Arden Park

SRP Power Poles Update

Posted in: Montefino Village

    Ocotillo Community Association 




Dear Residents and




The Ocotillo Community
      Association has been in regular contact with SRP, as well as the City of
      Chandler and Intel, regarding the critical issue of the siting of the 230
      kV power lines and the location of substations 27 and 28.  There has
      not been any new information in the past couple of months, but we are
      excited to share the following email correspondence from Janeen Rohovit,
      of SRP, dated 9/9/13:




      you know, the SRP project team began working with the Gila River Indian
      Community (the Community) in early 2012 to explore options for locating a
      new transmission line on Community land.  We continue to work
      diligently with the Community and some progress has been reached
      regarding a possible route alternative for the Price Road Corridor 230kV
      transmission line. 




The Community has begun meeting with
      the allotted land owners to provide information about the project.
      Together, SRP and the Community have developed a route alternative that
      crosses both Community land and land owned by allotted land owners. 
      The Community provided consent to share a general map of that proposed
      route at this stage of their process.  That map is being posted on
      our web page at this




      note, the Community proposed route is simply an additional
      alternative.  SRP is not announcing additional route elimination at
      this time. 




      Community is working through the federal National Environmental Policy
      Act (NEPA); a process conducted via the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA),
      to permit this route. Please note this is an extensive process involving
      coordination with the Community, BIA and the allotted landowners.




      always, I am happy to address any questions ---








This new proposed route
      is encouraging and favorable to the interests of the residents of
      Ocotillo, however, this is another proposed




The only other route
      that is acceptable is immediately adjacent to Old Price Road.  In
      concert with this decision substation 28 must be located along Old Price
      Road to utilize Intel's existing buildings and fully shield the
      substation from Dobson Road and the Ocotillo community. As of 9/10/13 SRP
      has told us they are not yet firm on the substation sites.




Just as in the past, your diligence and determination is
      needed.  It is imperative that
      your voices be heard by SRP.  Please continue to send in comment
      forms as the substation locations and associated pole lines will have a
      profound effect on our community if located inside our boundary.




Thank you for the tireless efforts of all of you who have
      been, and continue to be, involved in this process!  The OCA Board
      remains committed to protecting the interests of the residents and
      businesses of Ocotillo. Teamwork
      divides the task and multiplies the success.






Mike Palermo, President


On behalf of


The Ocotillo Community



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