – DeEtte Collinge and Kathy Zering comprise the Development Completion Committee.   Action item: Charmaine was charged with contacting DeEtte, who has been in contact with Kevin Fox, to determine whether the HOA Board can provide any assistance.
  5. Landscape – Thanks to the Landscape Committee and all of the volunteers who participated in the successful workday.  Arbor Croft continues to improve with every effort!
  6. Violations.  Please be reminded that, after a warning, we now levy fines for violation of Arbor Croft rules.  These are the most frequent violations brought to the attention of Cedar Management:
    1. Parking - Many of the reported parking violations have been corrected, but we are asking everyone to please continue to park in the approved areas only.  Parking rules can be found on the Arbor Croft web site.
    2. Pets - Pet owners are asked to please pick up pet waste in their yards and in common areas.  Pet waste detracts from the overall pleasant appearance of Arbor Croft, and is a health hazard. 
    3. Trash – Trash containers should be removed from the street after the trash is collected.  Containers left out more than 24 hours are considered a violation.  If you know you cannot retrieve your container, please make arrangements with a neighbor.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

The next meeting will be held on 14 Dec 2011 at the residence of Charmaine Stokes.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes

October 12, 2011

  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 5:30 pm by Sharron Stein, HOA Vice President.   Also present was Charmaine Stokes, Secretary.  David Tate, HOA President, joined the meeting in progress, and was brought up to speed on the earlier discussion.
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
  3. Management - The Board discussed the budget presented by Cedar Management.  We agreed that Cedar’s recommendation to raise the assessment in the coming year is problematic for our community.  We discussed ways we can possibly reduce our expenditures, while maintaining our current level of services.  This discussion will continue next month, but we will need to ratify the budget no later than mid-November.
  4. Speed limit signs – Still to be determined through the city of Huntersville. [From previous meeting:  Sharron will request that the city install signs to deter speeders for us.  We realize this will not be a speedy process.]
  5. 5.       Rock Wall on the curve between Phase 1 and Phase 2 – Still in work.  [From previous meeting:  This wall appears to some in our neighborhood to be a hazard.  A discussion ensued as to the steps that can be taken to ensure safety of our residents and guests, as well as preventing a large out-of-pocket expense for all homeowners if changes are required.  The next step is to discuss our options for the wall with the town of Huntersville, preferably through a face-to-face meeting.   A suggestion was made for some type of temporary barrier to prevent an accident in the gully near the rock wall.  This will be discussed further after the situation with the rock wall is clarified.]
  6. Punch List – Kathy will send the latest Development Completion punch list to the board.
  7. Water availability for the Phase 1 common area will be researched by the Landscaping Committee.  Still awaiting the determination by the Landscaping Committee.  [From previous meeting: Specifically, they will determine what our options/costs would be to tap into the water supply in order to water the plants near the entrance.

The meeting adjourned at 8:30pm.

The next meeting will be held on 12 Oct 2011 at Sharron Stein’s residence.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes


Meeting was opened with a discussion with Kathy Zering, Chair of the Landscaping Committee.  One issue with getting water in the front common area is the possible expense of a backflow regulator, which may be required.  In addition they are working on obtaining the routine monthly expenses fpr water, sewage and storm water, for which we need to budget. 

A poster will be provided at the AC fall social explaining the expenses.  Kathy will ask our current landscaper to mow the common area near the new houses in Phase 2.  Another consideration is the rock wall.  Work Day is planned for on 5 Nov. 

Minutes of the previous meeting

Management Reports.  We need to pay close attention to expenses, as our budget is very tight.

David will follow up on outstanding violations.  

The meeting adjourned at 7:45pm.

The next meeting will be held on October 12, 2011.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 6:30 pm by David Tate.  Present were all board members:  David Tate, president; Sharron Stein, Vice President; Charmaine Stokes, Secretary.  Also present were members of the Development Completion Committee:  DeEtte Collinge and Kathy Zering.  Tammy Coppola represented Cedar Management.
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
  3. Management - The homeowner scheduled for a hearing opted to not attend this meeting.  Instead, it was agreed that any further violations within one year of this meeting would result in automatic levying of fines in accordance with our current procedures.
  4. Speed limit signs – We have been informed that the city of Huntersville will not permit us to erect speed limit signs.  Instead, Sharron will request that the city install signs to deter speeders for us.  We realize this will not be a speedy process.
  5. Rock Wall on the curve between Phase 1 and Phase 2 – This wall appears to some in our neighborhood to be a hazard.  A discussion ensued as to the steps that can be taken to ensure safety of our residents and guests, as well as preventing a large out-of-pocket expense for all homeowners if changes are required.  The next step is to discuss our options for the wall with the town of Huntersville, preferably through a face-to-face meeting.   A suggestion was made for some type of temporary barrier to prevent an accident in the gully near the rock wall.  This will be discussed further after the situation with the rock wall is clarified.
  6. Punch List – Kathy will send the latest Development Completion punch list to the board.
  7. Water availability for the Phase 1 common area will be researched by the Landscaping Committee.  Specifically, they will determine what our options/costs would be to tap into the water supply in order to water the plants near the entrance.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

