Argyle Area Civic Council

Minutes and Highlights of 2003

Highlights of 2003

HOB NOB & Candidate Forum with Straw Ballot Sat., 3-15-03
WALGREENS at Argyle Forest Blvd & Rampart Rd - WITHDRAWN 5-15-03
Alberta Hipps Appreciation Ceremony - Thursday, August 21, 2003
AACC By-Laws v5 - Approved November 20, 2003.

Minutes of 2003

Minutes from the Thursday, January 16, 2003 AACC Meeting

President Ken Bible called the meeting to order at 7:30 pm.

In Attendance Were:
In attendance of the January 2003 AACC Meeting:
Roberta Clark, Kathy Beck, Renae Waldkirch, Lori Grieder, Andy Rial, Steve White, Ed Franks, Richard Darby, Garland Swanson, John Draper, David Morris, Wilma Schnell, Elise Nelson, Bob Nelson, Michael Corrigan, Allen Durant, David Reagan, David Hodges, Bill Lewis, Marie Splane, Kenneth Bible, Steve Hinkle, Phillip Sessions,
Sgt. Renckley - Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Lt. C.A. Wall - Jacksonville Sheriff's Office, Jim Kelly – Clay Today, Pat McGovern – Clay County Commissioner, Sgt. Jeff Johnson – Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Lt. Jack E. Clanton, – Clay County Sheriff’s Office,

1. Area Crime Reports
Officers from Duval County and Clay County reported these statistics.
For 2002, the top five locations for arrests in the Argyle area have been:

6001 Argyle Forest Boulevard, 45 arrests
6099 Youngerman Circle, 21 arrests
6107 Youngerman Circle, 19 arrests
6710 Collins Road, 11 arrests
6000 Lake Gray Boulevard, 11 arrests

20 percent of the arrests have come on Youngerman Circle; 46 of those arrests were juveniles. 329 arrests were made in Zone 4; only 100 of those arrested lived in this area. There has been a big increase in burglaries to vehicles, and many of these are crimes of opportunity, i.e., packages in plain sight, cell phones, doors unlocked, garage doors left open. Garage door openers are visible on automobile visors and burglaries to homes have happened by thieves stealing the garage door opener and gaining entrance to residences. You are encouraged to engrave identifying numbers on things of value.

Criminal activity involving drugs has been reported in the Youngerman Circle area around the hotels.

Oak Leaf Plantation: Crimes involving the bulldozers and tractors at the construction areas have been reported, which is expected to get worse as construction increases. Thefts of appliances have been reported in other neighborhoods under construction as well.

Law enforcement reemphasized that citizens need to call in and make reports when they observe suspicious activity in their neighborhood; tag numbers are extremely helpful.

The AACC plans to have a standing report on crime in our area from Duval County/Clay County law enforcement officers; it is hoped that the fire departments will also contribute to this monthly report.

The I-295 and Collins Road interchange has been approved. The search for funding is under way.

Wells Road Connector: There will be a meeting with Clay County near the end of January; support from Clay County is dwindling.

Cleveland Connector update: Construction would come across from the south end of Cheswick to Brannan Field/ Chaffee Road in the first leg. This project is in the preliminary design and engineering phase, so funds have not yet been identified.

Dangerous intersections: The Transportation Committee has spoken to JTA about putting in some temporary traffic lights at the intersections of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Shindler, and Collins Road and Shindler, while the road widening project is going on. The traffic gets very backed up at these intersections and we have seen some serious accidents of late.

Another idea that will be discussed with the JTA will be the possibility of extending Shindler Road south along the power company right-of-way to the Cheswick Oak/Staples Mill area.

The Collins Road and Argyle Forest improvements are still on track.

The widening of Argyle Forest Boulevard at the shopping center entrance is still in limbo due to water run-off problems. It appears that AFB will have to be raised between six and eight feet.

Collins and Blanding intersection: The widening was to have started in November; hasn’t started yet.

I-295 and Blanding intersection: This is supposed to be bid this month with construction to start in March. Whether this project has gone out for bid is not known.

Argyle Forest Boulevard sound barrier: JTA says that they will not build the sound barriers; City of Jacksonville can do it if they want to.

There has been tentative approval of a tack shop to be built near the Equestrian Center at Cecil Field.
Discussions have been held with a financial institution about coming into this area; also, a bakery and a couple of restaurants, perhaps a Hardee’s and a Starbucks. With 21,000 new homes slated for construction, it is felt that these businesses will be thriving.

The communications committee is currently sending out about 600 emails. It is hoped that the communications committee can assist the Duval County/Clay County Joint Task Force (law enforcement) by offering to email information that the Task Force would like the area residents to be aware of.

Website: Six new pictures have been added showing what the new Argyle Branch Library (Duval county) will look like.

Any suggestions for additions to the website are welcomed.

David Reagan is trying to organize a monthly meeting of all the presidents of the Homeowners Associations and Neighborhood Associations in the Argyle area, as well as the existing area business owners/representatives. A meeting space has been secured.

AACC has been contacting the Planning and Development Department several times a week to find out what activities have been taking place. It appears that Sleiman Enterprises is planning to go ahead with this building. John Draper will be requesting that the city readvertise as soon as revised plans by the developer are resubmitted.

7. 501 (c) (3) STATUS:
No report as of yet.


1. Candidate questionnaire and forum:
Bill Lewis moved that a candidate questionnaire be created to be sent out to the District 14 and At-Large Member city council candidates. Motion seconded and carried.

Bill Lewis moved that a candidate forum be created for the March Argyle Area Civic Council meeting, to include district 14 candidates, at-large candidates, mayoral candidates and constitutional officers. Motion seconded. Discussion. Motion carried.

2. Grant Writing:
Renae Waldkirch moved that the Grant Writing Committee be established as a standing committee. Motion seconded and carried.
The grant committee has had its first meeting and is exploring grant opportunities and needs.

3. Bylaws:
Bill Lewis moved that a committee be established to amend the AACC bylaws. Motion seconded. After discussion, the motion carried.

4. The Bentcreek Homeowners Association annual meeting will be held February 11, at the Catholic Church on 103rd Street opposite the entrance to Bent Creek. They have asked that AACC members support them by attending their annual meeting.

5. Clay County Residents Forum on Sales Tax Hike.
David Reagan is organizing a forum with Mr. Owens and the School Board of Clay County to talk about the proposed sales tax hike. This has been tentatively set for February 13th.

6. Argyle area newspaper:
Jim Kelly, writer for the Clay Today newspaper, presented an Argyle-area prototype newspaper that will be published exclusively for the Argyle area. 6,000 copies will be distributed. Jim is looking for area correspondents who would like to contribute articles to the newspaper. Jim can be contacted at the Clay Today newspaper.

David Hodges moved that the meeting be adjourned. Motion seconded and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:28 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes from the Thursday, February 20, 2003 AACC Meeting

February 20, 2003, 7:30 p.m.
Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Present: President, Ken Bible; 1st Vice President, David Reagan; 2nd Vice President & Communications Director, Bill Lewis; Treasurer, Allen Durant; Secretary, Marie Splane; Immediate Past President, David Hodges, Grant Committee, Andy Rial

Kassie Berry; Dave Berry; Jesse Medeiros; Garland Swanson; Howard Linville; Ed Franks; Anita Franks; Joe DiGeorgio; M. Isaac, Barry Wynns; Ardath M. Clark; Nolan Carroll; Garland Swanson; Mike Swann; Karen Swann

District Deputy Dean Jones, Clay County Sheriff’s Office,
Sgt. Paul Jones, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Alberta Hipps, City Councilwoman
Warren Alvarez, City Councilman and Candidate for City Council, district 11

Kevin Hyde, Candidate for City Council, group 4 at large
Daniel Davis, Candidate for City Council, district 12
David Hodges, Candidate for State House of Representatives, district 13
Jennifer Carroll, Candidate for State House of Representatives, district 13
Linda Sparks, Candidate for State House of Representatives, district 13
John Draper, Candidate for City Council district 14
Paul Linville, Candidate for City Council, district 14
Henry Mooneyhan, Candidate for City Council, district 14

Media: Sandy Strickland, Florida Times Union; Jim Kelly, Clay Today

Developers: Greg Kupperman, Ducky’s Car Wash; Rod Borum, Walgreens District Manager; Peter Sleiman, Sleiman Enterprises

The meeting was called to order at 7:30 p.m.

Motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes of December 19, 2002 and January 16, 2003. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:
Jacksonville City Council Report. Councilwoman Alberta Hipps reported on the traffic study she had asked to be done. Old Middleburg Road will be four lanes; a no build option from Morse Avenue, extending from Ricker Road across to Shindler. Collins Road will be four-laned and come all the way to Old Middleburg just north of the school.

