What is Neighborhood Watch?
What is Neighborhood Watch?
What is Neighborhood Watch? Neighborhood Watch is Volunteer citizens coming together in a neighborhood, communicating with each other and the police to reduce crime in the area they live. It is concerned citizens looking out for each other and helping others who may need it. It is citizens being the "eyes and ears" of the police. How does is work? Neighborhood Watch works through mutual aid. Neighbors watching out for neighbors. A police officer patrolling your neighborhood may not recognize strangers around your house or activity in your neighborhood which could be considered suspicious. Your neighbors know who you are, what type of vehicle you drive, who belongs in your neighborhood and who does not. When suspicious activity or a crime is observed, the Neighborhood Watch member calls the police, then alerts the neighbors. The key to Neighborhood Watches success is communication between citizens and the police. Neighborhood Watch is by no means a vigilante type organization. The confrontation of suspicious persons or the apprehension of criminals should be left to the police. Source: http://www.tampagov.net/dept_Police/programs_and_services/Neighborhood_Watch/what_is_neighborhood_watch.asp
What is Neighborhood Watch? |
What is Neighborhood Watch? Neighborhood Watch is Volunteer citizens coming together in a neighborhood, communicating with each other and the police to reduce crime in the area they live. It is concerned citizens looking out for each other and helping others who may need it. It is citizens being the "eyes and ears" of the police. How does is work? Neighborhood Watch works through mutual aid. Neighbors watching out for neighbors. A police officer patrolling your neighborhood may not recognize strangers around your house or activity in your neighborhood which could be considered suspicious. Your neighbors know who you are, what type of vehicle you drive, who belongs in your neighborhood and who does not. When suspicious activity or a crime is observed, the Neighborhood Watch member calls the police, then alerts the neighbors. The key to Neighborhood Watches success is communication between citizens and the police. Neighborhood Watch is by no means a vigilante type organization. The confrontation of suspicious persons or the apprehension of criminals should be left to the police. Source: TampaGov.net |