Banta Neighborhood Association

It’s a New Year with new things happening all over!!!!

Mar 26, 2007

Welcome to our Neighborhood?’s Newsletter! We have had quite a few things going on the past few months?’ time. A Changing of the Guard has transpired. The new Board was voted in:

President: Debbie Dohner 464-9966
Vice President: Susan Schulz 531-7640
Secretary: Missy Newton 465-0541
Committee Chair: Ellen Chapelle 477-5319

We would like to thank our outgoing Board Members, Ellen Chapelle, VP and Lynn Uban, Secretary, for their time, effort and service in helping to reestablish the Banta Neighborhood Association. They both have made the decision to concentrate on other important endeavors in their lives, however both will continue to be a support in our neighborhood! Thank You!

1st Historic Neighborhood District in Valparaiso!
A part of Banta Neighborhood has officially been designated as a Historic District! After much controversy and deliberation on the part of the Valparaiso Historic Commission, on January 22nd the Valparaiso City Council voted ?“yes?” to establish the City?’s 1st Historic District! The boundaries are: From the Alleyway South of Jefferson to Elm Street and then From the East side of Morgan to the West side of Garfield. A few homes have opted to include themselves; 2 homes on the west side of Morgan and one on the east side of Garfield. For more information go to and click on the Historic Preservation Commission.
This designation is a positive for the city and our neighborhood. Preservation of the integrity of the older homes we love and work hard to maintain and improve, now have a ?“safe-haven?” as a designated historic district. There are guidelines for making improvements and guess what! ?…You now have ?“free assistance?” with redesigning or making improvements to your property! Utilize the Historic Commission for ideas, color-schemes, etc. as you plan to maintain or improve your historic home! For those of you outside the historic district that have an older home, you are also welcome to contact the Historic Commission for advice. Single sight status for Historic District is also available. For guidelines and information, contact the Historic Commission with questions: Caroline Conner, Chairperson 476-7269 or Tyler Kent, Asst. City Planner, 462-1161

Membership Drive!!!!
The BNA is for all residents within the Banta neighborhood, it is not a Homeowners Association! So, if you rent or own, join us and find out about the neighborhood you live in and get involved. Sign-up online at
Newsletters cost money to print, are time consuming to deliver to all and we do not have enough manpower to hand deliver newsletters (not to mention the extreme cold!) nor funds for mailing. Sign-up and give us your address and email address and the newsletter will be emailed to you!
No computer access? Contact any of the Board Members to sign up!

Winter Service Project:
Wish List of Banta Activity Center
In March we would like to concentrate on the Banta Activity Center and their need for items to maintain the programs and services they provide to the residents of Valparaiso.

Paper napkins (even leftovers from parties!)Paper dessert plates Paper towels
Plastic silverware
Kitchen Towels, dishcloths & sponges
Tablecloths, tables are 6?’ x 28?” and 4?’ round
White Sheer Curtains, LONG as possible!
Coffee; regular & decaf. & Instant, tea bags
Poster Board, any color and size
Craft Supplies, holiday & Scotch Tape
Work Project Volunteers: Landscaping and lawn clean up, Planting and Watering, Interior Painting and Decorating.
Susan?’s Additions: ?•Sturdy, Heavy-duty rolling cart for food service. Would like two (2).
?•Large, tall storage cabinet or wide-depth tall bookcases, for kitchen storage. ?•Thick plywood boards, for attic floor of the building. Also, low bookcases or cabinets to store items in attic. ?•Rubbermaid Storage Containers to use for attic storage, 18 gal. Size would be great!
Should you have items to donate, please take them directly to the Banta Center, bring them to our Neighborhood Meeting on March 27th OR contact a Board Member for pick-up arrangements on either March 30th or 31st. If you?’d like to volunteer for a work project and be on a committee, contact Ellen Chapelle at: 477-5319

Got a good idea? Let us know! It?’s easy and feels oh so good to be a part of something?…
We are in need of neighbors to give of their time and be a part of the neighborhood we live in! It?’s an opportunity to meet new people and do some good for, and with your fellow man! There is something for everyone! Be a Block Captain! Concerned about Traffic and Safety? Can you help at Rebuilding Together Valparaiso in our neighborhood? Want to be on Neighborhood Watch? Garden Club? Have an idea for an activity for our neighborhood for National Night Out Against Crime? Contact Ellen Chapelle at: or any Board Member about joining a committee and be a part of the Banta Neighborhood Association!

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