Groundbreaking for McGirts Creek Park will be February 21 at 3:30 p.m. The park is slightly north of the Argyle area, located at the end of 118th Street.

Public Safety Report (District Deputy Dean Jones, Clay County):
Construction thefts continue to be a problem in the Clay and Duval County areas of Argyle. Be on the lookout for a white pickup truck with a flatbed and exotic-type exhaust system. If a vehicle of this description is spotted, please call the sheriff's office. The same cautions as given at the last meeting: Do not leave your garage doors open even if you are inside your residence, and do not leave valuables inside your vehicle in plain sight. Breakdowns for the number and types of crimes from the first of this year will be available at the March meeting.

Public Safety Report, Duval County (Sergeant Paul Jones):
These statistics are for the period January 2002 to January 2003:
For the Kilo 3 sub sector (east of McGirts Creek):
Auto burglaries increased 11 percent.
Burglaries to homes decreased 40 percent.
Auto thefts stayed the same (13 reports).
For the Lima 1 sub sector (west of McGirts Creek):
Auto burglaries increased 42 percent.
Burglaries to homes decreased 53 percent.
Auto thefts increased 66 percent.

Transportation Committee Report (David Hodges):
The Cleveland Connector has been renamed to the Collins Road Extender North; the newest information we have is that they are looking at an extension north of Collins Road to around the Albertson's grocery store on Blanding Boulevard. A planning, development and engineering study will begin shortly, but it will take approximately two years to complete. Two problems that have been identified and have yet to be worked out have to do with the location of the fire station and the new park. Funding is also a remaining issue to be addressed.

The proposed Wells Road Connector: Instead of a light at Wells Road and the "bridge across the swamp," the road would curve and end up between the Argyle business loop and Arrowroot Drive. The bridge would be 1200 feet, which makes it very expensive to build, and Clay County seems to be of the consensus that this project should be put on the back burner, in terms of priorities.

Literacy Campaign (Henry Mooneyhan):
There will be a class held March 8th for Learn to Read downtown. Four new volunteers have signed up. A meeting will be held with Clay County's literacy program personnel so that our program can be expanded to partner with Clay County.

Business Development (David Hodges):
Still talking with several businesses and restaurants about opening up in the Argyle area. Many new homes will be built before the new regional mall at Oakleaf Plantation gets underway. Publix will be breaking ground for their new store off Old Middleburg next month; thanks to Alberta Hipps for being instrumental in seeing that the infrastructure was put in place first.

Ducky's Car Wash: The revised proposal has been posted on the website. Ingress and egress issues are still being worked out through the attorneys for the car wash and the shopping center, and Mr. Kupperman feels confident that an agreement will be reached. David Hodges made a motion that we approve their design and their approach to that piece of property, with the understanding that our approval is tied to their not having an access directly off of Argyle Forest Boulevard. Motion seconded and carried.

Communications (Bill Lewis):
The communications list has grown to 700 residents in the Argyle area; about 100 other civic-minded people, including elected officials and candidates for public office, plus various members of the media. Jim Kelly (writer for Clay Today) was given a round of applause for the premier issue of the Argyle Today newspaper.
Planning and Development documents are being posted on our website so that residents can keep up-to-date on the various proposed developments. Some improvements in the graphics component of the website have been made. Thanks to Sandy Strickland, we now have a link on the website.

Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting (David Reagan):
Names of all of the homeowner association presidents are not quite complete; letter is being drafted now. Once that is accomplished, a meeting will be scheduled for the presidents to come together so that they can know what Argyle Area Civic Council does, how we can help them, and how they can help us.

Grant Writing Committee:
No one from the committee was present. Allen Durant relayed his experience with grant writing for his association, Highland Lakes, and recognized Alberta Hipps for making them aware of the availability of neighborhood grants.
The grant writing committee will be attending a training seminar put on by the City on March 6th.

Committee to amend AACC Bylaws (Bill Lewis):
The bylaws and their proposed amendments have been posted on the website. Motion made by Bill Lewis, seconded by David Reagan, to accept the bylaw changes. Motion carried.

Proposed Walgreen's at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart Road:
Rod Borom, district manager for Walgreen's, and Peter Sleiman, representing the developer, were present and answered questions from the audience. The hours of operation would be 7 days a week, 8 a.m. to 10 p.m.; the exterior will be brick; there will be 14 lanes of traffic at this intersection.

Paul Linville asked Mr. Borom about Walgreen's withdrawing their request to rezone in Augusta, Georgia, when residents complained about the traffic. Mr. Borom stated that he was unaware of that.

Questions were asked about similar problems in Texas; Mr. Borom stated that he could not speak to that. Question was posed about hours of operation. Mr. Borom stated that 24-hour operation was not planned at this location. When asked if his word could be taken on not operating a 24-hour store, Mr. Borom said he didn't know the answer to that.

Councilwoman Hipps stated that those terms could be within the documents for the zoning. Mr. Borom stated that that would be for their attorneys to work out.

A resident asked if it would not be more profitable to put this store further on down the road and just leave this proposed site residential. Mr. Sleiman replied, "There is going to be 14 lanes of traffic on this intersection. I don't know of anyone that would want to build a house on 14 lanes of traffic." Asked when the road expansion would be starting that would facilitate the traffic around this store, Mr. Sleiman indicated that it was happening right away.

A Bishopwood resident stated that this area would not be safe for children, and they have no sidewalks and the traffic is bad. Mr. Sleiman said that sidewalks are planned.

John Draper handed out maps from the actual application and pointed out how the houses in Argyle Corners will have lights from the cars in the parking lot of Walgreen's shining on them at night. Mr. Draper described the project as a monstrosity.

A Crane's Landing resident stated that she and others in her area are very much opposed to a Walgreen's at this site. A Sweetwater resident expressed the same sentiments. Paul Linville encouraged the residents to show up at the city council meetings when this item is on the agenda.

David Hodges read the following comments into the minutes:

Here is the link to the Revised Walgreens Plan 2-7-2003 - PDF Document that David Hodges is Talking about.
Adobe Acrobat Reader is required to view this file.
The Adobe Acrobat Reader can be downloaded for free at

Part I of the proposal is flawed:
1. This PUD does not provide "necessary and convenient retail services". That site with a Walgreen's upon it is not necessary to the neighborhood as we are served by 7 other pharmacies of like kind, and the traffic patterns will not be convenient for the majority of Western AFB shoppers to use.
2. In fact, its siting creates many u-turn opportunities involving necessary intrusions into neighborhood streets in order to gain access.
3. The revised street plan shortens the turning lanes now already too short along Rampart for southbound traffic to turn west. This is totally un-acceptable. A traffic bottleneck would be created by this plan by cars heading south not being able to access the shortened turning lane heading west on AFB. This plan would negate the Rampart improvements to traffic flow.
4. The JTA bus turn-in on AFB would eliminate the ability of cars to turn west onto AFB from Rampart into an access lane that merges into AFB's two lanes after some distance from Rampart.
5. Likewise, the turn-in to Walgreens along AFB just past the Western bounds of the property impedes the same traffic. This turn-in
should be eliminated altogether.
6. The cut-through near the bridge will be a popular wreck site and the cross through should be eliminated. This would be a proper distance from Rampart for the access to the site however from AFB traffic headed west, and it would permit the West family western-only access to AFB.

Part Two is flawed:
1. In Section A1 as follows:
. a. Uses f,h and i are off the charts and should be removed.
2. In Section A2 as follows:
. a. Get rid of this altogether.
3. In Section B2 as follows:
. a. The off-street loading area creates parking lot bottleneck where two lanes of drive thru traffic would merge to one lane where vehicles backing out of parking spaces along the western boundary of the property and at the nose of semi-trailers and tractors parked for off-loading.
4. In Section B3 as follows:
. a. The space at the northeastern corner of the property is marked as reserved for future access. THIS IS EXACTLY THE IDEA THE AACC RESENTS IN THAT THIS SPOT RE-ZONING ON THIS CORNER WOULD DOMINO INTO FURTHER SPOT RE-ZONINGS ON ADJACENT PROPERTIES!!!!!

Part Three:
1. In Part IIIB as follows:
. a. The visual screen along the northerly border would create a visual barrier of the JTA's retention pond, which will be well maintained and is unnecessary, plus it would create a hiding wall for no good use.
. b. The visual screen along the westerly boundary would shield Walgreens from looking at their own retention pond and make management less
likely to keep it spiffy.
2. In Part IIIC as follows:
. a. There is no reason for a sign other than on the building. This is the only commercial site for quite a space and it will stand out like a sore thumb anyhow.

