Arlington Vista HOA

VISTA VIEWS -- July/August 2003

Sep 02, 2003


Picnic plans are almost complete for 1:00-5:00 P.M. on Saturday, September 13th. We have new chefs this year who will be meticulously following the notes and directions of former successful food chieftains to insure excellent cuisine. Returning with their picnic services this year are ?“Corn Man?” (food, not comedy), the Children?’s Games Chairwoman, and the Vista association?’s Designated Shopper.

Food & beverages provided; tables and chairs provided; music provided; free lottery for prizes provided; meet with neighbors. You set the pace---play games, or relax completely..

To those attending the picnic, please use the garbage drums and recycle bins. After the picnic, Vista volunteers are needed to assist cleaning the picnic area. Admission to the picnic is free to all members of all dues paying households.

Dues for each Vista residence will again be $5.00 for the 2003-2004 year. Your area delegate will be contacting you soon. See the end of this newsletter for a list of areas, delegates, and addresses. Please make checks payable to ?“Arlington Vista Homeowners.?”

2002 VISTA HOMEOWNERS DIRECTORY: update from July 2002 to July 2003.

Delete: Noll at 1738 Lilac Terrace; Gazda at 1942 Elmwood Circle

Vista Births:
Hunter Luke (July 2002)
Robert Mies (October 2002)
Chase Cantrell (January 2003)
Mary Kate Fahey (January 2003)
Toby Fischer (April 2003)
Shannon Blumenfeld (April 2003)
Abby Eckert (April 2003)
Baby Girl Wozny (Spring 2003)
Annika Szyniec (Spring 2003)

Directory Correction: Debbie and Tom Blumenfeld were listed as having three children in the 2002 Vista Homeowners Directory. They did not have any children at that time. Their only child, Shannon, was born in April 2003. We regret the 2002 Vista Homeowners Directory error.

If there are any other Vista Directory corrections or additions, please contact us.
Residences For Sale: 2117 Cherry Hill; 1942 Elmwood Circle; 1713 & 1738 Lilac Terrace

Vista Streetlight Malfunctions: A neighborhood streetlight is malfunctioning if the light is out, emitting an annoying buzzing sound, or appears too dim. Technically, Commonwealth Edison maintains Vista streetlights. However, to report a streetlight problem call the village?’s public works department at (847) 368-5800 to make your report, and the village will call Com Ed.

Traffic Lights (IDOT & Village of Arlington Heights): The Illinois Department of Transportation maintains traffic signals and signage on the roads it owns such as Palatine Road. Our village maintains signals and signage on the roads it owns such as Windsor Drive. The Palatine Road/Windsor Drive intersection has recently had two red lights out for over three weeks. This intersection is dangerous enough when all lights are functioning properly. Who is legally responsible when a traffic light is out at the Palatine/Windsor intersection? We are not completely certain, even after the Vista Homeowners Association received a July 8th letter from Mr. Scott Shirley, the Arlington Heights Director of Public Works. However, we do know the phone numbers to call to get the signals repaired.

Mr. Shirley stated, ?“There is no automated notification for traffic signal outages. We rely on reports from the public and observations of Village personnel. Public Works should be contacted during our regular working hours, Monday-Friday, 7:00 A.M. to 4:30 P.M. at 847-368-5800. After hours and on weekends the Police Desk can be contacted at 847-368-5300. We (Village of Arlington Heights) will contact the appropriate agency. Unfortunately, the contractor who maintains and repairs IDOT traffic signals does not always respond in as timely a fashion as the Village or its residents would like. If you wish to express your concern, you can contact IDOT at 847-705-4201 or their electrical contractor, Meade Electric, at 773-378-2928.?” Call IDOT at 847-705-4613 to directly report a traffic signal outage on an IDOT road.

Summary: If you wish to report a malfunctioning traffic signal anywhere in Arlington Heights, call our village at Public Works (847-368-5800) or the police desk (847-368-5300). This will achieve the desired repairs no matter which entity is legally responsible.

Parking Problem at Flentie Park: A Vista resident concerned about illegal and dangerous parking on Mulberry and Birchwood near Flentie Park, coordinated petition signatures from every house on Mulberry and Birchwood (between Mulberry and Lilac), asking the Village to address this problem. Village Manager, William C. Dixon, wrote to our association on June 27th telling us that the matter has been referred to Tom Ponsot, Village traffic engineer, for review. Thank you to such residents who take the time to improve our neighborhood.