The next meeting will be held on 14 Sept 2011.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 6:30 pm by David Tate.  Present were all board members:  David Tate, president; Sharron Stein, Vice President; Charmaine Stokes, Secretary.
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
  3. Management- The May management reports were not yet available for review by the board, but the following information was provided: 
    1. Past due notices were sent to those homeowners who have not yet paid their Association dues.
    2. Welcome kits and letters were sent to two new neighbors on Cedar Pond Circle.
    3. Landscaping - The Board discussed landscaping donation requests.  The requests were made because our current budget cannot sustain additions to the currently budgeted allocation for landscaping, and requesting donations seemed to be a reasonable alternative.  The Board decided to request a priority list from the Landscaping Committee to explain to the neighborhood how the budgeted and donated monies will be (or have been) spent.  David will also set up a question-and-answer session, perhaps in the main common area, to provide all neighbors an opportunity to raise landscaping issues or have their questions about the plans answered by the committee.
    4. Southern Turf will place pine straw mulch in our landscaped areas.  We have directed them to stay within our allotted budget for mulch, which may not allow us to mulch all areas.
    5. Thanks to Charles Wagner, who removed the temporary stakes from the planted trees in Arbor Croft.  The trees certainly look better without the supports, and we appreciate the work!
    6. The streetlight that had been painted black has been corrected by the city for a cost of only $30.
    7. Parking issues are being addressed individually by Cedar Management, in accordance with our procedure. 
    8. We discussed the speed bumps in the alley in Phase 1.  Charmaine checked on prices for the speed bumps kits, and found some for about $131 each that we can install.  We are considering options for paying for these kits.
    9. We also discussed signs to limit speeds in Arbor Croft.  Sharron will research sign costs as well as speed limit restrictions/regulations for our development.
    10. The Board agreed that we need to better communicate both intentions and accomplishments for our neighbors.  Our first line of communication will continue to be our Web site, but we need another avenue, too, as some of our neighbors do not have Internet access.  We will work on a way to ensure all neighbors get information.
    11. A sinkhole has formed on the sidewalk in Phase 2 and is being addressed.

The meeting adjourned at 8:00pm.

The next meeting will be held on 10 August 2011.  (The July meeting has been canceled.) 


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes


  1. Call to Order - The meeting of the Arbor Croft Homeowners’ Association was called to order at 6:30 pm by David Tate.  Present were all board members:  David Tate, president; Sharron Stein, Vice President; Charmaine Stokes, Secretary.  In addition, Kathy Zering represented the Landscape Committee.
  2. Minutes - The minutes of the previous meeting were accepted as written.
  3. Newsletter/Website – The Board agreed to ask Jean to manage the Website, posting information and removing old data as needed. 
  4. Management - The Board reviewed the March management reports and there were no unusual or unexpected activities, or unexpected expenses.
  5. Development Punch List
    1. The Punch List is being monitored, so that we do not lose sight of items to be completed before the development is completely turned over, expected late this year. 
    2. DeEtte Collinge and Kathy Zering will confirm the date the streets will be turned over to the City of Huntersville.
    3. We will ask IO construction to remove the cement rather than dispose of it in the common areas.
    4. Speed bumps – Charmaine will research the speed bumps for the alley in Phase 1.
    5. Streetlight – David will check into removing the paint from the street light.
    6. 8.       Top priorities:
      1. Punchlist for Sherwood (DeEtte/Kathy)
      2. Speed bumps (Charmaine)
      3. Landscaping  (Landscape Committee)

The meeting adjourned at 8:15pm.

The next meeting will be held on 11 May 2011.   


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Welcome & Introduction

Call to order was made at 6:45 PM by David Tate, HOA Board President.  Members present:  David Tate, Sharron Stein, Charmaine Stokes.  David and Sharron welcomed Charmaine as the newest HOA Board Member.


The minutes of the previous meeting were reviewed and accepted by all members.


The Board reviewed the new lists of volunteers for the committees at Arbor Croft.  The Board expressed appreciation for all of the volunteers, and determined that since some people were not present at the annual meeting where the sign-ups took place, we would verify that those volunteers were willing and able to serve on the committees.  As soon as the verifications can be made, the committees will be published on the Arbor Croft Web Site.