Part Four:
1. In Part IVB4 as follows:
. a. The deficiencies have already been pointed out above. The access points are seriously flawed and the traffic patterns on Rampart and AFB are dangerous and will be wreck sites.

Part Five:
1. The services provided by Walgreens are not necessary to this site or nearby neighborhoods.
2. The traffic problems created and access problems will not cause reduced trips to currently used commercial sites. It will be too tough to access this site.
3. The most desirable zoning for this site is for a senior citizens center or city skateboard park or additional retention pond capacity. It could also be used as a park-n-ride parking lot for mass transit uses.

David "Magnum" Hodges, P.I., F.C.I.
Fine Tooth Comb Investigations, Inc.
Jacksonville, Fl.

John Draper brought up several issues in opposition to this Walgreen's location, the main one being that this area is zoned residential, and having a Walgreen's at this site would have deleterious effects on the residents of Bishopwood, Argyle Corners and Cypress Point. Mr. Draper said, "What we have is the proverbial camel's nose in the tent. If this is allowed to happen, we're going to get commercial in that entire area."

Vice President David Reagan asked "How many Walgreens in Northeast Florida had been built in purely residential neighborhoods?"
Mr. Borom, Walgreens District manager, stated that he did not know.

President Bible stated that because the vast majority of residents living within 350 feet of the site proposed for this Walgreens oppose this spot zoning, the AACC must also strongly oppose this change in neighborhood character. Bible also pointed out that there is already a 8.2 acre site that is zoned for commercial use on the south side of Argyle Forest Blvd. near Brooks Drive that is less than 1/2 mile away, and that Walgreens should consider that location.

IRS filing status (Bill Lewis):
501c3 application has been put together and reviewed by an attorney. The budget will be created, and more information will be ready by the next meeting. Additional committee members are needed.

Charter Schools - no report.

Candidate Questionnaire (Bill Lewis):
Questionnaires are being completed. One of the issues will be how the candidates feel about the enforcement of the Neighborhood Bill of Rights. If anyone has a question they want the candidates to address, get it to Bill Lewis so it can be included on the questionnaire.

Report from Bent Creek HOA and Sweetbriar HOA Annual Meetings:
No report from Bent Creek HOA. David Reagan reported on Sweetbriar HOA: Quorum was not met; existing board members were reappointed; their budget was a reduction in their dues, so there was nothing to vote on.

Clay County 1/2 cent Sales Tax (David Reagan):
School Superintendent David Owens has asked that we put together a meeting of Clay County residents so that he could talk about the proposed half-cent sales tax referendum to be voted on March 3. If the sales tax is not approved, there will be a moratorium on construction in Clay County. There will be a moratorium if the sales tax doesn't go through, because growth needs to stop in order to let the Clay County school system catch up.

Landscape Committee:
Motion made by David Reagan to appoint Dan Hoard as Landscape Committee Chairman. Motion seconded and carried.
President Bible advised that the Landscape Committee would be participating in Jax Pride.

Senior Citizen Center:
Volunteers are needed to get a senior citizens center planned for this area.

Odor Control.
Tom Thornton of JTA has been contacted about the odor coming from the lift station by the twin lakes on Argyle Forest Boulevard; Councilwoman Hipps has also written a letter. It is expected that the lift station will be moved and upgraded at sometime in the future.

Motion by David Hodges to adjourn; motion seconded and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Splane, Secretary

This was the third time during the past several months that David Reagan had asked how many Walgreens in Northeast Florida had been built in purely residential neighborhoods. OUTSIDE OF THE MEETING, MR. BOROM ADMITTED THAT THERE ARE NO WALGREENS IN PURELY RESIDENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS IN NORTHEAST FLORIDA.

Minutes of the March 20, 2003 AACC Meeting - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

1. The meeting was called to order by Vice-President Reagan at approximately 7:35 p.m.

Officers Present:
Vice-President David Reagan, 2nd Vice-President Bill Lewis, Treasurer Allen Durant, Recording Secretary Marie Splane.

Grant Committee, Lori Grieder

Barry Wynns, Fred Carpenter, Jenny McQuaid, DJ Scott, Kathy Beck

7 Boy Scouts from Troop 126 and the 2 Adult Leaders, David Schneider and Conrad Wierstemer

Officer Mark Stevens, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Shirley Dasher, Jax Pride, Executive Director
Michael Corrigan, candidate for city council, district 14
Kathy Finn, Candidate Supervisor of Elections
John Winkler, Candidate for Tax Collector

Media: Jim Kelly, Clay Today

2. Approval of the minutes of February 20, 2003
Allen Durant moved that the minutes be approved; motion seconded by Bill Lewis. Motion carried.


(a.) Jacksonville City Council Report.

(b.) Public Safety Report.
Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office Report (Officer Mark Stevens)
As compared to the first two months of last year:
Break-ins to automobiles are down by four percent.
Break-ins to residences are down by five percent.
Thefts of automobiles, up by one percent.
Grand theft, down by 19 percent.
Burglaries to structures, up one percent.

(c.) Transportation.
Improvements to Collins Road and Blanding Boulevard – a public meeting will be held at the Church of Christ located at the corner of Collins Road and Rampart Road; March 27th. Further details will be announced on the AACC website. Maps will be available for review before the meeting.
I-295/Collins Road interchange. The second public meeting will be held at the Holiday Inn in Orange Park on the 29th of April. At 5 o’clock the maps will be available for review, and the meeting will start at 6 o’clock.

(d.) Literacy Campaign. (Henry Mooneyhan; report deferred.)

(e.) Business Development. (David Hodges; report deferred.)

(f.) Communications Brochure. (Bill Lewis)
No communications brochure has been created, but the email list has grown to over 700 email addresses in the Argyle Forest area, including approximately 100 email addresses of civic-minded persons, political candidates, and city officials. We also have an extensive email list of various media representatives. Improvements have been made to our website to allow for the posting of Microsoft Word and PDF documents.

(g.) Homeowners Associations Presidents’ Meeting. No update at this time.

(h.) Grant Writing Committee. Lori Grieder reported that there are many foundations available as funding sources for neighborhood grants. Lori will be providing a list of some of the available grants, which will be posted on the website, but she also needs some input from the residents.

(i.) Landscaping Committee. (No report.)

4. Old Business.

(a.) Walgreen’s – Bill Lewis gave a brief recap of the history of the proposed Walgreen’s site and presented a proposed letter opposing its construction. Motion made by Bill Lewis to send the letter to the city council, the planning commission and the land use and zoning committee. Motion seconded by Kathy Beck and carried unanimously.

(b.) IRS 501(c)(3) filing status. Bill Lewis and Ken Bible made application for 501(c) (3) status for the AACC. As soon as a proposed budget is compiled, an attorney will review it and make recommendations.

(c.) Charter School. The new elementary school that was planned for the Clay County section of Spencer’s Plantation has now been delayed to 2005. The property owner and the developer have not completed their preparations and master plan for the site, which prevents the Clay County School Board from getting their plans approved. Charter schools must be established by a nonprofit 501 (c)(3) corporation, are funded at 95 percent, and attendance is not restricted on the basis of county of residence. If a charter school were established in this area, students in both Clay and Duval counties would be able to attend. The administrator of SOS Academy, a charter school on Wilson Boulevard, has offered help with organizing and getting the charter school up and running if we can get someone who is interested in leading this effort. If you know of anyone, have them contact the AACC.

(d.) Candidate Forum Report and Wrap-up. Out of 44 candidates running for various political offices, 34 participated in the candidate forum and straw poll. 166 people were present. Thanks were given to Marie Splane, Kathy Beck and Tony Bates for their behind-the-scenes help with registration and tabulation of the votes, the results of which are now posted on the AACC website.

(e.) AACC Participation in JaxPride. Executive Director Shirley Dasher gave an impressive presentation of the JaxPride program, which is a local nonprofit organization that promotes policies and programs that deal with the visual aesthetics in the City of Jacksonville. JaxPride helps residents establish beautification and educational projects in four categories: neighborhoods, schools, civic and business. As an example, Councilwoman Susan Jenkins was instrumental in securing $24 million for Town Center Grant, which is for neighborhoods that are 30 years or older, to build up the gateways to these communities. JaxPride also has a partnership with JEA where they consult the community leadership for recommendations on landscaping the neighborhood JEA sites. Another program is NIVP, Neighborhood inventory of Visual Pollution Program, which helps communities identify visual pollution and develop solutions, and encourages neighbors to work together. Another program is Neighborhood Visioning, where the Board of Directors of JaxPride gives their time and talent to help neighborhoods make recommendations and plan improvements.
JaxPride will be taking a tour of the Argyle neighborhoods on April 30. If you have any particular neighborhood concerns, please relay them to Lori Grieder so that Ms. Dasher and her staff can have a look when they make their tour. The JaxPride website is
"Clean It Up, Green It Up" ( )

(f.) AACC logo and signs. Vice-President Reagan expressed thanks to John Draper material and time he donated for the signs used at the candidate hob nob. David Hodges donated some vinyl, and Vice-President David Reagan spent some time putting it together, and now we have an AACC logo.

