Homeowners Meeting - 9/26/13
We have held one Homeowners Meeting to discuss issues in our neighborhood. This meeting was initiated by Tyler McGrady. Several items were on the agenda and discussed. A sign-up sheet shows 16 homeowners and Keith Henderson in attendance. These were the Agenda items discussed:
Existing Problems
- Clubhouse Air Conditioning - This problem had already been fixed.
- Entrance Maintenance - There was some discussion about having a work day to trim hedges, plant flowers, and do some general maintenance.
- Clubhouse Maintenance - The clubhouse needs to be painted. Mr. henderson said he would provide paint and supplies for this. The fence is rusting. This was discussed, but no decision on what to do aobut it.
- Sidewalk/Roadway Maintenance - The gutter at the corner of Loxley Lane and Hildestone Way was discussed. It is falling in and needs repair. Jeff Garner was trying to contact our Councilman. (This has since been repaired and the cost is on our assessment Feb. thru April.) Resurfacing the streets has to be done before the city will take over maintenance of streets. This is why they would not do this repair. Resurfacing is usually done when a neighborhood is complete enough for the developer to turn it over to a neighborhood association. The covenants , in Exhibit C, state that this is the neighborhood responsibility.
- General Grounds Keeping
Suggested Solutions
- Neighborhood work days and team approach to lessen workload
- Quarterly meetings/email discussions
- Establishing neighborhood officers
- Yearly party to encourage involvement
- Funding - Raising dues was mentioned. Keith Henderson discussed that the bills are received in one month, divided by the number of lots, and billed to us for the next month. He said anyone is welcome to see the records. If homeowners don't pay their monthly dues, the bills still have to be paid.
Additional items that weren't on the agenda were discussed. The cleanliness of the pool was discussed and a new pool person has been hired. The new person has since repaired the pump and has been keeping the water clear. Hopefully this will continue in the summer months. The new person hired was recommended by Elaine Church. If you find a problem there, please let me know and I will personally talk to him.