Held at Denny’s Restaurant, 8409 Blanding Boulevard
Jacksonville, Florida 32244
Present: Bill Lewis, President; Tom Dumas, Vice President; Marie Splane, Recording Secretary; Allen Durant, Treasurer; Thomas R. Martin, Doug Conkey, Bill Ellis, Sandi Clay, John Draper, Don Christen, Shay Dumas, Bobbie Cockayne, Barry Wynns, Rosalie Carrasco-Lopez, Sharon Boyette, James Evans Muhammad, Steve Hinkle, Cheryl Anderson, Kay Sibert, Virginia Norton and John Saoud.
1. Call to Order. The meeting was called to order at 7:40 p.m.
2. Approval of June 19 minutes. Ashley Davis made a motion to approve last month’s minutes, seconded by John Draper. Motion carried.
3. Committee Reports:
(a) Jacksonville City Council and Clay County Commission Reports, etc.
Clay County Commissioner Doug Conkey gave us an update on the Clay County Budget. A tentative budget has been submitted and public hearings will be held in August. Tax revenues are expected to bring in 7 percent less net revenue as a result of Amendment 1. Reductions have been made in most of the county’s budgeted funds, with the exception of capital improvement. Commission meetings can be viewed on television by Comcast subscribers when the technological upgrades are completed in late August. It is hoped that a north-south corridor will be built through the center of the county and connect to Branan Field Road in the next two years or so.
Kay Sibert asked if there are plans to put in a fire station on Cheswick Oaks. Commissioner Conkey said that he knows of no plans currently to do so, as the county owns no land in that area. As areas of the county increase in population, developers are being asked to donate the land necessary and build fire stations.
(a-1) Area Elections:
Virginia Norton, candidate for Fourth Judicial Circuit Judge, gave us her educational and professional background and asked for our vote in the August 26 election. Additional information can be found at www.vote-virginia.net.
James Evans Muhammad, candidate for Jacksonville City Council, District 10, also gave his educational and professional background and asked for our vote in the August 26 election. More information can be found at www.evansforchange.com.
(b) Public Safety report: (No reports)
(c) Transportation
(1). I-295 at Collins Road/Blanding Boulevard interchange.
The Collins Road widening/interchange project is well underway.
(2). Collins Road Widening from Rampart to Blanding is under construction.
(3). Collins Road/Shindler to Old Middleburg extension:
Thomas Martin and Bill Ellis gave an update. The St. Johns River Water Management District will be holding a board meeting at 10 a.m. on August 12 in Palatka to decide whether the permit will be issued, which will be followed by a public hearing at 1 p.m. There are some concerns about flooding around some homes.
(4). Proposed extension of Collins Road from Old Middleburg to Cecil Commerce Center. (No report.)
(5). Old Middleburg Road/103rd to Branan Field (No report.)
(6). Branan Field/Chaffee Road Phase 1, 103rd Street to I-10 (No report)
(7). Proposed Shindler Road realigned with Cheswick Oaks along the JEA easements for power lines. (No report)
(8). College Drive Extension North Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study – new connection between Blanding Boulevard (SR 21) and Branan Field/Chaffee Road (SR 23) – Clay County. (No specific report)
(d). Business Development :
New business continue to open at Oakleaf Town Center.
(e). Communications and Web Site – Bill Lewis (No report)
(f). Homeowners Association Presidents Meeting – Bill Lewis (No report)
(g). Grant Writing Committee (No active committee)
(i). Treasurer’s Report – Allen Durant. The treasury balance is the same as last month, $347.12.
4. Old Business
(a). Argyle Forest Sign Island at AFB & Blanding. We still need the assistance of a brick mason who can advise the best way to replace the broken bricks. A source for the replacement bricks has been found and we need to purchase the bricks.
(b). New Argyle Forest Blvd Bridge Lights.
The new lights will be installed on every other light post, but there is no current timetable for the completion of this work.
(c). Collins Road Extension between Shindler Drive and Old Middleburg Road. (No report.)
(d) Property Swap at Old Middleburg Road and Argyle Forest Blvd. (No report.)
5. New Business:
(a). Harmony Farms and Olsen Farms PUDs – presentation byTom Dumas.