Bill Lewis reminded residents that Jim Kelly of Argyle Today newspaper will be glad to accept articles that would be of interest to the Argyle Forest community. Contact him at

Bill Lewis made a motion to adjourn the meeting, seconded by Allen Durant. Motion passed, and the meeting adjourned at approximately 8:30.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Location: Keith Pierson Toyota @ 6501 Youngerman Circle in the Sales Meeting Room

In attendance:
Kenneth Bible, President; David Reagan, Vice-President; Bill Lewis, 2nd Vice-President/Communications Director; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary; David Hodges, 2002 AACC President

Grant Committee, Andy Rial

Larry Hennig, Richard Schilke, Joe DiGeorgio, Clu Wright, Glenn Ellison, Tom Dumas, Lynda Aycock, Garland Swanson, Bob Nelson,

Lt. Mark Stevens, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office
Sergeant Jeff Johnson, Clay County Sheriff’s Office:

Michael Corrigan, candidate for city council, district 14

Media: Jim Kelly, Clay Today

1. The meeting was called to order.

2. Allen Durant made a motion to approve the minutes from the previous meeting. Motion was seconded by David Hodges. Motion passed.

3. Committee Reports -
Jacksonville City Council Report:.
No report, as Councilwoman Alberta Hipps could not be present for tonight’s meeting.

Sergeant Jeff Johnson, Clay County Sheriff’s Office:
Crime figures are tallied from February 1st calls. Sergeant Johnson reminded us to not hesitate to make supicious activity calls.
Five burglaries to residences under construction from the Spencer’s Island/Cutter’s Mill/Water Mill area. Only one suspicious activity call from these neighborhoods was received.
Six theft calls were received.
Three auto burglaries.
Four domestic violence calls.
One stalking call.
In the Clay County side of Argyle Forest there are two sexual predators. One is stationed in Kentucky for the next six or seven years, and the other one lives at 153 Dover Bluff Drive, which is in the Spencer’s Island area. This type of information is available on the FDLE website.

The clearance rate for part 1 crimes in the Argyle area was 52 percent from the period February 17 to April 12.

Tractor-trailers parking on Cheswick Oak:
The Clay County Sheriff's Office wrote a letter to the public works department asking them to put some signs up along Cheswick Oak. They also need letters from area homeowner association presidents supporting the Sheriff’s Office efforts put a halt to these trucks parking along this road.

A resident reported that there was illegal dumping taking place at the end of Cheswick Oaks. The illegal dumpers are gaining access from a road along Mr. Spencer’s property and dumping paint cans, old mattresses, carpeting, et cetera, into the wetlands area. Sergeant Johnson will have someone from the county look into it.

Lieutenant Mark Stevens, Duval County Sheriff’s Office:

Open garages are accounting for 30 to 40 percent of the residential burglaries. Please keep your doors locked, alarms on and garage doors closed.

Break-ins to automobiles in the month of March are up 12 as compared to March of last year.
Burglaries to dwellings are up by 5 as compared to last year, most of these being open garage door burglaries.
There have been six burglaries to businesses. This is down by 3 as compared to this time last year.
Robberies to businesses were down by 2.
Robberies to individuals, there were none, as compared with 3 last year.
Automobile thefts were down by 7.

A resident made a comment about drivers trying to gain access to Argyle Forest Boulevard from the Twin Lakes area are becoming increasingly aggressive due to the heavy oncoming traffic in the mornings. Lieutenant Stevens will be looking into this.

A resident complained of automobiles being parked on the sidewalk and on his lawn in front of his home in the Arrowroot subdivision. Lieutenant Stevens will also be looking into this.

Transportation, David Hodges:

Met with Matt Dominy, Deputy Director of Jacksonville Transportation Authority, and the Deputy Director of Jacksonville Transportation Authority, concerning Argyle Forest Boulevard. The net result of the meeting was four or five things they were to look up and come back to us with at the next meeting on the 15th of May. David reviewed with them the minutes of the JTA meeting on March 30th,2000, as reported in the Times-Union: “The JTA added Argyle Forest Boulevard to its list of road widening work. The 6 million dollar project will make it a four-lane divided street with bike paths, curbs, gutters and sidewalks from Blanding Boulevard to Westport Road. Design will start in May and construction is scheduled to conclude by June 2003.” It was pointed out to them that that if we're now going to change back to curbs and gutters from open swales and we're going to go to urban construction instead of rural (open ditches), then it's going to be 12 to 18 months delay in construction and it's going to cost another $8 million. The JTA Board voted in March and April of 2000 to do curbs and gutters. When asked at which JTA board meeting that was changed, the JTA said they would have to get back to us at the next meeting. They also said that they are not required to get JTA board approval to make that type of change, and their reason for doing that was to lower the costs, which are now all the way down to $7.8 million per mile. Costs are now at approximately $20 million.
Other newspaper reports stated, “Argyle Forest is to be widened to 4 lanes between Blanding Boulevard and Westport Road with landscape medians, left-turn storage bays at some intersections, curbs, gutters, bicycle lanes, lighting, and a sidewalk on at least one side of the road. Plans are to start construction in 2003 and complete it by the end of the year.” They have continually answered the questions to reporters and to us that it was going to be curbs and gutters, and now they are stating that it will be open swales and open ditches. It seems that the JTA underestimated the costs and scope of the project.

Collins Road & I-295 Interchange: A public meeting and presentation will be held on April 29 at the Orange Park Holiday Inn. The present time line for this construction is 2012.
The Wells Road Connector has been put on the back burner.
The College Road Extension has been changed from Cleveland down to Collins Road, and this construction has been put on a fast track.

Communications, Bill Lewis:
We had 1688 hits on our website from March. We are maintaining 700 e-mail addresses. The AACC website can now load PDF documents and scanned images. Responses of the recent political candidates to the AACC questionnaires were posted to our website, as well as additional web links.

Homeowners associations presidents meeting, David Reagan:
The meeting will be held in late June, at a time and place to be announced. It is anticipated that the grant writing committee members and some of the other committee chairman will be present to answer any questions for the homeowners associations presidents.

Grant Writing Committee:
Letters have been written to many different foundations, looking for grant dollars; met with Shirley Dasher of JaxPride, asking her to investigate the possibility of a “Visioning Program” for the Clay County side of Argyle Forest, particularly towards the Blanding Boulevard area. President Bible suggested the possibility of an overall Visioning Program for the entire 50-, 60,000 acre Argyle Forest area.
President Bible announced that we have a grant available to support anyone who would like to attend a four-hour “Effective Grant Writing” class. Andy Rial volunteered.

Landscaping Committee:
It was discovered that the culprit who so kindly mowed the island area at the entrance to Argyle Forest Boulevard was Barry Kenner of Remax Realty. If anyone is willing to help Barry on a Saturday, it would certainly be appreciated. E-mails will be going out to solicit volunteers.

4. Old Business –
Walgreen’s (John Draper/Bill Lewis):
Since John Draper was not able to attend tonight’s meeting, the Walgreen’s subject will not be addressed. All residents wishing to express their opposition or acceptance of the proposed Walgreen’s at Rampart and Argyle Forest Boulevard, however, are encouraged to send an e-mail letter to Bill Lewis.

IRS – 501c3 Filing Status (Ken Bible/Bill Lewis):
A meeting will be held with the attorney sometime in May.

Charter School for Chimney Lakes:
The AACC is trying to get somebody interested in forming a 501c3 corporation in order to start a charter school that would serve both Clay and Duval Counties.

AACC Participation in JaxPride:
Allen Durant made a motion to expend the sum of $50 to join JaxPride; David Reagan seconded, and the motion carried.

5. New Business –
Soccer complex and park at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Old Middleburg Road is planned, pending resolution of right titles to deeds.

Clay County Fire and Rescue Department. Sam Young spoke about the contract negotiations for salaries and the retention problem the Clay County Fire and Rescue Department is having due to low wages. They are having a very high turnover rate of fire fighters and EMTs. Duval, Clay and St. Johns counties pay significantly more wages, and as a result, the Clay County recruits leave to pursue better salaries after they have finished one to two years of training. This situation could have a tremendous impact on their ability to be ready and prepared to fight fires and respond to emergencies as necessary, because they are in a constant training cycle. As members of the AACC, we should make known to our elected officials that adequate fire protection is a top priority, and urge them to do what they can to improve this situation.