Board Positions / Roles

Since the HOA Board has changed its composition, the Board discussed the roles for the current members.  David Tate will continue as President.  In addition to his duties as President, David will be the primary liaison to Cedar Management.  Sharron Stein will serve as Vice President, with the responsibility to act in David’s stead, should he be unavailable for any reason.  Charmaine Stokes will serve as Secretary/Treasurer.

January Management Reports

The Board reviewed and discussed the January Management Reports prepared by Cedar Management.  There was no unexpected information in those reports.


The Board discussed ways to continue to conserve funds, such as our current practice of paying recurring expenses in full, rather than in installments, so as to preclude being charged a fee for the installments.  We will continue to look for these types of savings for our community.

2011 Top Priorities

In order to focus our energies where the majority of our neighbors feel our community needs the most work, the Board delineated our top priorities for 2011, in part based on the discussions at the February Annual Meeting.  Please note that though the Board selected three top priorities, we will continue to address other issues in our community as they arise.  The priorities are as follows:

  1. Punch list that remains for developer to complete.
  2. Speed limit signage and road humps
  3. Landscaping in common areas

Recent community violations

The HOA Board reviewed the most recent set of violations as reported to Cedar Management.  The most common violations include speeding, parking, and animal control issues.  Each issue is handled separately and confidentially.

Arbor Croft Web Site

The Board noted that our Web Site is out of date and needs to be updated.  Jean Patterson agreed to help with that update, and we appreciate her help!

Development Completion

The HOA Board discussed the various items needed to complete our development before the developer relinquishes responsibility and leaves our neighborhood.  We agreed to hold a separate discussion with the Development Completion Committee.

New Business

The Board discussed reviewing our options regarding the management company.  We will work to determine how to get the best return on our investment and ensure the best management possible for our community.  We have not made any definitive decisions in this matter, but are simply exploring options.


The meeting was adjourned at 7:55 PM.





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other Attendees: Melissa Ralston Wynn (Cedar Mgmt)


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from November HOA meeting 
  • Reviewed and approved November Financials 
  • Reviewed and approved 2011 Annual Assessment increase and letters


New Business:

  • Discussed other landscaping offer to match Southern Turf. Need to look at contract to see expiration date for renegotiation
  • Need to finalize budget for 2011 – finalize and send to Cedar after January board meeting
  • Melissa to check cost of collections action
  • Allocate increase in annual assessments to reserve funds
  • Need to find Board replacement for Jean by end of February
  • Discussed current HOA violations
    • Reviewed Cedar Management and Arbor Croft process for Covenant and Rules Violations.  Discussed with Cedar Management and established incident violation fees for the following (January 2011 Board will notify residents and be included in the community news letter): Graduated fines (beyond third letter and board hearing - $10, $20, $30 cumulative) to be implemented after HOA Annual Board Meeting (2/24/2011).
      • Parking
      • Speeding
      • Landscaping
  • Sharron to begin exploring creation and installation of community speed limit signs. 
    • David and Sharron will meet to discuss the design of the speed limit signs for the community.


  • Plan next community clean-up day
    • Potential timeframe for consideration by Landscaping Committee will be in the spring.


  • Reviewed development watch items
    • The curb separation problem in Phase II – repairs done again in Nov - watch
    • Phase II common area improvements – delayed until spring
    • Road sign replacement (Dogwood alley)
    • Plan for Developer turnover of roads to city
    • Removal of remaining silt fencing


Meeting adjourned



Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other attendees:  Tim Stein 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from October HOA meeting 
  • Reviewed and approved October management reports.  Approved additional funds to complete common area in phase two. 


New Business:

  • Discussed current HOA violations
  1. Reviewed Cedar Management and Arbor Croft process for Covenant and Rules Violations.  Follow-ups, as necessary, with Cedar Management planned
  2.  January 2011 Board will notify residents of established incident violation fees for the following: Parking, Speeding, Landscaping
  • Sharron to begin exploring creation and installation of community speed limit signs. David and Sharron will meet to discuss the design of the speed limit signs for the community.
  • Discussed future development of vacant lots 36, 37,38.
  • Annual dues

o        Board voted unanimously to increase the annual assessment for each Class “A” Home Site by 10% effective January 1, 2011 in accordance with Article V, Section 3 of the Arbor Croft Covenants and Restrictions.  The effective annual assessment will be $292.82 – Send information to new developer of 3 back lots. Candi Ponczka.


  • Planning for next community clean-up day

o        Potential timeframe for consideration by Landscaping Committee will be in the spring.


