President: Juli Milas 884-5511
Vice President: (Open)
Secretay: Theresa Shell 885-1510
Treasurer: Gil Leimbach 885-4203
Norman Coffman 885-5090
Tom Devney 249-2021
Chet Krupski 886-3722
Jay Lovelace 885-5985
Lisa Lovelace 885-5985
David May 496-9337
Gene Milas 884-5511
Tom Suttle 886-5184
Mike Perotti, President 767-6065
Mike Cardoso, Vice-President 376-1671
Jan Lentowicz, Secretary 290-9535
Steve Eggert, Treasurer 885-3406
Harry Paddock 884-7322
Chris Roberts 323-3761
Patrick Shell 885-1510
Meetings are held at the Town & Country Hospital - 7:00 PM the Second Monday of each month (except July)