Voter Turnout: David Hodges reported that voter turnout for Duval County was 40 percent for the April 15th elections. Please vote in the next election on May 13, and encourage your neighbors to vote. It would be great if we could see a 65 percent turnout.

President Bible made a motion to adjourn, seconded by David Regan. Motion carried.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of Argyle Area Civic Council
May 15, 2003 at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Ken Bible, President; Allen Durant, Treasurer, Bill Lewis, 2nd Vice-President; David Hodges, Immediate Past-President; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.

Larry Hennig, Richard Schilke, John Draper, Ed Franks, Anita - Marie Franks, Bob Nelson, Tony Bates

Mike Kennedy, Charlie Magee – Visitors wanting start a similar Organization to the AACC in the Loretto Road Area of Mandarin

Sgt. R. Hurst, Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office

Media: Jim Kelly, Clay Today

The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m. by Bill Lewis, who conducted the meeting for Ken Bible, who was feeling a little under the weather.

Approval of April 17, 2003 minutes. Motion made by Allen Durant and seconded. Motion carried.

Committee Reports:
Jacksonville City Council Report: No report, as Councilwoman Alberta Hipps was not present.

Public Safety Report (Sergeant Bobby Hurst, JSO):

Crime statistics comparing April of last year to April of this year:
Violent crimes:
Sexual batteries : one last year; none in this area this year.
Robberies: 6 last year. We've had none in this area this year.
Aggravated assaults: 8 last year, 9 this year.
Total violent crime: 15 last year and 9 this year.

Property crimes:
Burglaries: 24 last year, 19 this year.
Larcenies: 34 last year, 51 this year.
Vehicle thefts: 2 last year and 5 this year.
Arson: one last year and one this year.
Total property crimes: 61 last year and 76 this year.

The JSO day shift is reporting infrastructure sites continue to be a target of criminal mischief, breaking and entering, and stealing the appliances.
Sergeant Hurst reminds everyone to report suspicious activity, suspicious vehicles, no matter what time of day or night. Remember to lock your vehicles and keep valuables out of sight. Turn on your alarm systems and night and use your deadbolt locks. Citizens who leave their garage doors open at night may receive a knock on the door from an officer who will ask them to please close it.
The JSO and Clay County Sheriff’s Office needs citizen awareness and involvement to prevent crime. Please call if you see suspicious activity in your area.

Transportation Committee (David Hodges):
Argyle Forest Boulevard widening project: At a meeting today, the Jacksonville Transportation Authority confirmed that the road widening construction will begin July 1st.
Collins Road/I-295 Interchange: Funding efforts are underway.

Literacy campaign (Henry Mooneyhan): No report.

Business development (David Hodges):
Five new businesses will be going up in the Argyle/Oakleaf Plantation area:
A Japanese Steakhouse, a gas station, a SunTrust Bank, a Prosperity Bank, and the new Publix on Old Middleburg Road,

Other business development that may develop in the future: A major home improvement store and a large hardware superstore.

Old Business (David Hodges):
David Hodges read aloud the letter from Sleiman Enterprises announcing the withdrawal of the rezoning application for the Walgreens Drug Store on the corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart Road.
John Draper and David Hodges were recognized with a round of applause from the
audience for their tireless efforts on this issue.

President Bible publicly thanked Sleiman Enterprises for withdrawing the application.

Communications (Bill Lewis):
The AACC was represented at the Grand Opening of Oakleaf Plantation; AACC information and website address was made available to the general public and the developers.

Media relations: Jim Kelly was thanked for the great articles appearing in the Argyle Today newspaper and received a round of applause. Also recognized for their participation with the AACC were Jim Piggot from Channel 12, Sandy Strickland and Matt Galnor from the Times-Union.

Homeowners association presidents meeting (David Reagan): David Reagan could not be present; report deferred.

Grant Writing Committee (Lori Greider):
Lori is working on a grant for a homeowners association.

Landscaping committee: Report deferred.

YMCA Committee (Bill Lewis):
Efforts are underway to establish a YMCA in the area.
Persons interested in assisting with this important venture should contact Joe DiGeorgio at his e-mail address: .

Charter School (David Hodges):
David Hodges introduced Richard Schilke, Ph.D., who has volunteered to get a Charter School Committee formed and begin the paperwork for a charter school in the Clay and Duval areas of Argyle Forest. A junior high and an elementary school are needed. Interested persons should contact the AACC. The communications director will be sending out an email.

AACC Participation in JaxPride (Ken Bible): Report deferred.

Rezoning (Bill Lewis):
Parramore Road, I-295 area: Harmony Farms submitted a land use amendment that removed the multi-family homes aspect of the rezoning request.

Old Middleburg Road and Argyle Forest Boulevard: A land swap/rezoning is planned in order to locate a soccer field complex at this intersection.

John Draper publicly thanked David Hodges for his tireless efforts on the Collins Road/I-295 interchange.

David Hodges made a motion to adjourn; motion seconded from the audience and carried. The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Thursday, June 19, 2003 AACC Meeting - KIRKWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH


Ken Bible, President
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Mary Krause
Dr. Richard Schilke
John Draper
Jim Kelly
Joe DeGiorgio
Diane Smith
Barbara Bible
Greg Coop & Paul McEntire (representing the YMCA)
Mr. Skaff

The meeting was called to order at 7:41 p.m.
Allen Durant made a motion to accept the minutes of the May meeting as posted on the website. Motion was seconded and unanimously approved.

Committee Reports
Construction of the Collins Road and I-295 Interchange has been approved; it is on the government fast track, which means it should be built somewhere around 2012. Ken Bible and David Hodges plan to continue efforts to speed up the construction process.

Argyle Forest Boulevard widening:
The groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled for 10:00 a.m., June 27th, at the ball park and tennis court area
next to Acanthus Road.

There were no reports from Jacksonville City Council, Public Safety, Literacy, Business Development, Communications, Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting, Grant Writing, and Landscaping.

YMCA Committee:
Joe DiGeorgio gave a report on the need for a YMCA in the Argyle area. Greg Coop and Paul McEntire were present to explain the process of land acquisition, staffing and construction funding of a YMCA. The YMCA Committee will continue efforts to establish a facility in the Argyle area.

Charter Schools:
Dr. Richard Schilke is putting together a steering committee that will help establish at least one charter school for this area, possibly more. Meetings with county and school officials will be scheduled during this summer. Funding strategies, land acquisition and nonprofit corporate status will be addressed. A staff person from Senator Steve Wise’s office has been assisting Dr. Schilke in some of the fundamentals of planning a charter school.. A public meeting will be held at sometime in the future.

Old Business

AACC President Ken Bible wrote a letter to Peter Sleiman, thanking Sleiman Enterprises for withdrawing their petition for rezoning. The letter is posted on the AACC website. Ken Bible and Henry Mooneyhan are planning to meet with the Sleimans and thank them in person and assure them that the AACC is anxious to work with them in the future on projects of local impact.

A meeting was held with Alberta Hipps and Councilman-elect Michael Corrigan regarding the property
at Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart Road possibly being purchased for a park. Tennis courts could be moved to this area from their present location at Acanthus Street, which would help alleviate the parking problem at the ball field at Argyle Forest Athletic Association. The Rampart Road location could also be an ideal site for launching canoes and kayaks into McGirts Creek.

A meeting was held with Shirley Dasher and Thad Crowe. It is desired that a Master Plan be done for the rest of Argyle, as has been done with Oakleaf Plantation, and Shirley Dasher and Thad Crowe are helping the AACC to accomplish that. A focus group will be formed so that we can receive input from all of the neighborhoods.

Clean It Up, Green It Up:
Bob Nelson has been in touch with this organization and has received literature. Updates on this project will be posted on our website.

Review of Rezoning Plans:
Property located along Old Middleburg Road north of Argyle Forest has been rezoned from residential to publicly held land. This will hopefully be the future site of a soccer complex and a park.

Janice Fleet Invoice:
Allen Durant made a motion to pay the $200 invoice from Janice Fleet for the work on the Walgreen’s/rezoning issue when the funds are available. David Hodges and Henry Mooneyhan have committed to donate some money for this purpose. Motion seconded and carried without opposition.

Annual Florida Neighborhoods Conference:
The Florida Neighborhoods Conference will be held September 11-13 in Sarasota, Florida. It is expected that approximately 1500 community leaders will be in attendance for this high-quality workshop/neighborhood tours/special event conference. The cost for attendance is $40. Persons interested in representing the AACC should contact Ken Bible. John Draper made the motion that AACC pay the $40 attendance cost; motion was seconded. President Bible requested that the vote on this motion be deferred until the next meeting, when more people are present and we have had a chance to hear from people who might be interested in attending.

