Aviara Homeowners

Red Ink Gushing

Posted in: Mariners Point
We note with sadness that the following was deleted from the Discussion Index for no apparent reason:

Costs of Landscaping/Architecture from 9/30/97 to 5/25/00 extracted from Annual Audits and Board Minutes (need detailed financial statements for complete story):

3/23/00 Landscape Proposal: $139K in 3 Yr: Phase 1 - $46K, Phase 2 - $53K, Phase 3 - $35K. Board approved Phase 1 up to $46K subject to amount of monies available in the Reserves and approval of transfer. Increase in homeowner monthly assessment $12/mo effective 6/1/00. Spending to 5/25/00 = $25,000 (estimated based upon statements by Brad Lunn and Board members Richard Keesee & Greg Johnson - since Board refuses access to records).
TOTAL TO 5/25/00 = $25,000 (EST.)

1/27/00 Landscape Comm ?– Snail bait barrier along fence lines, more fertilizer on trees and shrubs [est. = $1000] Landscape Mgmt System ?– meet community desires while beautifying it within budget. TOTAL = $1000 (EST.)

10/19/99 Green Horizons submitted best bid for cutting trees on Cam. de las Ondas (317, 122 very small). Possibly find home for trees or treat stumps to kill roots. Replace trees w/bushes. $3300 to remove eucalyptus and up to $3000 for consultant to develop master plan for community. TOTAL = $6300

3/11/99 $2594.36 + 10% to light Aviara monuments. $500/mo up to $4000/yr max to replace plants (then Landscape Chair Keesee recommended). Minor monument budget items deleted since they were in the front yards of homes, but budget never adjusted. Total $6750.

11/12/98 Budget Surplus=$33,000+. First estimate on lights at monument $940.

Repairs & Maintenance per Audits: $18,964 to 9/30/98, $46,983 to 9/30/99 and $31,478 (est.) to 5/25/00. 32 month total = $ 97,425

Architectural Disbursements per Audits: $28,440 to 9/30/98, $31,720 to 9/30/99 and $21,252 (est.) for 8 months to 5/25/00. 32 month total = $81,412

Gas, Electricity, Water, Sewer per Audits: $10,174 for 12 months to 9/30/98, $18,808 for 12 months to 9/30/99 and $12,600 (est.) for 8 months to 5/25/00. 32 month total = $41,520.

32 month planned total for landscaping & architect fees = $374,407

32 month (to 5/25/00) total estimated spending for landscaping & architect fees ALONE = $259,407

Income from homeowner assessments per Audits: $88,781 to 9/30/98, $128,481 to 9/30/99 and $92,717 (est.) to 5/25/00
TOTAL = $309,979

$309,979 - $374,407 = ($64,428), i.e. planned spending for LANDSCAPING & ARCHITECTURAL ACIVITIES ALONE exeeds income from homeowner monthly assessments by $64,428 from 9/30/97 to 5/25/00!!!

Homeowner annual assessments at current assessment level ($62/mo) = 186 homes x 12 months x $62 = $138,384 per year. Total expenses (per 9/30/99 Audit) were $142,510, A $4,126 SHORTFALL UNDER CURRENT REPORTED SPENDING!!!!!!


By Pyper Family
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