Hello Homeowners - Members of Barb's Farm Maintenance Corporation,
At our annual meeting, scheduled Wednesday, September 28, 2011 the Board was unable to complete the business of the corporation due to the number of "members of the corporation" (homeowners) in attendance.
According to the Bylaws of Barb's Farm, we must have the presence of a quorum of 30% of members (26) entitled to vote or proxies entitled to cast a vote in order to conduct the business of the corporation.
As a result of the lack of attendance of BFMC members, the Board will reschedule the meeting again in about a month - in hopes that we can convene at a time more convenient for more homeowners to attend.
Your elected Board is asking that if you are unable to attend the next scheduled meeting, please send in your proxy to BC Communities, give it to a Board member, or give to a neighbor who will be attending.
The Board would like to thank those homeowners who did take time out of their busy evenings to attend the meeting Wednesday, and we look forward to seeing you again at the next meeting.
Reminder: Don't forget to bring a neighbor, or their proxy to our next scheduled meeting, November 15, 6:00 p.m. at the Delaware City Library.
Thank you,
BFMC Board of Directors