  • Reviewed development watch items

o        The curb separation problem in Phase II – repairs in progress

o        Phase II common area improvements – in progress

o        Road sign replacement (Dogwood alley)

o        Plan for Developer turnover of roads to city

o        Removal of remaining silt fencing


Meeting adjourned


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from September HOA meeting 
  • Reviewed and approved August and September management reports 


New Business:

  • Discussed current HOA violations
    • Reviewed Cedar Management and Arbor Croft process for Covenant and Rules Violations
    • Follow-ups, as necessary, with Cedar Management planned 
    • Board decided to look at developing fine schedules for specific violations, specifically:
      • Parking
      • Speeding
      • Landscaping
      • Sharron to begin exploring creation and installation of community speed limit signs.  Update to be shared at future Board meeting


  • Annual dues
    • Board voted unanimously to increase the annual assessment for each Class “A” Home Site by 10% effective January 1, 2011 in accordance with Article V, Section 3 of the Arbor Croft Covenants and Restrictions.  The effective annual assessment will be $292.82


  • Planning for next community clean-up day
    • Potential dates for consideration by Landscaping Committee include 11/13 and 11/20


  • Reviewed development watch items
    • The curb separation problem in Phase II – repairs in progress
    • Phase II common area improvements – in progress
    • Road sign replacement (Dogwood alley)
    • Plan for Developer turnover of roads to city
    • Removal of remaining silt fencing


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from August HOA meeting 
  • No issues with August financials 


New Business:

  • Reviewed current property management reports and July financials
    • 2 HO in collections
    • Discussed HOA violations – David to contact Cedar Management
    • Sharon to discuss putting a bench at the front of neighborhood with Landscape Committee
    • Need to look at developing fines for specific violations


  • Planning for next newsletter:
    • Board to coordinate with the newsletter committee on developing the next newsletter as soon as possible.  Invite Jennifer to October Board meeting
    • Request that the newsletter committee attend Board meetings once a quarter going forward


  • Development Watch Items
    • The curb separation problem in Phase II (across from lots #39, #48) has become an issue again – Developer is aware no progress by 8/15; Luesa also aware. No road turnover until fixed; David to follow up with Developer and LUESA.
    • Phase II common area improvements to be scheduled for late September – David contacted Southern Turf for new estimate.
    • David will contact Developer about road sign replacement (Dogwood alley), turnover of roads to city, and removal of remaining silt fencing.


  • General Watch Areas
    • Noise complaints in both phases
    • Parking in the wrong direction noted in front of several residences recently
    • Dogs not on leash


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from July HOA meeting 


New Business:

  • Reviewed current property management reports and July financials
    • Discussed HOA violations – David to contact Cedar Management


  • Planning for next newsletter:
    • Board to coordinate with the newsletter committee on developing the next newsletter as soon as possible.  Jean to meet with Jennifer
    • Request that the newsletter committee attend Board meetings once a quarter going forward


  • Development Watch Items
    • The curb separation problem in Phase II (across from lots #39, #48) has become an issue again – Developer is aware will happen week ending 8/15
    • Phase II common area improvements to be scheduled for late August/early September
    • David will contact Developer about road sign replacement (Dogwood alley), turnover of roads to city, and removal of remaining silt fencing.


  • General Watch Areas
    • Noise complaints in both phases
    • Parking in the wrong direction noted in front of several residences recently
    • Dogs not on leash


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein, David Tate

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from June HOA meeting 


New Business:

  • Reviewed current property management reports and June financials
    • Several delinquencies noted and requested letters sent by Cedar Management
    • June financial reports continue to show expenses tracking according to budget


  • Planning for next newsletter:
    • Though a flyer has recently been dropped in all boxes reminding everyone of our Parking rules and the need to keep driving speeds under 20 mph, there is still a need to send out a community newsletter soon to provide updates on several topics, including:
      • Welcome new babies/neighbors
      • Reporting parking violators – need to report tag numbers and provide a picture if possible
      • Speed in neighborhood
      • Budget update
      • New in-home daycare service coming this August
      • Loose dogs
      • Board to coordinate with the newsletter committee on developing the next newsletter as soon as possible.
      • Request that the newsletter committee attend Board meetings once a quarter going forward


  • Development Watch Items
    • The curb separation problem in Phase II (across from lots #39, #48) has become an issue again – Developer is aware
    • Bike lane installation along McCord
    • Drainage grate near entrance stopped up with mud – Developer is aware
    • Noise complaints in both phases
    • Parking in the wrong direction noted in front of several residences recently
    • Phase II common area improvements to be scheduled for late August/early September


