Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Article I - Name
The name of the organization shall be the Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc. Hereinafter referred to as the Association.
Article II - Area
A. The Association area shall include the following streets:
1. Barksdale - 1453 to 1531
2. Cloverdale Drive - 1843 to 2017
3. Clovia Ln - 1893 to 1982
4. Timothy Cove - 1938 to 1954
5. Quinn Ave. - 1900 to 2031
B. The boundaries of the Association shall be as follows:
1. Quinn on the North
2. Cloverdale on the South
3. Castalia on the East
4. Barksdale on the West
Article III - Purpose
The Association was organized to enhance the neighborhood by being able to better address problems, support one another when and where difficulties exist, assist in protection of our person and property, recognize political candidates, give comfort to those in need, report problems/potential problems, to assist the Police Department in a voluntary capacity as requested, and other projects deemed appropriate by the Association.
Article IV - Policy
The policy of the Association shall be:
A. Non-profit, non-commercial and non-partisan.
B. To engage in the raising and contribution of funds only if these funds are used for the maintenance of the Association and for the benefit of the membership and its elected officials in the conducting business of the Association or for approved special acknowledgments stated in Article III, Sections C, D, E, and F.
C. To provide a beneveloent, not to exceed fifty (50) dollars, to a member?’s immediate family in the case of the death of a member.
D. To provide a beneveloent, not to exceed fifteen (15) dollars, to a member?’s immediate family in the case of the death of a non-member.
E. To provide a special acknowledgement, not to exceed thirty-five (35) dollars, if a member is hospitalized for a period of five (5) or more consecutive days in a calendar year.
F. To provide a card for a non-member.
G. Financial records of the organization will be audited prior to January 1st each year by the Audit Committee. All organization expeditures will be made by check.The President, the Secretary, and the Treasurer shall be authorized to sign checks.
Article V - Membership
A. The Association membership shall be open to all residents who live in the Barksdale/Cloverdale community and pay dues according to the stated amount.
B. The membership fee shall be set by a majority vote of the persons present at a duly scheduled meeting.
C. The membership roll shall be kept by the secretary.
D. Any duly qualified member shall have the right to vote at regular meetings of the Association or any special meeting so long as his/her membership is in good standing. A member in good standing is no more than 30 days delinguent in paying their annual dues.
E. Members shall assist and aid in the Pledge of the Association.
F. If a catastrophe/emergency occurs, a member is eligible to receive up to the amount of $100.00. Request must be in writing and approved by the Executove Board.
Expulsion of Member
G. Any officer or member may be expelled from the organization for failing to perform the duties of his/her office or for illegal and/or immoral conduct (conduct that is considered to be damaging to the organization, as it may be interoreted as a reflection of our behavior as an organization).
H. Any officer or member who has been expelled has the right to appeal within fifteen (15) business days, in writing, to the Executive Board. The Excutive Board will make the determination of member eligible status.
Article VI - Dues
A. The Association shall have the right to assess dues for the support of the organization.
B. The dues of the Association shall be twenty-five (25) dollars per year.
C. Special assessments may be levied from time to time only by a majority vote of the members present at a specially called meeting for that purpose.
D. Membership dues to the Association are due on January 1st of each calendar year, and deliquent after February 15th. If dues are not paid by February 15th, all residents of that address are classified as inactive.
Article VII - Voting
A. Each member in good standing shall be entitled to one vote.
B. Members may vote by proxy, designating in writing who shall cast their vote for them. Such proxy may be given only if a qualified member is out of the city or is ill at the time the vote takes place.
Article VIII - Standing Committees
The following committees shall be established, with members of the Association volunteering to work on those committees. The President shall appoint the committee Chairperson.
A. Organization and Membership: To establish an organizational framework for the
Association and to solicit membership from all qualified individuals.
B. Events: To discuss and organize neighborhood events and outings.
C. Code Enforcement: To enforce code enforcement policies within the boudaries of the BCNA. This includes reporting complaints to the proper agency.
D. Saftey Patrol: To promote safety and maintain the Neighborhood Patrol Team. This will include meeting with patrolmen, writing schdeules, encouraging community patrol, and attending MPD Precinct monthly meetings.
E. Finance/Grant: To approving budgets, writing and submitting grant proposals in order to financially support the activyies of the Events Committe, Safety Committee, and other projects of the BCNA.
F. Sick/Shut-In/Bereavement: To respond to all request involving sick/shut-in and bereavement. This includes sending cards, flowers, and requesting funds from the treasurer allowed by the by-laws of the BCNA.
G. Youth: To develop ways to get more youth involved in community safety, crime prevention, and ways to deal with peer pressure.
