April 28 - Enthused area residents from all parts of the neighborhood gathered tonight to hear Department of Neighborhoods representative Amanda Clephas outline the mechanics of forming a neighborhood association, the differences between a homeowners and a neighborhood association and the various services offered through the department.
Unlike homeowners associations, neighborhood associations are purely voluntary and guided by various mandatory requirments. Neighborhood associations provide a forum where area residents bring concerns as they arise before they reach the confrontational stage. Clephas circulated index cards asking residents to list their likes and dislikes about the neighborhood. Residents both new and long term all agreed the atmosphere is indeed friendly. Many were concerned about the on-going maintence of rental properties, the impending mosquito season and generally poor drainage conditions.
Clephas asked what is the will of the group? The response: "Let's Build a Strong Neighborhood". Ray Whitener was asked to chair the by-laws committee. Several residents promptly volunteered. Whitener and committee will have draft by-laws for review by the next meeting date
Residents were pleased to have Councilwoman Vicki Welch and Renay Davis representing Councilman Doug Hawkins. Councilwoman Welch reminded everyone about the Car Show to be held at Kenwood Heights Christian Church on May 9 and the annual Forest Fest May 16 atop Holsclaw Hill in the Jefferson Memorial Forest. Lots of bluegrass music, crafts, food and family fun. Check elsewhere on the Auburndale page or District 13 web page for additional information.
Auburndale welcomed Scottsdale Neighborhood President Dick Manion.
Southwest Dream Team member David Yates asked if all had signed the petition circulating this evening. The goal is to obtain 12000 signatures for the City Economic Development office to carry forward to a national retailers convention. The purpose is to attract a quality retailer for the partially empty Shively Center and to focus more attention our side of town.
In addition, the group welcomed State Representative Tim Firkins, State Senator Perry Clark, and Marty Meyer representing Congressman John Yarmuth's Office.
Afterwards, a number of residents reconvened at the local Dairy Queen for treats and more conversation.
MARK YOUR CALENDAR: The next meeting is set for May 26, 7:00 pm Agenda will include approval of by-laws and mosquito control plans for 2009. Check the web calendar and Courier Journal for additional details.
REMEMBER: Tell a neighbor about Auburndale!