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes


Board attendees: Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein,

Other attendees:  Iris Esguerra 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from May HOA meeting 


New Business:

  • Review of current financials
    • Expenses continue tracking according to budget - monthly insurance payments no longer show up as a monthly expense. 
    • 30-day notice letters should have gone out 1st of July for deliquent; then 15-day demand letters; forgive 2 late fees from 2009


  • General Updates:
    • General updates to the AC Handbook done. 
    • Reviewed topics for next newsletter – July 1stTBD
      • Speed in neighborhood
      • Welcome new babies/neighbors
      • Reminder of parking rules – tag numbers, pictures
      • Budget update
      • New in-home daycare service coming this August
      • Loose dogs


  • Outstanding Development Needs
    • The following have been identified as outstanding development issues that need to be addressed with the Developer:
      • Missing stop sign in Phase I (in alley way beside Lot #13)
      • Missing street sign in Phase I (also beside Lot #13)
      • Much of the old silt fence remains and needs removal
      • Need an ETA on when streets are being turned over to City since speed bumps cannot be installed until after the City has control.


  • Southern Turf
    • Voted on Phase II common area improvements – two loads of dirt, no berm, grade and seed for approximately $600
    • Flowers at front were planted


  • Architectural Notes
    • Storm door out of compliance; no ARC Request
    • Porch railings; fences need staining/painting
    • Walked through the neighborhood to show Iris some of the issues


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



 Board attendees: David Tate, Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from April HOA meeting 


New Business:


  • Review of current financials
    • Expenses continue tracking according to budget with the exception of monthly insurance payments which will no longer show up as a monthly expense.  At our request, Cedar has paid the full year premium in the month of April in order to save monthly processing fees.
    • Several homeowners will outstanding dues will be sent 30-day notice letters if not paid before June


  • General Updates:
    • Jean has updated and posted a new phone list as of 5/18
    • General updates to the AC Handbook are needed.  David to remove committee names and links from the document so that it has a longer “shelf life.” David will post the updated handbook to the website once completed.
    • Reviewed topics for next newsletter.  David to coordinate with Jennifer Edwards on timing for the next newsletter.
      • Speed in neighborhood
      • Welcome new babies/neighbors
      • Reminder of parking rules
      • Budget update
      • New in-home daycare service coming this August


  • Outstanding Development Needs
    • The following have been identified as outstanding development issues that need to be addressed with the Developer:
      • Missing stop sign in Phase I (in alley way beside Lot #13)
      • Missing street sign in Phase I (also beside Lot #13)
      • Much of the old silt fence remains and needs removal
      • Need an ETA on when streets are being turned over to City since speed bumps cannot be installed until after the City has control.


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: David Tate, Jean Patterson  (Sharron Stein on vacation)

Other attendees:  None 


Old Business:

  • Reviewed and approved minutes from March HOA meeting 
  • Speed bumps

-       Per our request, Cedar has checked into the progress of our 2009 request to be placed on the “speed bump” request list with Huntersville.  Unfortunately, no further progress can be made until the Developer officially turns over the roads to Huntersville for upkeep.  For now, there is no timeframe for installing speed bumps in the development.  David to follow up with Developer on this process and get an expected timeframe.

  • Reserves 

-       As was discussed in March, a Business Savings accounts is the most feasible potential opportunity to place reserve funds and generate interest.  However, the minimum opening amount of $3,000 is a bit more than we had anticipated.  Additional options will continue to be researched, including area credit unions.


New Business:


  • Review of February & March financials
    • Jean and David reviewed the latest draft of the monthly expense tracking spreadsheet which should make identifying monthly expense variances easier to spot.
    • So far this year, expenses are tracking according to budget with the exception of monthly insurance payments.  These are slightly higher per month than expected.  David will reach out to Cedar to see if this is accurate, if the budget needs to be updated, or if there is an opportunity to go ahead and pay the yearly premium to save some money.
    • An invoice from Southern Turf for the recent pine needle application was received and will be approved for payment.  The invoice amount was considerably less than the budgeted amount because the per bale price was negotiated down to $6.25 (versus $7.00 in 2009).


  • Phase II Common Area Planned Improvements
    • Southern Turf has provided an estimate for a number of potential landscape improvements to the Phase II Common Area.  For economical reasons, the most likely of projects involves simply dumping and spreading two loads of dirt in the area, seeding the area and covering it with straw.  However, no immediate action will be taken until the fall since no good means for watering is presently available.
  • Management contract renewal
    • An updated management contract for 12 months beginning March 1, 2010 has been provided by Cedar.  After reviewing the document, it was agreed that that the new contract should be approved.  David will send approval to Cedar Management right away.