Article IX - Meetings
A. The Association shall hold at least two (2) meetings per year.
B. The annual meeting shall be held in November.
C. A quorum shall consist of seven (7) members, two (2) of which shall be elected officers.
D. Special meetings may be called by the president.
Article X - Election of Officers
A. The officers shall be elected at the November annual meeting in the even numbered years and shall take in January of the election year. The officers shall serve for a term of two (2) years or until their successors are elected
B. Nominees for office must receive a majority of the votes in each election.
C. The Executive Committee shall present a slate of nominees for officers at the November meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
D. Vacancies
Should a vacancy occur, it may be filled at the next regular schdeuled meeting. The person elected shall serve out the unexpired term, however, he/she is eleigible to be elected for a full term at the next election year.
Article XI - Officers and Executive Committee
A. The officers of the Association shall be president, vice president, secretary, assistant secretary, treasurer, chaplin, sergerant-at-arms, each street representative, and one person elected At-Large.
B. The officers of the Association shall constitute the Executive Committee.
Article XII - Duties of Officers and the Executive Committee
A. President
1. Shall preside at all meetings of the Association and the Executive Committee
2. Shall be chief executive officer of the Association and shall perform all duties
and exercise all powers as may be required for the general operation of the
B. Vice President:
1. Shall in the absence of the president, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the president.
2. Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Ambassadors.
C. Secretary:
1. Shall attend all meetings of the Association and record all the proceedings of the meetings in a book to be kept for that purpose and shall perform like duties for the standing committees when required.
2. Shall cause or cause to be given all notices necessary and proper.
3. Shall perform all other duties as may be prescribed by the President or the Association.
D. Assistant Secretary:
1. Shall in the absence of the secretary, perform the duties and exercise the powers of the secretary.
2. Shall perform such other duties and have such other powers as may, from time to time, be assigned by the Association.
E. Treasurer:
1. Shall have custody of the Association's funds and shall keep full and accurate records.
2. Shall deposit all receipts in the name of and to the credit of the Association in such depositories as may be designated by the Association.
3. Shall disburse the funds as authorized by the Association.
4. Shall submit to the President and the Association at each monthly meeting, and whenever required, a full accounting document of his/her transactions and of the financial condition of the organization.
5. The Treasurer?’s accounts shall be subject, at the direction of the Executive Committee or the Association, to audit, the auditor being appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee.
F. Chaplain:
Open and close each general membership and Executive Committee meeting with a prayer.
G. The Sergeant-At-Arms:
Shall keep order when necessary.
H. Executive Commitee:
1. Shall exercise all the powers given it by the Association and the By-Laws.
2. Shall act on all matters arising in the intervals between regular and special membership
meetings and shall report such action at the next regular meeting of the
3. Shall coordinate the carrying out of the objectives of the membership and administer the objectives of the Association.
4. Shall recommend and submit new policies and By-Laws changes.
5. Shall meet at the call of the President on a minimum of two (2) days notice.
6. Shall have a majority as a quorum.
7. Shall assist the Treasurer in preparing an annual budget for submission to the Association for approval.
Article XIII. - Order of Business
. The order of business of the Association shall be conducted according to the latest edition of Robert's Rule of Order.
Article IX. - Amendments
A. The By-Laws may be amended or repeled by submitting in writing the proposed change to the Executive Committee for review.
B. Proposed amendments shall be voted upon by the general membership at the next annual meeting by a majority vote.
The attached By-Laws were duly approved at the organizational meeting of the
Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc. this 9th day of December, 1994.
Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Neighbor Pledge
As a member, I further pledge to aid and assist in the following:
1. Remove paper, bottles and other trash from my property.
2. Remove garbage carts from front as soon as possible after collection has been made.
3. Do not allow grass and shrubbery to become overgrown ( Sec. 16-457, Sec. 16-458 ).
4. Report street lights OUT as soon as possible.
5. Check with neighbor on any strange auto parked after 24 hours and then notify MPD.
6. Report any unusual activities that could negatively impact the neighborhood.
7. Report the playing of radios or creating unneccessary noise ( Sec. 22-2, 22-3, 22-4 ).
8. If resident has animals, will not allow the animal to run lose ( Sec. 3-40 ).
9. Reframe from parking on the lawn ( Sec. 48-211 (c), Sec. 48-210 ).
Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc.
Acknowledgement of By-Laws and Pledge
I , ____________________________________________, have received a copy of the Barksdale/Cloverdale Neighborhood Association, Inc. By-laws and Pledge.
Please return this page signed with address listed to:
1505 S. Barksdale
Memphis, TN 38114
If you have any questions or concerns feel free to contact your street captain.