Additional Comments from the Public:
Discussion was held regarding noise abatement issues, walking paths and berms as a result of the widening of Argyle Forest Boulevard.

Discussion regarding speeding/aggressive driving/congestion on Branan Field-Chaffee Road.

Discussion regarding revision of the intersection of Blanding Boulevard and Collins Road.

Mary Krause asked questions about a proposed 350-unit apartment complex on Collins Road between Blanding and I-295. No information was available, and it appears that this area would be outside of the AACC territory.

No further business coming before the council, Allen Durant made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and carried.

Respectfully submitted,

Marie Splane,
Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Thursday, July 17, 2003 AACC Meeting - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Ken Bible, President
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

David Hodges
Joe DiGeorgio
Tom Dumas
Dr. Richard Schilke
Brooks Remaley
Gene Halbert
Jim Kelly.

1. President Bible called the meeting to order at 7:37 p.m.

2. A motion was made (David Hodges) and seconded (Allen Durant) to accept the minutes as posted on the website. Motion passed.

3. Committee Reports:
a. City Council: No report.
b. Public Safety: No report.
c. Transportation (David Hodges):
Construction of the I-295/Collins Road interchange will take $36 million. Ken Bible and David Hodges will be meeting with federal legislators one-on-one, and then go to Washington in October to meet again after their staff have gotten sufficiently familiar with the project. A meeting is planned for August 5 with Jennifer Carroll and Steve Wise.

Argyle Forest Widening: Scheduled to begin in August.

d. Literacy Campaign: No report.
e. Business Development (David Hodges):
Bids for the Argyle library are scheduled to be opened August 6.
The Duval County Tax Collector will be opening a satellite office in the Argyle area.
Ducky’s Car Wash will not be opening a site at the Argyle Forest Shopping Center due to ingress/egress problems. A Hop’s Restaurant might be going in instead.
There is a possibility that a state farmer’s market might open up in the Argyle area.
f. Communications. Bill Lewis could not be present tonight.
g. Homeowners Association Presidents Meting.
h. Grant Writing Committee. No report. The need for a grant writing committee will be readvertised.
i. Landscaping Committee. A representative from Clean It Up, Green it Up advised David Hodges that they would provide free bags and pickup service for cleanup projects.
j. YMCA Committee (Joe DeGeorgio)
Paul McIntire, Chief Operating Officer for the Florida First Coast YMCA, sent a guide that outlines startup procedures for a new Y. A steering committee has been formed; members so far are Gene Halbert, Tom Dumas, Jim Kelly. A meeting is planned for later in July.

Old Business:
a. IRS. No report.
b. Charter Schools (Richard Schilke)
Dr. Schilke met with Walter Brock, Assistant Superintendent for Instruction and Charter School Coordinator for Clay County Schools. Clay County has approved two charter schools in the past, but they did not open due to registration shortfalls. Clay County will require a solid needs assessment before proceeding with a Junior High on the Clay County side of Argyle Forest.

Argyle Elementary is scheduled to open August 2005; land was cleared earlier this month. Clay County schools would like us to help them keep the developers on schedule by showing community concern for the project. The developer point of contact is Greg Matovina at 993-2857. The school will look the same as the new one at Swimming Pen. The school will be open for community meetings and community education. Clay County has an active agreement with YMCA to provide before and after school activities.

The next project is an elementary school for Oak Leaf Plantation scheduled for 2007, and a junior high is planned for 2008. Question: Can we wait that long?

Clay County Schools Superintendent David Owen, or his representative, would be open to addressing the AACC sometime in the future regarding education in Argyle.

We may want to put more focus on a Middle School (grades 6-8) in Duval County, as residents have already identified a need, and property or a building may be easier to obtain in Duval County.

The necessity for a charter school needs to be firmly identified, as well as support from the Argyle communities.

c. AACC Participation in Jax Pride: No report.

d. Review of Rezoning Plans, Soccer Complex and Park, Argyle Forest Boulevard and Old Middleburg Road.
According to Gene Halbert, this has passed through City council, and Alberta Hipps has asked that a committee be formed. Gene has formed a committee and will be staying in contact with Ms. Hipps.

e. Treasurer’s Report (Allen Durant)
A checking account has been set up at Compass Bank, and our first invoice has been paid for the work done
by Janice Fleet on the Walgreen’s issue. The account has been set up so that it requires two signatures.

f. Membership.
David Hodges recruited a membership from Tree Top Estates Association, and a representative will be attending our meetings in the future.
Allen Durant will be working on a plan to recruit memberships from the area homeowner associations of $1
per household.
Kenneth and Barbara Bible have made a monetary donation to the AACC.

g. Annual Florida Neighborhoods Conference.
The outstanding vote from last month regarding attendance at the Annual Florida Neighborhoods
Conference will be deferred.

5. New Business.
a. Alberta Hipps Recognition Ceremony.
Final preparations are underway. The presentation will start at 7 o’clock. Federal, state and local officials will join us in honoring all of the things Ms. Hipps has done for our community. The regular business meeting of the AACC will begin at 8 o’clock.

David Hodges made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Allen Durant. The meeting adjourned at 9:22 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Alberta Hipps Appreciation Ceremony and Monthly AACC Meeting


Ken Bible, President
David Reagan, vice-President,
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary
David Hodges, Immediate Past-President

Joe Mobley, Legislative Assistant for Representative Jennifer Carroll; Sherry Porter, Legislative Assistant for the Hon. Congressman Cliff Stearns; City Councilman Michael Corrigan; Clay County Councilman Pat McGovern.

Over 60 people attend the Ceremony and Monthly Meeting.

The Alberta Hipps Appreciation Ceremony was held from 7:00 8:20 p.m.

The meeting was called to order at 8:20 p.m.
David Reagan made a motion to waive the reading of the July minutes until September, seconded by David Hodges and passed.

Old Business:
Transportation: David Hodges and Ken Bible met with Florida Representative Jennifer Carroll and U.S. Representative Ander Crenshaw regarding funding for the
I-295 Collins Road Interchange. Additional meetings will be held with members of the federal Transportation Committee, and with Florida Rep. Carroll and Florida Senator Steve Wise. U.S. Representative Crenshaw advised that a new three-year Transportation Act is being formed, from which funding for this project will be obtained. The AACC is still hopeful that this project can be started by 2006-7. It is hoped that we can get a City Council resolution supporting this project.

We are still pushing the Better Jacksonville Plan to build the flyover to extend Collins Road from Old Middleburg on to Cecil Field Commerce Center and to do a flyover over Brannan Field – Chaffee Road. A recent newspaper article highlighted the advantages of these flyovers to the Westside community, along with telephone numbers and email addresses for like-minded citizens to call and write to reiterate their support.

David Hodges reminded us that there are state funds available for economic development infrastructure in the Cecil Commerce Center area, and urged everyone to call Councilman Alvarez and Councilman Corrigan, who are both on the City Council Finance Committee, and let them know that we are in favor of it.

President Bible announced that there will be a Sheriff's Walk down at Lindsay Terrace on Thursday, September 4th at 5 p.m. The purpose is to show community support and police support for solving problems in this area and for making citizens feel more comfortable with our local officers.

There will be an educational seminar on the St. Johns River Restoration Preservation and riverfront development, to be held on September 19th at the River City Brewery.

Alberta Hipps reminded us that Planning and Development Department has grants that called Town Center Initiatives that are available for neighborhoods or areas that are 30 years of age or older. 103rd Street to Old Middleburg north, all the way up to Cecil Field would qualify as an eligible area, and Mrs. Hipps has agreed to be the governmental liaison for the Westside business leaders’ pursuit of one of these grants.

David Hodges announced that construction of a sandwich shop and a BP gas station will be starting in February at Morse Avenue and Rampart. A movie theatre in Mandarin closed off its lease and they are discussing the possibility of putting a theater in the Oakleaf Plantation area.

Treasurer’s Report (Allen Durant)
The treasurer reported that we have a bank account at the Compass Bank and we have $312 in it. We've paid our first bill of $200. We have an office located next to the police stop station at 8553 Argyle Business Loop, Suite 1

National Night Out (David Reagan)
Clay County held its National Night Out on August 5th and had a very good turnout of about 500-600 people. They had horse and buggy rides, moon walks, hot dogs and sodas.