  • Website updates
    • Jean has recently updated the Committee pages to reflect the new members who volunteered during the Annual Meeting.


Meeting adjourned





Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: David Tate, Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein

Other attendees:  Iris Esguerra (Cedar Management), Nick DeWitt, Danielle Pietrocarlo


Old Business:

  • Approved minutes from Annual HOA meeting


New Business:


  • Request from Nick DeWitt and Danielle Pietrocarlo to start an in-home child care service

-       Danielle presented details of her planned service that she plans to start offering in August.  State and City guidelines will apply, as follows

  • The day care operation must be located within the residential dwelling unit occupied by the operator of the service.
  • Preschool instruction and daytime care is limited to 6 children not related to the operator.
  • Child Day Care Homes must be licensed by the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Play space must be provided in accordance with the regulations of the NC Department of Health and Human Services.
  • Outdoor play space must be fenced or otherwise enclosed on all sides and may not include driveways, parking areas, or land otherwise unsuited for children’s play space; it is prohibited in any established building setback from a street.
  • Chain link and similar fencing materials shall be planted on exterior side with evergreen shrubs minimum 3 feet in height and 6 feet on center at installation, or be obscured by a comparable screening treatment.
  • A day care home must be clearly incidental to the residential use of the dwelling and must not change the essential residential character of the dwelling; all building and lot standards for residential dwellings shall be maintained.
  • There are not specific limitations on the hours of operation of Day Care Home, but no outdoor play shall be permitted after sun down.

-       Danielle provided the Board copies of her application for zoning use permit submitted to the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Building Standards Department and the Mecklenburg County Land Use and Environmental Services Agency.

-       Danielle also indicated there would be no signage on the property indicating the service.  Word-of-mouth will be the primary means of advertising the business, and possibly the neighborhood newsletter or website, if needed, though she already has enough interest that may not be necessary.

-       Board approved the request, contingent on the following:

  • A copy of current license will be provided to Board and will be made available upon request


  • Budget Review

-       Expenses tracking as scheduled

-       Sharron and David will work together to build a monthly tracking spreadsheet so we can better manage expenses against forecasts.


  • Financial Reserves

-       Cedar and Board discussed various options available through First Citizens Bank and Wells Fargo, primarily, but continued research will be needed in this area.  The best option appears to be a business savings account that can be opened with $3,000 and earns 1% back.

-       Board also discussed the need to raise dues next year (in accordance with the guidelines (Article V, Section 3 of Covenants and Restrictions) in order to more quickly build reserves for future needs (i.e., paving of alleys, tree replacements, etc.)


  • General Issues

-       Cedar noted that it is sending Welcome Kits to new residents, but the Board was unfamiliar with what is included in the kit.  Iris will provide a copy of the current welcome kit to the Board to have on file.

-       Board requested that Cedar check on the progress of our earlier request to have speed bumps installed throughout the neighborhood.  Iris to follow up with the Town of Huntersville.

-       Board noted that our current contract with Cedar has expired.  Iris to follow up with a new contract for the Board to review.


  • Landscaping

-       Pine needle application in common areas is needed.  Jean and David offered to obtain prices for pine needle delivery and potential installation.  Landscaping committee to help determine whether we use residents to help install the pine needles or use a service.


  • Community Spruce Up Day

-       Tim and Sharron Stein to drop flyers at all houses promoting the clean-up day on March 27.  Additional email reminders will also be sent out before the event.


  • Website

-       It was noted that some of the information about committees is no longer accurate and needs to be updated.  However, because it was added by Mimi Hancock (no longer a resident), we may need to have the hosting service help.

-       Jean offered to follow up with either Mimi and/or the hosting service


  • Newsletter inputs

-       Potential features for upcoming issue:

  • Upcoming work days planned
  • Welcome to new neighbors
  • Welcome to new babies
  • Development update
  • Accomplishments
    • Holes-in-one
    • Recent retirements
  • Upcoming Board meetings/events
  • 2010 budget updates


Meeting adjourned




Homeowners Association

2010 Annual Meeting Minutes



Welcome & Introduction

Call to order was made at 7:00 PM by David Tate, HOA Board President.  David and Jean Patterson, HOA Board Vice President, welcomed all homeowners and introduced Sharron Stein, HOA Board Secretary and representatives from Cedar Management: Rob Finger, Iris Esguerra and Brittany.

