We had a smaller than hoped for turnout at this year's Annual Community Meeting. In addition to the homeowners who attended, we received a handfull of ballots back in the P.O. Box, but still only had 11% of the community cast their vote. The results are as follows:
The 2008/2010 Budget passed unanimously by a vote of 20-0.
The 2008/2010 Assessment passed by a vote of 19-1.
All three homeowners running for election were voted in. They were:
Jacqueline Hawkes, J.D. Lee, and Brian Wegrzyn
There are still 5 open positions on the Board. The Maintenance Corporation will not be able to function in the future if we do not have individuals to run it. If you are interested in helping out but are not sure what you would have to do, please email or call us and we will be happy to explain it. The more people involved, the less of a time commitment is needed.
A "Thank You" to all past members who have helped keep our community functioning and looking nice.