There being no further business to come before the board, Bill Lewis made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Allen Durant. The meeting adjourned at 8:50 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes from the Thursday, Sept 18, 2003 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - KIRKWOOD PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH

David Reagan, Vice President
Bill Lewis, Second Vice-President
Allen Durant, Treasurer
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary
David Hodges, Immediate Past President

Also present:
Joe Mobley, Tom Dumas, Tracie Murphy, Mike Swann, Karen Swann, Bob Nelson, Jim Kelly, Garland Swanson, John Draper, Alberta Hipps, Ginny Myrick, Tony Bates.

A motion was made and seconded to approve the minutes
of the August meeting. Motion passed.

Public Safety: David Reagan reported that he met with Jack Clanton of the Clay County Sheriff's Office and was assured that there would be a sheriff's deputy at our next meeting and all other neighborhood meetings. The Clay County Sheriff's Office is aware of the traffic problems, speeding and running of stop signs at Spencer's Plantation. Plans are in place to deal with the traffic violations. Car burglaries continue (unlocked doors). Construction burglaries continue during the daytime and vandalism is occurring at night.

A update system will be implemented to allow the leaders of the neighborhood watches to receive updates on activities to share with their neighbors. A sergeant will be in charge of communicating with the neighborhoods. Officer Clanton wants to have a meeting of all the Clay County neighborhood watches
on a monthly basis. David Reagan will suggest that meeting be held prior to the start of the AACC meeting each month.

David Hodges gave an update on the Collins Road-I-295 Interchange. The response of the legislators who have been contacted is enthusiastic. A meeting was held with Senator Wise and Representative Carroll. Federal approval as well as
state approval will be needed. It has been determined that this project will cost $34 million in federal funds and $3.4 million in state funds. State Senator Wise and Representative Carroll have pledged to try to arrange for the
state funding. The Transportation Committee is trying to get that state expenditure in next year's budget so that the right-of-way can be purchased and the engineering and final design started, so that when the federal portion is funded, construction can be started immediately. President Bible has
contacted U.S. Representative Cliff Stearns' office.
The Transportation Committee is still pushing for the overpass of Brannan Field-Chaffee Road, and Collins Road to be extended from Old Middleburg into the Commerce Center.

Literacy Campaign: No report.

Business Development: David Hodges reported that the business development committee has spoken to Radio Shack and to a movie theatre group, and both are looking at property. Two more restaurants are looking. Wendy's and Bob Evans have been contacted, and they have turned it over to their real estate people. The Publix at Oakleaf Plantation will be open in the next few months. A Japanese steak house will open and another restaurant that has not been identified.

AACC Brochure: (Bill Lewis)
The AACC brochure is still in the planning stages.

Media Relations: (Bill Lewis) Our meeting announcement is now published in the Neighborhoods Section of the newspaper.

YMCA Committee: No formal report; still looking at sites.

Old Business: IRS 501(c)(3) status is that the paperwork is still being finalized.

Charter Schools: No report.

Jax Pride, Clean-It-Up/Green-It-Up: No report.

New Business: Clay County will hold an open house for the fire station on October 6.

Strategic Planning Workshop: Alberta Hipps and Ginny Myrick presented a proposal for entering into a contract to assist the AACC with long-term and short-term goals and strategic planning.
David Hodges made a motion to authorize the executive board to look into the feasibility of pursuing a mutually agreeable contract with Hipps Myrick Inc. consultants, and return to the board of directors with a recommendation and subsequent vote. Motion seconded and passed.

AACC Membership: Vice-President Reagan relayed a message from President Bible which stated that the Boardwalk Group from Jacksonville University's MBA School of Marketing is working with nonprofit groups like the AACC. A proposal would need to be written to them by September 25th, asking them to assist the Argyle Area Civic Council in a membership drive. The students in the MBA program would give us the free labor to help us organize this effort. Bob Nelson volunteered to write the proposal.

Nominating Committee: Bill Lewis will be facilitating a slate of candidates for the November election of officers.

Constitution and Bylaws: David Hodges suggested that John Draper head up a Constitution and Bylaws revision committee.

David Hodges made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Allen Durant and carried. Meeting adjourned at 9:25 P.M.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Thursday, October 23, 2003 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Present: Ken Bible, Allen Durant, Marie Splane, David Hodges, Marie Splane, John Draper, Lucy Bayo, Garland Swanson, Jim Kelly, S. W. Lockwood, Dean Jones, and Patrick McGovern.

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m.
David Hodges made a motion to accept the minutes of the September meeting. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.

Jacksonville City Council Report: Deferred.
Public Safety Report:
Clay County Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Dean Jones –
Home and vehicle burglaries continue to be a problem, primarily due to residents leaving doors to their homes and vehicles unlocked. Thefts of appliances at the construction sites continue to be a problem; citizens are encouraged to report suspicious cars/activity to the respective county sheriff’s office. The number for the Clay County Sheriff’s Office is 264-6512. If you see a crime in progress, dial 911.

Sergeant Jones recommends that parents send their trick or treaters out on Halloween with Glow-Sticks for safety purposes, and that children be encouraged to stay in groups.

The Clay County Sheriff’s Office offers home security surveys. Call the Community Affairs Department to make arrangements.

Jacksonville Sheriff’s Office, Sergeant Stan Lockwood –
Home security surveys are available for Duval County residents also by contacting the Community Affairs Office, Assistant Chief David Stevens. The JSO has made a couple of apprehensions for construction site thefts.

Literacy Campaign: Deferred.
Communications: Deferred.
Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting: Deferred.
Grant Writing Committee: Deferred.
Landscaping Committee: Deferred.
YMCA Committee: Deferred.
Charter School Committee: Deferred.

Clay County Commissioner Pat McGovern informed us that Clay County residents who are interested in setting up an advisory committee for land use and zoning, be sure to come to the next meeting of the Argyle Area Civic Council. The planning director will be ready to meet with anyone who is interested and will start training.

Commissioner McGovern also gave an update on the changes in the voting membership of the Metropolitan Planning Organization.
Funds have increased to $681.72.

Transportation/Business Development: (David Hodges)
The Transportation Committee met with Congressman Mica about the interchange at Collins and 295, and he understands the problems and the importance of this project to the residents in this area. The committee has met with virtually everyone at this point except Congresswoman Corrine Brown.

Superintendent Fryer in Duval County is interested in another K through 8 academic magnet school, and the AACC is trying to encourage the Argyle Forest area as the best site.

Restaurants: A combination Long John Silver’s/A&W Root Beer might be coming to our area. Other possibilities are a plant nursery and a pizza franchise. A veterinarian is also looking for land in the Argyle area. The new office park at Westport Road and Argyle Forest Boulevard is filling up and will be open soon. There have been ongoing discussions with Representative Carroll about the possibility of opening up a state farmer’s market in this area.

There has been discussion with Councilman Corrigan about the 10-acre parcel of land at the corner of Argyle Forest Boulevard and Rampart being used for a senior citizens center and part of it being used for a park that can facilitate kayaking and canoeing. This location near McGirts Creek would give access to the Ortega River. Tennis courts and basketball courts are also needed in this area. Representative Carroll will be introducing a bill to the House of Representatives to have a senior citizens center built in this area.

City of Jacksonville Planning and Development Department: Two notices were received:
1: Application number R-2003-1153, from Commercial Office (CO) Planned Unit Development (PUD) to Commercial Community/General-1 (CCG-1). Location of property: 103rd Street, between Lambing Road and Ken Road, 1+ acres.
2: Application number R-2003-1158, from Residential Rural (RR)/Agriculture (AGR) to Planned Unit Development (PUD). Location of property: Old Middleburg Road, between Old Middleburg and Branan Field/Chaffee Road, approximately 445+ acres.

Proposed Bylaws:
John Draper presented the following proposed bylaws:

Argyle Area Civic Council Bylaws
Article I, Board of Directors
Section 1
The board of directors of the Argyle Area Civic Council (refer to as AACC) shall consist of 15 members who shall be empowered to make all financial and policy decisions for the Argyle Area Civic Council. The board of directors shall meet at least six times in a calendar year at a place that is open to and accessible to the public. The time of each meeting shall be announced to the public at least seven days in advance of the meeting.

Section 2
Argyle Area Civic Council business shall be conducted only if a quorum of at least 8 board members are present at a board meeting. Majority rule shall apply to all votes except in a vote to remove a board member. Removal of a board member shall require at least 8 affirmative votes by board members. There shall be no time limit on serving as a member of the board of directors.

Article II, Election of the Board of Directors
Section 1
A majority vote of the members of the AACC board of directors meeting shall fill vacant positions on the board of directors using the criteria listed in section 2. It is preferred that the prospective board member be an officer in the neighborhood association where he or she lives but not required.