The Vista Sanitary Sewer Improvement Project was discussed in detail in the April 2003 Vista Views. I asked residents to contact me if they suffered a sanitary sewage basement backup since the April 2002 completion date of the improvement project. Two residences had sewage that was very close to entering their basements on August 22, 2002. No resident has contacted me since the April newsletter. Therefore, I assume that no residence has suffered a sanitary sewer basement backup that can be attributed to a retroflow in the municipal sanitary sewer since the completion of the project. Any questions or comments about this project should be directed to Jack Fahey.

Palatine Road: There have been articles in the Daily Herald in the past month mentioning that the Palatine Road reconstruction will be delayed due to the governor?’s budget cuts. We talked with the IDOT planner in charge of this area about this news. He assured us that the information we printed in the April 2003 Vista Views remains accurate. The IDOT plan, as of July 21st, is that in the summer of 2004, IDOT will accept bids for construction contracts for the section of Palatine Road between Rand Road and Elmhurst Road. Some preliminary work may begin in autumn of 2004 with construction completed by the end of 2005. Once again, this is only the most current plan. IDOT has had more than a few plans since 1996 and all have changed. We hope to see the current plan succeed.

Untoward Activity in the Vista: Call 911 immediately to report any improper activity in the Vista that concerns you. Such activity always increases during warm weather. Make sure to inform a Vista officer about this problem at a later time. Such problems need to be documented by a police response.

Jack Fahey, President
Arlington Vista Homeowners Association

JULY 2003


Katie Van Diggelen Jonquil Circle: all ten homes

Sue Milanez
Cherry Hill Drive: 2142, 2134, 2117, 2111, 2105
Jonquil Terrace: 1608,1624, 1627, 1636

Martin & Dolores Kaiser
Cherry Hill Drive: 2128,2116,2108,2100,2050,2046 Flower Circle: 2019, 2029, 2032, 2026

Jim Osebold
Windsor Drive: 2025, 2019, 2013, 2001, 1931 Rosehill Drive: 1408,1414, 1420
Evergreen Terrace: 1932, 2002
Flower Circle: 2018

Ron Klopack
Rosehill Drive: 1409, 1415,1421,1427, 1506, 1513, 1519, 1525, 1529, 1601
Lilac Terrace: 1623

Francine Norling
Rosehill Drive: 1506, 1514 1522, 1530
Cherry Hill Drive: 1928, 1936, 1946
Evergreen Terrace: 1937, 2013

Phil Slaski
Evergreen Terrace: 2042, 2048, 2054, 2061, 2047, 2043, 2039, 2035
Rosehill Drive: 1624, 1636, 1708

Jill Birschbach
Rosehill Drive: 1732, 1726, 1714, 1727, 1715, 1709, 1701, 1627
Lilac Terrace: 1700, 1701, 1633

Pat McCabe
Jonquil Terrace: 1708, 1714, 1726, 1732, 1738, 1741, 1735, 1729, 1715, 1701

Barbara Whiteside
Rosehill Drive: 1729, 1731, 1824, 1832
Orchid Lane: 2134, 2142
Jonquil Terrace: 1743, 1826, 1829, 1832, 1838

Jennifer Fahey
Lilac Terrace: 1706, 1713, 1718, 1721, 1735, 1738, 1741
Maple Lane: 1926, 1934, 1940, 1950

Diana & Bob Hubberts
Lilac Terrace: 1806, 1809, 1815, 1818, 1823, 1832
Maple Lane: 1927, 1935, 1941, 1915

Helen Snider
Jonquil Terrace: 1908, 1916, 1833, 1901, 1905, 1911, 1921
Mulberry Lane: 1917, 2001, 2009
Lilac Terrace: 1846

Barb & Gary Jaeger
Mulberry Lane: 1908, 1916, 1924, 2000, 2006, 2012, 2020, 2032, 2038, 2015

Dan Olson
Rosehill Drive: 2000, 2006, 2012, 2020, 2032, 2038, 2049, 2035, 2027, 2015, 2009

Leo Seneczko
Rosehill Drive: 1924, 1916, 1908, 2001, 1925, 1913, 1905, 1839
Orchid Lane: 2119, 2137

Tom Semerau
Lilac Terrace: 2003, 2008, 2014, 2017, 2020, 2024, 2025, 2030, 2033, 2038

Pam Carlson
Jonquil Terrace: 1924
Lilac Terrace: 1917
Elmwood Circle : 1903, 1915, 1918, 1927, 1932, 1935, 1942, 1947, 1958

Bob Mason
Birchwood Lane: 1924, 1929, 1925, 1918, 1919, 1912, 1913, 1908, 1909
Palatine Road: 2214

Pat Murray
Mulberry: 2027, 2035, 2049, 2105, 2113 Birchwood Lane: 2022, 2014
Lilac Terrace: 2110, 2104, 2100

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