Auburndale Neighborhood Association Meeting – October 24, 2011
Kenwood Elementary School
The meeting was called to order at 7 :03 p.m. by President Ken Williams.
Ken then called on the following :
Marty Meyer, from Councilman David Yates’ office, told the group about the Code Red Notification System that is being implemented. He explained how it works and said the signup procedure was easy for computer users. Can also be on regular house phones, and cell phones. Marty will be glad to assist with signups if anyone needs his help. Marty explained that David Yates was attending a meeting on Dixie Highway, which he had to leave to attend as well.
Mallory Wright, teacher at Kenwood, presented some of the vegetables the Kenwood Students grew. They were available for sale on a donation basis.
Jim Thornberry, Thornberry Deli and Pie Shop. – Mr. Thornberry gave our group a most enjoyable and informative background of his family’s business. He is the second generation of Thornberrys. His dad started in business in 1936 at Park Blvd and Adair. In 1944, his dad paid $500 for the strip of property where they are currrently located on S. Third Street that takes up the block. A drug store opened in 1945. His dad had a grocery in the front and a restaurant in back. They moved the restaurant out to the front in 1955. They were in the wholesale pie business from 1958-1968, with a Sealtest Milk driver taking orders on his route for Thornberry pies.
Jim was working for Winn-Dixie in Okolona when his dad said he would like to go out of the deli business. On 1-1-79, Jim and his wife bought the business from his dad. They operated the business until 1-1-04 when his wife became terminally ill. Jim sold the store but owned the property. In July of 2011, his nephew bought the store and it is back in the family again, with Jim working with the old recipes he had such success with over the years. They are working hard to rebuilt the business. He says he comes in to work late and leaves early ! They have gone back to the hams he always uised, Mariah (not sure of spelling) Hams out of Columbus, Indiana. At its peak, the business sold 800 hams over each holiday season, Thanksgiving and Christmas. Business is picking up again. Ken thanked Mr. Thornberry and also for his donation of two pies as door prizes tonight.
Balance - $123.46, plus tonight’s donations of $48, bringing total to $171.46.
Officer Hale said he is from our area, grew up around our neighborhood. He said our neighborhood is one of the quietest in this area. Crime is down. Any trouble is usually caused by 2 to 3 people.A few A/C’s have been stolen. There were suggestions/questions from the floor about why it can’t be a federal offense to steal Freon. The difficulty in identifying the victim in such crimes was discussed.
On November 3, at the SW Government Center on Dixie, there will be a meeting at 6 :30 pm. All are invited to attend to see what our council members and govt. Agencies are trying to do in this area.
Mike Nemus said that state government is trying to take a stance on the people trying to steal scrap metal. There are problems with scrap yards, with one in particular being watched at this time.
Pawn Shops have stricter requirements than scrap yards with regard to getting legitimate identification from individuals on items left with them for sale.
Mike Nemus, Kentucky State Legislature, reported that the proposed deal with Kentucky Kingdom and the fair board is no longer in the works. There were questions about the makeup of the fair board. It is believed that it is comprised mostly from the agricultural community.
Kenny McFarland – Operation Brightside update : 32 people worked the recent cleanup and got t-shirts and gloves. Overall, the tonnage of refuse and debris was amazing – plus over 12,000 bags of debris was collected city-wide. There was help from the 4th graders from Kenwood. If anyone knows of any service projects for these 4th graders or any neighborhood projects, let Ken know.
Sidewalks are being repaired. Let Tony know if there are other breaks in the walks that need to be addressed. Tony said he is pursuring the ditch situation because the recent trimming of weeds is not even apparant along the ditch. The ditch behind the SW Govt. Center has been completely cleaned of trees, bushes, debris, etc. and MSD says they can’t do that to our ditch because of govt. Regulations.
Holiday Party – December 6, Tuesday night, from 7 :00 until 8 :30, at the school. If anyone would like to volunteer to help, sign up or advise a board member.
Caring cards to members on death, illness, or new neighbors – This has been discussed and if anyone knows of situations where a card from the neighborhood association would be appropriate, please advise Ray Crider.
Upcoming speakers – Suggestions are for someone from the Little Loom House and the Olmsted Conservancy to address the group in the future. Ken Williams is working on a schedule of speakers for upcoming meetings.
Steve Ellbe, Candlelight, told the group about a meeting he attended in the past week where Councilman Dan Johnson was there. The Iroquois Housing Project has been completely demolished and should be cleared in the next few weeks. Most of the occupants were moved to Newburg area. There is a proposal to convert this land to a catch basin for overflow water to alleviate some of the flooding in the south end. The acreage there is considerable. He will keep us informed.
The meeting adjourned at 7 :55 pm. Several members brought refreshments.
Respectfully submitted,
Joyce Whalin (for Sharon Spratt)