Understand that if you fill out the proxy-they apply YOUR vote how they see fit. If you are pleased with the fees in our community, the appearance of our community and the way things are run-then send in the proxy card. If you are not satisfied then do not send in the proxy card and lets send a message to the board that we want better for Bella Vista! When the ballot is mailed out of who is running vote and if you are able go to the meeting! Make your vote count! The board is supposed to work for YOU not the other way around!! Here is an idea- if they held the election after the first community party, people could talk to the candidates before they make their decision and they could fill out their ballot that day! I know it can be done, my first year living here my neighbor ran and she went to the party to drum up votes. Let's have a real election instead of just retaining the same people who remind us the board is not a paid position. The same ones who bring that up will be running again! Send them a message- we don't want to inconvenience you any longer. Who wants to go door to door with me to inform our fellow residents?