Aviara Homeowners

Memo from 113 Households

Posted in: Mariners Point
Since nobody signed the 'pink' flyer, dated May 5 and sent to me last Saturday, I have to address all 113 households who signed the circulated petition regarding landscape improvements etc.While I am NOT a member of the Board of Directors, I take issue with your statement that" many of these households wished to know how to preserve the good aspects of recent landscaping proposals, while improving communication & accountability between the MPHAB and each family."
What do you mean by that? Are the monthly newsletters NOT providing ANY information to you about the activities in the neighborhood? Have you considered attending any of the Board meetings to find out for yourselves what is going on? Or better yet, if you do not like what is going on, how about getting involved yourselves instead of sitting on the fence and complaining?
I like to hear from you, especially if you are willing to get actively involved in the Association's affairs and activities in a positive way.

By Klaus Kirchhoff
I agree! Get involved!

I was one of the 134 households contacted. I am not sure if I am counted as one of the 113 or not since I noted that I didn't agree with points 2 & 3 regarding placing on hold the plans and not spending reserves without published majority approval. No where on the petition that was signed did it mention that there was a lack of communication. I think you have done a fabulous job of communicating effectively with the newsletter with a very unbiased, neutral point of view. I think we are very fortunate to have you in our community because you care and are involved. I think that the statement on the pink flyer that indicated that "Many families expressed the hope for improved communication and accountability in future MPHA activities" was not in reference to the newsletter. Not knowing where that comment came from because it was not in the signed petition or something that I was concerned with, I would have to agree with you and suggest those that don't feel that they are aware of what is going on should read the newsletter. I was just as disappointed with the lack of turnout for the blockparty that was held last weekend. When I asked some of my neighbors why they didn't participate, they indicated that they didn't know anything about it. I personally made copies and posted flyers on every mail box as well as had you include it in the newsletter. I don't take it personally since we have the same problems at work - a lot of people say they don't know about something when we have sent emails, set up conference calls, posted it on the web site. I think it just goes to everyone being over-communicated to in all aspects of their lives. Working full-time, I know it is difficult to get involved to the extent that I would like to. I agree that if people aren't happy with the way things are, they should get involved. We all bought in a beautiful area and this could really be a wonderful community if we all pull together and go the same direction. The last thing that I would like to see is the community divided.

By Susan Poser
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