I've been researching sod for over a year now. I clicked on a Google ad link on the side and was able to find a company in the Riverview area just south of us that might be able to help me out. Most of us have terrible lawns now due to the weather and the bugs. Ours is a mess and I hope to get it in shape for this summer soon.
I talked to Mr. Travis Council yesterday and he gave me his time and explained about his Empire variety grass. He said it is what is sold at Lowe's and Home Depot. I didn't know this. After discussing with him the problems and concerns I have with the Argentine grass that we have here he understood what we have been going through. He explained the different grasses, some I never heard of, but what caught my attention was that his grass is from a variety in South America, not North America. So, it is much more hardier and works for our area and doesn't die out like I've heard people say about the Zoysia variety grasses like his. His top recommend grass is a Zoysia-Argentine variety that is chinch bug problem free and takes less waterings. I liked what I was hearing.
It can be gown short or high, doesn't matter. He agreed with me about keeping a sharp mower blade. I sharpen mine by hand with a file at least every other mowing.
Spot treating for weeds with a 2-4-d chemical bought at Home Depot or Lowes will keep the weeds in check.
He said he is going to give me name and number to a Lisa with Sunbelt Growers, I think that was her name, it escapes me now. But, the do the rip out and install of sod and he recommend them. I will get a quote and report back here with same.
I hope I can affored this new sod, it has to be done sooner or later, but sooner preferably as I have to show by example here in Bella Vista being your president of course.