Arrowhead Farms

What a City!

Posted in: Arrowhead Farms
Sept 4, 2003
William Dillon, father of city cop employee Dillon, was properly identified by former SBPD Employee Ofc. and SB City Council person Jerry Devlin (now deceased) as an ''a**hole''.
William Dillon, even more properly identified is an alcoholic, an uneducated fool, a pathological antisocial personality, ignorantly violent, a pathological habitual liar, and, perhaps most importantly, is empowered in all of his raging huge beer gut splendor, by the City of San Bernardino's Police Department, who have the entire city government cowering at their feet.
WHY??? would an entire City Government allow such a human pig type commit violent crime, break the city's laws, harass an entire neighborhood, waste city employee time, and provide protection from arrests and prosecution for his insanity???
Because he is a member of the G Street Posse fraud and violent crime gang???? Yes. Because he is the father of a City Police Employee??
YES again!
Does any of this make sense to San Bdno City Residents of higher intelligence???
This early evening, Dillon made, again, another false police report along with Crystal Gertner and her wreched mother, Orville Lint (& possibly Tina Henes), after stalking the Child Family and children, AGAIN. Of Course, the SBPD gobbled this up. (This after Dillon stalked and kept under surveillance the Child Family members, then battered David J Child three times, threatened David J Child, and one of his cohorts, a haggard lady, G ST Posse Crystal Gertner's mother, assaulted Child with a large bag in her hand).
Dillon has been for a long time now, making violent threats of physical beatings, deviate sexual assault upon and stalking the Child Family Children, and Mr. and Mrs. Child. William Dillon has been captured making violent threats, and physical assault attempts upon and against Mr. David J. Child, and has been terrorizing Mrs. Annmarie Child in her line of duty as a school bus driver. Dillon makes it his business to stalk and harass and threaten the Child Familg numerous times Per Day, always inciting, provoking, and inflaming, terrorizing abnd traumatizing the Family. Even when the Child children are home alone, especially when Mr. David J. Child is away from home, even out of town. This is the CRAP that goes on in this city that is allowed and condoned and protected by Mayor Valles, City Attorney James Penman, Council person Neil Deary, ''Acting'' Chief of Police Wayne Harp, Lee Dean, and Garret Zimmon. Even worse than this is encouraged, condoned, allowed. This city is absolutely pathetic.
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