Hello All,
I just spoke with Tom at the EPA's Natural Dams Program. (404-362-2678). Tom said that an administrative order was initially sent to Darrel Hatcher's mother to repair the dam. Darrel's mother is now deceased, therefore the administrative order is no longer valid.
2 days ago Tom re-issued the administrative order and sent it certified mail to Darrel. There are specific dates in the administrative order for Darrel to hire an engineer, fix the dam, or sell the property. He can also appeal this order within 30 days. If there is no appeal and if the dates pass without the required tasks being complete, then Tom said he will seek further enforcement through the attorney general's office.
Tom also suggested that the HOA and/or specifically the homeowners who were sold ''Lake front property'' retain an attorney. We are paying for lake front property and have been without a lake for a year now. Recourse options need to be explored.
Gwendolyn Sanks