2009 Accomplishments

Jean presented general 2009 accomplishments, including:

  • Created an Arbor Croft website
    • 2010 Board meeting dates and locations as well as minutes from recent meetings
    • Arbor Croft Handbook, CCRs and By-laws, Architectural approval forms and other important information is located there for residents
    • Website was updated in August to a new format.
    • Welcome Committee
    • Neighborhood Watch Committee
    • Newsletter Committee
  • Made great progress on finishing the Development
    • Completed items:
      • Sidewalks and curbs
      • Trees installed per approved plan
        • Final 14 currently being planted
        • Street signs with block numbers installed
        • Asphalt overlay poured in Phase I and Phase II asphalt repairs completed
        • Large mound of dirt on lots 36 & 37 stabilized
          • Drainage to be modified
    • Outstanding items:
      • Bike Lane on McCord Road
      • Removal of silt fence and tree protection fence and posts
      • Repair of curb and bank in Phase II that was damaged due to water line break
        • Fixed by Developer in the fall but cracked again
        • Developer to add French drain the length of the cave-in area and reshape the bank as soon as weather permits
    • Parking rules were submitted to the Town of Huntersville on our behalf
    • Arbor Croft has been placed on the Town of Huntersville’s waiting list for speed bumps
      • Residents asked to report speeders by dialing 311 or 911
    • Common area in Phase II has been initially graded
    • Arbor Croft logo has been recreated for use on signage and letterhead
    • Common area signs created and installed
  • Created 3 new Committees
  • Other Accomplishments:


Landscape Committee Update: Tim Stein, Chairman, presented 2009 accomplishments and 2010 goals for the committee.  Highlights included:

  • Good progress made during several community work days, including installation of signs around community and clean-up in needed areas.
  • Following are projects which the committee believes are important for continued aesthetic appeal of the community:
    • Completion of the new sidewalk area at the front.  This will include dressing the edges of the sidewalk (seed/straw) and dressing the area near the end closest to the marquee.  Drainage is an issue as the area on the inside now has a low point which forms an 8 foot puddle and the drainpipe under the road is covered and clogged. Work to be completed by company who installed sidewalk.
    • Front flower beds.  It was decided that it is very cumbersome for committee members and community volunteers to water these by hand.  We discussed what might be planted which would suit the area, be heat tolerant and last.  Current annuals are not looking too good.  Will be coordinated with landscaper.
    • Central common area continued updates.  We want to continue the process of sprucing the central common areas both in the front and in Phase II.  Dressing the area right along the woods may include removing brush, applying a border of pine straw, possibly adding some plants etc.  Currently this work is not budgeted so it will be self funded with donations and sweat equity.
    • Last year we had an onslaught of new ant mounds throughout the community, particularly the common areas. They are a danger and nuisance to humans and pets.  We discussed treating these to reduce and eventually eliminate this issue. Committee will buy treatment at Lowes and complete.
    • There are still a couple of signs which need to be installed.  This will be completed soon.
    • Cement waste removal.  The large chunks of waste cement which were thrown over the bank in phase II common area are a hazard and eye sore.  They need to be removed. 
    • Dressing of marquee.  Researching paint to freshen up.
    • Completion of tree planting. 
      • It was discussed that the newly installed trees have a one-year guarantee on them.  Care of trees is responsibility of the homeowner given the fact that they were installed according to the development plan and were intended to be part of the lot.
    • Marquee lighting. Solar lights for illumination at night are being researched.
  • The committee has scheduled a community work day for Saturday, March 27th beginning at 8am.  Details will be sent out to the community so residents who wish to participate can put on calendar.  Project focus to be determined.  Another work day will follow a little later in the spring most likely in the fall as well.
  • The committee has also discussed funding for projects not covered by landscape contract and not included in budget.  The idea of submitting a community wide request for donations which would be used solely for landscape projects was discussed.  We know there are a number of residents already committed to this.  In addition we want to make sure all necessary work which falls under current contract will be competed and in a timely manner.
  • Last but not least, we would welcome additions to the landscape committee if anyone has ideas and would like to serve.  Please email or call!


Architectural Committee Update:  Troy Griffin provided a brief update indicating that few requests were received in 2009 and the process for ARC approvals is working smoothly.  Currently, the Architectural Committee is made up of only Troy and Charmaine Stokes, so additional volunteers would be welcome.


Social Committee Update:  DeEtte Collinge summarized some of the key committee events in 2009, including:

  • Annual Picnic in late summer at DeEtte’s residence had good attendance despite threatening weather
  • Halloween “Boo” greetings were a hit and will be repeated this coming October
  • Holiday walk was again a success last December

The committee has plans to throw a “Development Completion” party in the spring, likely at the Phase I Common Area.


