
Quiz: Are You a Good Neighbor?

Quiz: Are You a Good Neighbor?

Take this quiz to find out if you would want to live next door to you.

1. You see a neighbor outside struggling to get her bags of groceries out of her car and her wayward toddler into the house. What do you do?

   A. Sit and watch. It’s amusing to observe a mom in distress.
   B. Walk away. You can feel her pain and seeing it is just too much for you to handle.
   C. Offer to help. Keep an eye on her little one or carry a few bags to the porch.

2. The neighbor’s 8-year-old boy has thrown rocks at your dog every day for the past two weeks. What do you do?

   A. Yell at him the next time he passes your home. If his parents won’t teach him some manners, it’s up to you.
   B. Ignore him. He may be a pest, but there’s nothing you can do about it.
   C. Politely ask him to stop. Treat him with respect and explain that his mistreatment of your dog may hurt your pet’s health.

3. Everyone in the neighborhood is getting together for a homeowners meeting to discuss traffic problems. What do you do?

   A. Go to the meeting and complain. People drive way too fast in front of your house, especially the teenagers that live down the street.
   B. Skip it. It will just be a bunch of fuddy-duddies talking about the purple house on the corner or the guy with too many weeds in his yard.
   C. Introduce yourself to others at the meeting. Offer helpful suggestions for solving the traffic problems.

4. Your neighbor comes by and asks you to help him cut the tree that is on your property line and drops leaves into his yard. What do you do?

   A. Tell him to forget it. You don’t have time to cut the tree nor do you have to pick up the leaves, so what’s the problem?
   B. Tell him you’ll do it but never do. Let him think you’ll take care of the problem so he’ll leave you alone.
   C. Thank him for his help and let him know when you’re available. Offer to help him rake the leaves that have fallen off the tree into his yard.

5. A neighbor’s child falls off his bike. He’s crying on the corner by your house. What do you do?

   A. Tell him to go home. His mom can help him with his problem.
   B. Ignore him. He’s not your kid, after all.
   C. Console him and help him get home. If he were your child, you’d want someone kind to help him.


How did you rate?

Mostly A: You need some lessons in neighborliness. You’re meeting your neighbors, but they probably don’t think much of you. Find positive ways to interact with them.

Mostly B: You probably don’t even know your neighbors. Step outside your door every once in a while and meet someone new.

Mostly C: You’re the kind of neighbor most people would like to have. Keep finding ways to make your neighborhood a better place to live.



Posted in Charlotte NC by sdrachel on 05/02/2011
Last updated on 06/15/2016
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