City of Bellemeade

New website

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I assume you must have figured out how to use the new website.  I have not been able to log on to use it.  What is the secret? 

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I just looked at each page there was no log in.

There are page tabs at the top but the comments seem to be turned off.

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I looked at the pictures too.


I noticed there is a Neighborhood Watch page, but I am one of the Neighborhood Watch Area Captains and have no way to post anything. ?????????????/???????????????????

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I am for a forum that will allow citizens to voice their concerns. The new one does not, but yet the mayor posted his monthly mayor's message on the new site.  Not fair.


Several years ago a young farm hand was whipping a mule trying to get him to pull the plow.  The old farmer said,Whos there!  You can't whip an animal like that you have to talk to them kindly."   He took the reins and said, "gitty up mule."  The mule twitched its tail and stood stone-cold still.  The old  farmer walked over to the corner of the field, picked up a 2x4, walked back over to the front of the mule, and hit it dead between its eyes.  The mule nearly went to its and was struggling to right itself as the old farmer took the reins and  said,'gitty up mule."  With that the mule nearly hit a trot as it took off pulling the plow. 


On the first turn around the field, the young farmer said, "I thought you said  to talk to the mule with kindness."  The old farmer retorted, "yes, son, but sometimes you have to get its attention first to make sure it is listening."


Nobody in Bellemeade is going to hit anyone with a two by four, but how do you guys on the commission AND THE REST OF THE RESIDENTS know what is going on if we can not post our comments?  If you are going to post your comments on the new site, please allow us the privilege to comment on that site- I said allow us the privilege but actually it is our RIGHT and it appears to have been usurped.  Who is listening.


And by the way, Bellemeade is a wonderful place to live, so you don't have to create a lily-white site void of discontent with the mayor, the commission, the cats running loose, the slick sltreets in them winter, dogs poop left in yards, the speeders, your neighbors barking dogs, solicitors, the Beautification Committee, whatever to get people to buy a house here.  This is America!  America was made strong as a result of differences of opinion and civil disobedience!  America got Her independence as a result of civil disobedience.  Slavery was ended as result of civil disobedience.  Workers got better and safer working conditions as a result of civil disobedience.  Blacks got to ride on the front bus seats, eat at lunch counters, go to better schools, and vote as a result of civil disobedience.  Women got the right to vote as a result of civil disobedience.  That awful Vietnam War came to an end as the result of civil disobedience.   Currently, I am not aware of anything in Bellemeade giving warrant to civil disobedience.  But I sure as hell am offended that I can not voice my conerns on the new site.  I am the driving force behind the rebirth of the Neighbothood Watch and I can't even post NW announcements on the new site; thanks a lot.  Be forewarned that I not going to give up my RIGHT to FREEDOM of SPEECH just paint a picture of Pollyannaville just so somebody can sell their house.


Has our City Commission paid for a censored web site with our tax money to stiffle our right to voice our concerns because of thin skin?  I hope not ........just asking.

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