Cedar Management Update:  Iris Esguerra, our new primary Cedar Management representative, provided a summary of key 2009 accomplishments, including:

  • Renegotiation of insurance contract, migrating to Nationwide, saved over $600 in costs that were projected in 2009
  • Renegotiation of landscape contract, extending the term through the fall of 2010, saved another $700

At the request of the Landscape Committee, Cedar also offered to research the landscaper that Northstone uses to determine if any economies of scale could be gained.

2010 Goals & Priorities

David Tate highlighted the key goals and priorities the Board would champion in 2010 and solicited additional input from homeowners.  Key items discussed included:

  1. Overseeing the final development completion items with the Developer
    1. Removal of silt fence
    2. Repair of curb and bank in Phase II
  2. Better lighting throughout the community
  3. Lighting for the front marquee sign
  4. Beautification and landscaping the Common Area in Phase II
  5. Beautification of the edges of the community and Rural Area between Phases I and II
  6. Working with the Landscape Committee to determine the best approach for having pine needles installed around the trees/rocks in the community
    1. Landscaper or Community Volunteers
  7. Building Cash Reserves

Discussion/Ratification of 2010 Budget

Discussion and ratification of 2009 budget was led by David Tate.  Actual expenses from 2009 were compared against the 2009 budget, and then the 2010 budget was presented.  It was noted that the 2010 assessments will remain at the same level as 2009.  Additional $800 allocated to the 2010 Landscaping line item to cover pine needle application and/or other special projects deemed appropriate.  A positive variance of $118 between budgeted income of $12,878.00 and budgeted expenses of $12,760 is expected.  This amount will be added to Reserves from previous years, which stands at $4,528 as of December 31, 2009.


It was noted that Cedar Management is currently researching savings options that would allow for interest income to be earned on some portion of this reserve amount set aside by Arbor Croft. 


A motion was made by David to vote on the budget and a show of hands was made for those opposed.  No opposition was made and the 2010 Arbor Croft HOA budget was ratified as presented.


Nomination/Election of New Board Member:


Rob Finger from Cedar Management stated that Sharron Stein had been nominated for the open Board of Directors seat for a 3 year term.  Rob opened the floor to further nominations.  Having heard no further nominations from the floor, Sharron was unanimously voted in and will assume the new board position at the close of the Annual Meeting. 




The meeting was adjourned at 8:15 PM.


Monthly HOA Board Meeting Minutes



Board attendees: David Tate, Jean Patterson, Sharron Stein

Other attendees:  Tim Stein


Old Business:

  • Reviewed minutes from November meeting

New Business:

  •  Development Completion

-   Trees have been installed with the exception of several that may have been overlooked.  David to follow up with landscaper to determine if additional trees need to be installed.

-   David will also get a price for the landscaper to place pine needles around the remaining trees in the neighborhood for comparison purposes.  However, at the annual meeting, we will try to gauge interest in residents purchasing pine needles and spreading them in needed areas during a spring community clean-up day as a way to save costs.


  • Landscaping

-    Tim Stein, representing the Landscaping Committee, noted that several folks have decided to drop off the committee and new volunteers will be needed for 2010.  He is planning to draft an email to the neighborhood that the Board will send on his behalf.

-    David noted some recent clean-up to the Phase II common area and hill along the side of Cedar Pond Circle between the phases on which he and Don Davis completed.  Additional clean-up of weeds and underbrush along the edges of the Rural area are planned as time permits.  A community clean-up day in the spring would be helpful to make some fast progress before growing season.


  • Web site

-    David or Jean to update the Arbor Croft web site with 2010 Board meeting dates and locations as well as minutes from recent meetings.  Other general updates may be made as well.


  • Newsletter

-    Prior to the last Board meeting, Jennifer Edwards submitted her resignation from the Newsletter committee.  After further discussions, Jennifer has agreed to re-join the committee and assist in producing a quarterly newsletter going forward, beginning in spring 2010.  David Tate will join her on the committee.


  • General

-    Cedar Management has begun producing an e-Newsletter that the Board will forward to residents soon.  Those interested in subscribing to the e-newsletter will be able to do so via a link at the bottom of the email.

-    Sharron Stein has been nominated by the Board to continue serving on the HOA Board beginning in 2010.  This nomination will be proposed and voted on at the upcoming annual HOA meeting.

-    In preparation for the upcoming annual HOA meeting, Sharron will contact all the Arbor Croft committees to request 2009 updates and future plans from each during the meeting.

-    Jean Patterson brought up a potential community recycling opportunity through an organization called Recycle Bank that will be forwarded to the Social Committee in order to gauge interest.


Meeting adjourned 

Posted by arborcroft on 03/07/2011
Last updated on 01/10/2012
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