Tom Dumas recused himself from the board for the purpose of this presentation. Slides were shown illustrating the plans for both town center style projects. It is envisioned that both projects will have a common architectural theme and will be constructed using the latest energy-efficient technology and building materials. Tom and his partner, Bill Sulzbacher, are endeavoring to make this a green demonstration project, reducing the carbon footprint of all activity here. There will be frontage of almost a mile on the outside curve of I-295, and after the completion of the I-295/Collins Road interchange this town center will serve to connect the Orange Park, Argyle, Oakleaf and Westside markets. Plans are also in process to provide the right-of-way needed to connect these town centers to Youngerman Circle and also to fund the widening of the bridge at Collins Road over I-295 beyond what is currently planned, which will improve the anticipated traffic flow.
(b). Rezoning on Hipps Property – property rezoning from RR to PUD, proposal for Navy housing units, single and multifamily housing. The Navy needs housing for NCOs, as three P-3 squadrons from Maine will be relocating to NAS. Neighbors have concerns about increased area traffic. A Town Hall meeting is scheduled at Shindler Road Baptist, August 4, 6:30 p.m.
(c). Shopping Center Sign at Argyle Forest Boulevard & Rampart .
John Saoud, representing Colliers Dickenson real estate consultants, handed out a brochure describing this 10-acre PUD. This parcel is being marketed as a small retail/professional office building site of 58,000 square feet. A bank is showing some interest in the hard corner at Argyle Forest and Rampart, also a possible Fed Ex/Mail Center establishment. Tom Dumas reminded Mr. Saoud of a prior agreement to leave room for a canoe launch which is not currently reflected in the site plan. Mr. Saoud asked for the dimensions so he could take them back to the engineer.
(d) American Cancer Society Relay for Life – Westside Relay for Life.
Sandi Clay made a presentation on the Relay for Life fundraising activity and invited everyone to come. The relay will be held at Bishop Snyder High School on August 12. The relay raises funds to pay for ACS research, education, advocacy and service programs.
There being no further business to come before the council, Bill Ellis made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Tom Dumas. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marie Splane, Recording Secretary
AACC Meeting Monday, July 21, 2008 7:30 pm
Location: Denny's Restaurant 8409 Blanding Blvd. Jacksonville, FL 32244 Phone: 904-778-4624
Corner of Blanding Blvd and Youngerman Circle.
Map: http://web.sa.mapquest.com/dennys/advantage.adp?transaction=locmap&recordId=509&pwidth=400&pheight=250to
1. Call to Order 7:30 pm
2. Approval of Old Minutes
Monday, June 16, 2008 http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/jacksonville/aacc/genpage/352323358.html
3. Committee Reports
a. Jacksonville City Council, Clay County Commission Report and other elected officials or representatives
1. Duval County School Board District 7 - Tommy Hazouri
2. Jax District 14 Council Member Michael Corrigan - Past Council President 2006 - 2007
3. Jax District 12 Council Member Dan Davis - City Council President 2007 - 2008
4. Jax District 11 Council Member Ray Holt
5. Jax At Large, Group 1 Council Member Ronnie Fussell
6. Clay District 2 Commissioner - Doug Conkey
7. State Representative Jennifer Carroll (R), District 13 - Rebecca Coleman, District Secretary
8. U.S. Representative Cliff Stearns (R), Florida's Sixth District - Sherrie Porter, District Aide
b. Public Safety Report. Jacksonville Sheriff's Office and Clay County Sheriff's Office
c. Transportation. David Hodges - Click on the links for the Latest Info on these Projects
1. Argyle Forest Blvd 4 Lanes - http://www.jtaonthemove.com/projects/bjp/bjargyle2.aspx
2. I-295 @ Collins Rd / Blanding Blvd Interchange C/D Project - http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/public/genpage.html?nid=972432200&nneighid=351562714&nsupercity=623542159
3. Collins Road Widening -
. I) Collins Rd/Rampart to Blanding http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
. II) Collins Rd/Westport to Rampart http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
. III) Collins Rd/Shindler to Westport http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
. IV) Collins Rd/Shindler to Old Middleburg http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
. V) Extension of Collins Rd from Old Middleburg to Cecil Commerce Center. Proposed. May or May Not Happen.
