For those of you who were not able to attend, our Neighborhood Watch meeting last evening was a success! Lieutenant Alejandro Cabrera, LMPD, stated that he had done thirteen of these meetings this month (January) in his sector and usually two to five people showed up. We had 47 present and another 39 either called or emailed to apologize for
not being able to attend.
Lt. Cabrera emphasized the importance of the timeliness of reporting information - he even stated it was his pet peeve - he said that he invariably gets calls or email that say, "..... you know that car those guys were in that you arrested for break-ins in our area yesterday, well I saw it on my street several times three weeks ago and didn't think anything about it until I saw it on the news last night........" What is wrong with that picture?
We left the meeting with a mission in front of us for EACH BLOCK to create THEIR OWN system of reporting and receiving information and then, in turn, incorporating it into a city-wide plan. Your help is needed to accomplish that mission.
Thanks to all those who showed up and to the Block and Area Captains for their hard work.