From Ken McFarland:
A.N.A./Kenwood Brightside Clean-up was a great sucess despite the rain. We
completed several projects before the increase in the rain force everyone under
the over hang in fromt of Kenwood Elementary. As we waited for the rain to stop
it became a great time for discussion and exchange of ideals between Elected
Official and Neighbors . It is an Honor that Congressman John Yarmth and Metro
Council members David Yates , Vicki Welch , Brightside Director Mike and wife
Shannon plus State represenative Mike Neimis took time for our Cleanup.
Yes , with ANA plans an even Bigger and Better Picnic this year on- June 26th,Tuesday starting at 5:30pm. same location; Kenwood School ,Justan .
Special Thanks to everyone that helped last year ,Kenny VP