4. Old Middleburg Rd./103rd to Branan Field http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
5. Branan Field Chaffee Road Phase 1 (103rd St. to I-10) - http://www.jtafla.com/projects/bjp/bjbranan10.aspx
6. Shindler Rd realigned with Cheswick Oaks along the JEA easements for power lines. Proposed. May or May Not Happen.
7. College Drive Extension North Project Development and Environment (PD&E) Study - New connection between Blanding Boulevard (SR 21) and Branan Field/Chaffee Road (SR 23). - Clay county http://www.collegedrivenorth.com/faq.htm
BETTER JACKSONVILLE PLAN IMPROVEMENT PROJECTS http://www.coj.net/Departments/Better+Jacksonville+Plan/Road+Projects.htm
Jacksonville Transportation Authority Projects Map - http://www.jtafla.com/projects/projects_map.html
Florida Department of Transportation Information http://www.dot.state.fl.us/publicinformationoffice/construc/district2pio/counties/duval.htm http://www.dot.state.fl.us/publicinformationoffice/construc/district2pio/counties/clay.htm - http://www.dot.state.fl.us/publicinformationoffice/publicinv/PI-D2.htm
d. Business Development - David Hodges
. . Oakleaf Town Center - Jacksonville, FL - Description http://www.sembler.com/current_projects.php?id=12
. . Oakleaf Town Center - Jacksonville, FL - PDF Map http://www.sembler.com/pdfs/Oakleaf%20Town%20Ctr.pdf
e. Communications and Web Site - Bill Lewis
f. Home Owners Association President Meeting - Bill Lewis
g. Grant Writing Committee
h. Landscaping Committee - Argyle Sign at Argyle Forest Blvd and Blanding Blvd
i. Treasurer's Report - Allen Durant
4. Old Business
a. Argyle Forest Sign Island at Argyle Forest Blvd and Blanding - We still need the assistance of a brick mason who can advise the best way to replace the broken bricks.
b. New Argyle Forest Blvd Bridge Lights
c. Collins Road Extension between Shindler Drive and Old Middleburg Road
d. Property Swap at Old Middleburg Road and Argyle Forest Blvd
Subject : Letter needed to Parks and Rec Dept
Date : Thu, 8 May 2008 22:30:00 -0400
From : "David Hodges"
To : 'Bill Lewis'
They are now balking at swapping their acreage on Old Middleburg for the
JFRD's acreage on AFB. We need to send a forceful letter supporting that
swap. JFRD is also planning a command center for the entire Westside at
that new location and we could use the extra jobs as well. If the swap is
not done, JFRD will not build the station in our lifetime. We need
Corrigan, Holt and Davis to weigh in on this as well as all five at-large
council members with letters of support sent to the Mayor.
Argyle area Civic Council
David Hodges, Chairman
Economic Development Committee
Transportation Committee
5. New Business
a. Harmony Farms and Olsen Farms PUDs - Tom Dumas
Subject: Rezoning on Hipps Property
Email Date: Sat, 12 Jul 2008 23:26:42 +0000
This is information you will want to share with with your association.
Someone put the following notice in our mail boxes:
As a result I emailed Daniel Davis' office, our city councilman and I got the following response; after the mail box notice.
There is to be a town hall meeting at Shindler Rd Baptist Church on August 4, 6:30pm.
CALL CITY, 630-1902, FOR INFORMATION ON #2008517
July 11, 2008
You were on my list of people to personally call regarding this issue, as I remember you called our office several months ago inquiring about this.
We are holding a community meeting on August 4th at 6:30 pm at the Shindler Road Baptist Church. I JUST placed an order for the mailout post cards about 5 minutes ago as well as requested an ad be placed in the Times Union on Saturday, July 26th as well as the Westside Sun on July 26th and Saturday, August 2nd. Any persons living within 350 feet of the properties in question will receive the post card mail out. I will be mailing those out hopefully by the end of next week.
As of now, these are the following scheduled Public Hearings:
August 12th - City Council in the Council Chambers at 5:00
August 14th - Planning Commission in the Council Chambers at 1:00 (I believe)
August 19th - Land Use and Zoning Committee meeting in the Council Chambers at 5:00
We will have representatives from our Planning Department and the Office of General Counsel to answer any questions and the applicants from Pappas, Metcalf, Jenks and Miller will also be doing a presentation on the rezoning.
Thank you,
Sarah Lane
Aide, Council Member Daniel Davis
District 12: Daniel Davis - City Council President 2007 - 2008
Sarah Balme, Assistant; Email: DDavis@coj.net Phone: 904-630-1380 -- Fax: 904-630-2906
Web Site: http://www.coj.net/City+Council/District+12/default.htm
c. Shopping Center Sign at Argyle Forest Blvd and Rampart Road - Colliers Dickenson ( Gary Mantour or John Saoud (904)358-1206 )
6. Additional Comments From the Public
7. Motion to Adjourn
Email us
Minutes Monday, June 16, 2008 AACC Meeting
Oakleaf Town Center - Jacksonville, FL - Description
Oakleaf Town Center - Jacksonville, FL - PDF Map