I received confirmation from Officer Pickett this morning that he has put our Bellemeade Neighborhood Watch meeting on his calendar for July 12, 2011.. Now all we need is the venue (location) which will determine the time.
We also could use more commitments from Bellemeade residents residents. The response from residents has been quicker and larger than expected, but the more people we get actively participating in this essential endeavor, the more likely it is to work. Acting as a community to increase public safety will become more of a necessity as our population ages and the potential for crime increases for a number of reasons. We have already seen an increase in vehicle break ins and home invasions in the eastern part of the county in which the bad guys took only prescription medicines, guns, jewelery, and money or ripped out the copper wiring/piping or the AC.
In the face of all of that, it is important that we make ourselves more aware and more prepared. Each one of us is the first line of defense and the best defense is a good offense. Proactively and collectively, we can put the bad guys at our mercy
Thanks to those 14 people who responded immediately.