You made the comment about an area being tagged as an easy hit. You are so right and give this some thought: the person or persons who post on the about us sections of this site and the new city website made Bellemeade, especially parts of it, an even bigger target by posting things like how many people 65 or above live alone, what the income level is, and other demographic facts from which aspiring criminals can determine that Bellemeade is or is not a good area to hit. Why not just put up a sign that says, "hey, I am 92 years old, live alone, and got some jewelery dating way back to the 1930s. I am gone to the grocery on the day they have senior citizen discounts."
We should be doing everything we can to deter crime, should we not? Yes, I know all of that stuff is a matter of public record in census reports, but at least the crmeys would have to research more tha one places to find it - don't make it easy for them. Why is it necessary to post that information in the first place?