Section 2
a) Each board member must be a citizen of the United States of America and must be at least 18 years of age.
b) Every board member must reside in the specific geographical area associated with a specific board position.

The locations are as follows:
Argyle East north of Argyle Forest Boulevard
Argyle East south of Argyle Forest Boulevard
Bent Creek
Blanding Boulevard area of Clay County
Chimney Lakes north of Argyle Forest Boulevard
Chimney Lakes south of Argyle Forest Boulevard
Collins Road area west of McGirts Creek
Collins Road area east of McGirts Creek
Highland Lakes
OakLeaf Plantation north of Argyle Forest Boulevard
OakLeaf Plantation south of Argyle Forest Boulevard
Old Middleburg Road area
Shindler road from Argyle Forest Boulevard to 103rd
Spencer's Farm area (Clay County)
Sweetbrier (Clay County)

Section 3
The AACC board of directors as of October 23, 2003 and upon the adoption of this amendment to the bylaws of the Argyle Area Civic Council shall be as follows:

Ken Bible, David Reagan, Bill Lewis, Marie Splane, Allen Durant, David Hodges, Henry Mooneyhan, John Draper.

Article III, Election of Officers
Section 1.
All officers of the AACC shall be chosen from among the members of the board of directors and shall serve one-year terms. An executive director and support staff may be hired from outside the board of directors with no time limit on employment.
Section 2.
The AACC Board of Directors shall choose a President/Board Chairman, First Vice-president/Vice Chairman, Second Vice-president, Recording Secretary, Treasurer and Financial Secretary. The president with approval of the board of directors shall appoint other committee chairmen. Committee chairmen are not required to be members of the board of directors.

Article IV, Procedures
Section 1:
a) The presiding officer at all meetings shall follow Robert's Rules of Order.
b) The President or an officer designated by the President shall be the spokesperson for the AACC in all matters.

Section 2:
a) All expenditures of AACC funds shall require the majority approval of the board of directors.
b) The President and the Treasurer must sign all AACC checks.

Article V, Dues
No annual dues shall be charged but contributions shall be accepted in accordance with all applicable Federal laws, State statutes and local ordinances. The president with the concurrence of the board of directors reserves the right to refuse to accept any contribution. The Board of Directors may charge appropriate fees to persons wishing to participate in any AACC sponsored events.

Article VI, Amendments to the Bylaws
Amendments to the bylaws shall require a two-thirds vote of the members of the Board of Directors present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

Old Business:
IRS – 501 (c) (3) Filing status: Near completion.

Nominations are being accepted for two Chimney Lakes Homeowners Association
board of directors positions. Applications may be obtained at the Chimney Lakes
Recreation Center office, telephone number 778-7000, or sent to the Chimney Lakes
Homeowners Association, attention Jean Wright, secretary, at 8410 Cheswick Oaks Avenue, Jacksonville, 32244 . Applicants will be interviewed and a slate of nominees will be presented to the general membership for vote at the annual meeting at Kirkwood Presbyterian Church on Thursday, December 4.
Interested parties are encouraged to fill out an application as soon as possible.

The Chimney Lakes Architectural Review Board needs an architect or licensed
building contractor to serve on the architectural review board, which meets once a month. Anyone interested, please apply in writing to the Chimney Lakes Homeowners Association, 8410 Cheswick Oaks Avenue, Jacksonville, Florida 32244, attention Dino Ciccone or Fred Carpenter.

No further business coming before the board, David Hodges made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and passed. The meeting adjourned at 8:53 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary

Minutes of the Thursday, November 20, 2003 AACC Meeting 7:30 pm - Kirkwood Presbyterian Church

Officers Present: Ken Bible, President.
Allen Durant, Treasurer.
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary.

Others present: John Draper, Jim Kelly, Patrick McGovern, Bob Dorn, Steve Cauble, Joan Curtis, Bob Curtis and Mary Krause.

The meeting was called to order at 7:37 p.m.

Allen Durant made a motion that the minutes from October be approved. Motion seconded and passed.

Clay County Commissioner Patrick McGovern gave us an update on the preliminary design and engineering studies of two road projects along the Duval/Clay county area, known as the Cleveland Connector and the Wells Road Project.

Cleveland Connector: Preliminary design & engineering studies for the Cleveland Connector, which will extend from the approximate area of the Albertson’s on Blanding Boulevard to Branan Field, have been underway for the last four months. It is expected these studies will take another six months to complete.

Wells Road Project: The preliminary design and engineering study is finished. The DOT would like to brief it to the Clay County Commission and then do public hearings on it very shortly. The next Clay County Commission meeting is December 16. If the presentation is not done in December, it will likely be in January, and then a public hearing shortly after that.

Commissioner McGovern will be keeping us informed on these two projects.

Public Safety, Clay County:
Officer Dean Jones of the Clay County Sheriff’s Office reported that we had a safe Halloween. Speeding has been a problem in the Cheswick Oak and Oakleaf Plantation areas. Radar units were placed in the area and speeding tickets were issued. About 90 percent of the speeding were by construction personnel. About a dozen residents in the Cheswick Oak area were ticketed within an hour.

The Sheriff’s Office computer system is able to give data on criminal activity in the area of any specific address. As an example, if you call the Sheriff’s Office and want to know if there has been any criminal activity in your neighborhood, they will input your address, or a specific street, and will be able to pull up all the police calls in that area for the past year.

Three burglaries and four thefts were reported in the Spencer’s Crossing area.

We are still having problems with theft of equipment at the construction areas.

One of the big complaints in the Oakleaf Plantation area is with the round-abouts. It seems many people do not know how to negotiate a round-about, and most of the violators seem to be construction personnel. Exercise caution when entering, and stay to the right – no cutting across.

As usual, citizens of Argyle are encouraged to call Deputy Jones to report suspicious activity or other public safety matters at (904) 213-6718, or he can be paged at (904) 499-8585.

Public Safety, Duval County.
Sergeant Todd Whitworth reported that for the year to date, auto burglaries are down about 17 percent. Overall crime is down about 2 and a half percent. Burglaries of businesses are down 8 and a half percent. The only thing that has increased is burglaries to residences, up at about 4.2 percent.

The sheriff's office is looking at starting a SHADCO (Sheriff’s Office Advisory Committee) membership in this area, which is an organization run by the sheriff's office that takes input from the community regarding problems specific to individual neighborhoods. A meeting is held once a month very much like this, where residents address concerns, the sheriff’s office collects the information, and complaints are addressed specifically.

Kevin Feldt, Senior Transportation Planner with the JTA, gave a very informative presentation on the East and Southwest Rapid Transit Corridor Study. The JTA runs the bus system, the Skyway System, rapid transit corridor studies, and work on Better Jacksonville Plan projects like the intersection studies. Argyle Forest Boulevard is also one of the JTA’s projects.
Followup information was to be provided to the AACC, but unfortunately, as of the time of the preparation of the minutes, the information has not been provided.

Literacy Campaign:
No report.

Business Development:
President Bible has called for a symposium on business development from the Clay and Duval County Commissioners. The response so far has been positive, but more
work needs to be done.

No report.

Landscaping Committee:
No report.


Corporate Filing Status:
Discussions with the attorney were had recently; finalization of 501(c) (3) filing status is imminent. The cost will be approximately $2500.
Amended bylaws:
John Draper presented the amended bylaws. Discussion followed.
Section 2, paragraph little (a), each board member must be a citizen of the United States and be at least 18 years of age. Marie Splane made a motion to delete the U.S. citizenship requirement and change “citizen” to resident, and substitute the words “Argyle Forest geographical area” in place of “United States of America.” Motion seconded by Allen Durant. After discussion, the motion was passed.

John Draper made a motion to change Article 2, Section 2, paragraph B, to delete the references to Spencer's Farm and Sweetbrier and insert "east of Cheswick Oaks and west of Cheswick Oaks, Clay County." The motion was seconded and passed.

Allen Durant made a motion to change the wording of Article 3, Section 2, to read:
“Committee chairmen are not required to be members of the board of directors.” Motion was seconded and passed.

John Draper made a motion that the bylaws as amended be adopted. Motion seconded by Bob Dorn and passed unanimously.

(Complete bylaws, as amended, attached as a separate document.)

Treasurer’s Report (Allen Durant):
There is $706.92 in the treasury.

Election of 2004 AACC Officers. Accomplished by adoption of the amended bylaws.

Tom Dumas has offered to donate the first up to $10,000 necessary in order to bring on Alberta Hipps and Ginny Myrick as consultants as soon as 501(c)(3) filing status is accomplished.

There being no further business to come before the council, John Draper made a motion to adjourn. Motion seconded and passed.

Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary


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Posted by bill5lewis on 02/19/2007
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