Bavaria Neighbors

house report cards

Posted in: Payne-Phalen District 5 Planning
this may be an awful idea but, i feel that something needs to be done. many of the houses on rose between payne and arcade are pretty bad looking. what would people think about going around and looking at all of the houses and actually making a list of things that could be repaired or added to make the houses look better. i'm not saying we should go around and scold people, and if they can't afford or aren't able to do it themselves, we could all figure something out together. i think that if a homeowner knew that even though they may not notice it anymore, the first things others notice is that their lawn looks bad or their gutters are hanging off the side of the house or that their house could use a fresh coat of paint. while i understand that painting and other repairs are not cheap, fixing up your house is good for everyone including yourself if you ever want to sell. besides, i think that if we all fixed up our houses, we would have a great neighborhood that you will want to live in for a lot longer. also, if people need help painting or doing things like that, we should schedule weekend repairs. if we spent 1 weekend per house, imagine how much work we could all get done, not to mention getting to know your neighbors.

By anon
There's a solution!

Residents in District Five created the Good Neighbor Program. Groups of residents walk their block and look over property conditions and safety concerns or potential concerns. We have a simple form which allows you to mark off a concern that is enforceable within Saint Paul. We also have room to put a Big THANK YOU for those homes that have done special work or have well maintained appearances (everyone needs a pat on the back sometimes!). The forms alert the property owner that neighbors have walked the block and have noted a particular concern(s) at their home. The Good Neighbor Form is mailed out as a courtesy notice - BEFORE city enforcement is called in. The property owner will be directed to potential resources available in our neighborhood for help in fixing up homes. Some people think that there are ample programs and resources to help everyone. In fact, there are sometimes age or income stipulations to these programs. The idea of creating a local voluntary chore service or barter system is an excellent idea. I hope you might consider getting involved in the local Neighborhood Action Committee which meets on the 3rd Tuesday at the Arlington Public Library (1105 Greenbrier) at 6:30 p.m. This would be an excellent community response that would build comraderie - include residents in becoming part of the solution and helping others, and a respectful quid pro quo relationship could be generated. I appreciate your interests being voiced in this forum and hope you may choose to get further involved. Your ideas are very welcomed!


Leslie McMurray 774-5234 or
good idea

That is a good idea, one thing I have noticed in the past is that if one, then two neighbors start keeping their homes up, it eventually becomes contagious and the whole neighborhood starts to take pride in the appearance of their homes.

By Brian
And that help how?

I don't think that making a house ''pretty'' is going to stop the crime we are experiencing in this area. There are drug houses all over this area. I know of one specifically which had new siding, a new roof, and a well manicured law. It housed a thriving drug business. The nice exterior did NOTHING to stop the crime. I will gladly make additional repairs to my property as soon as someone shows me where to get the funding. I can't afford to make additional improvements. I have lived here for 20 years. I once was enthusiastic about my home. I now am afraid to be outside because of the crime. Its not pretty houses that stop crime, its people! Area beautification will have no impact. This is a harsh and sad reality. A pretty boulevard can not stop a rape. Well manicured lawns don?’t stop drug deals. Fast traffic, neighborhood apathy, lack of police presence, and the naive that believe a pretty neighborhood is a safe neighborhood is why we are where we are today.
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