Berington Club Homeowners Association, Inc.

Accidental Poison Guide

Basic Guide to Accidental Poisoning

This information is provided as a courtesy, any action taken should be verified through a qualified source first.

The average household contains as many as 250 "poisons." They include common household items such as detergents, bleaches, birth control pills, insecticides, polishes, solvents, and disinfectants.

By taking the proper precautions, the tragedy of an estimated 2 million annual accidental poisonings can be avoided. Children between the ages of 1 and 3 years are the most frequent victims of the catastrophe, which may result in permanent damage or death.

The easiest, and sometime most effective, method of preventing accidental poisoning is to keep hazardous items locked up and out of the reach of children. Sometimes drawing attention to the items only serves to provoke a child's curiosity. When dealing with older children who are capable of understanding the danger, designate an area to be "off limits."

If an accident does happen:

Call for Help Immediately

Don't panic. It will hinder your ability to think clearly and will frighten the child.
Identify the suspected poison and the amount taken.
Immediately contact the Poison Control Center or your family physician.
If necessary, quickly take the child to the nearest hospital emergency room.
Bring the package or container of suspected poison with you.
Poison Prevention Tips
Obtain one ounce of Syrup of Ipecac from your pharmacist and keep it in your home.
Lock up all medicines and always purchase products that are packaged in child-resistant containers.
Don't take medicine in front of the children.
Do not call medicine "candy"
Clean out old medicine bottles regularly and flush the contents down the drain.
Read and heed directions and caution labels.
Avoid bringing unnecessary toxic substances into your home.
Store cleaning supplies out of sight and reach of children.
Do not store medicines, cleaning agents or pesticides near food.
Keep all products in their original containers.
Rinse out containers thoroughly before disposing of them.

When you contact the Poison Control Center, please have the following information ready:

Age and weight of person
Name and amount of substance ingested
Time of ingestion
Location of person
Is your home poison proof?
A checklist of the most common poisonous products found in the home:


dish soap
scouring powder
drain cleaner-lye
furniture polish
carpet cleaner
oven cleaner


sleeping drugs
jewelry cleaner

bleach bluing,
laundry detergent
spot remover

Closets, Attic, Storage Places:

rat/ant poison
moth balls/spray


shampoo/hair products
nail polish/remover
suntan lotion s
having lotion
all drugs and pills
drain cleaner
hand lotion
toilet bowl cleaner
room deodorizer

Garage, Basement, Workshop:

rust remover
bug killer
lighter fluid
paint remover
weed killer
metal cleaner
paint thinnner

Keep near the telephone:

First aid for poisoning

Poisonous Gases:

Minimize exposure by taking victim to fresh air.
Maintain respiration until victim is breathing or help arrives.
Eye Contact:

Rinse immediately with water.
Remove contact lenses, then hold lids open and flush eye with water for 10-15 minutes.
Do not reinsert contact lenses until approved by an ophthalmologist.

Skin Contact:

Remove contaminated clothing.
Flush skin thoroughly with water.
Swallowed Poisons:

If patient is unconscious or having symptoms:

Make a determination as to calling an ambulance or transporting the patient yourself.
Bring container(s) of the substance(s) with you to the medical facility.
If vomiting occured, bring the vomitus
Bring basin to catch vomiting in the car.

If patient is conscious:

Separate patient and poison.
Induce vomiting if directed by poison control or Public Safety personnel.
If patient has swallowed kerosene, gasoline, or other petroleum distillates, the physician or poison center may advise vomiting. Do so only if directed.

Do not induce vomiting if:

Patient is unconscious or having convulsions.

The swallowed poison is a corrosive such as drain cleaner, lye or acid.
To make patient vomit (never use salt water):

1-10 years of age:

Give one tablespoon (1/2 ounce) Syrup of Ipecac followed by a glass of water; if no vomiting occurs in 15 minutes, you may repeat dose (once only) followed by another glass of water
10 years of age and older:

Give two tablespoons (1 ounce) Syrup of Ipecac followed by two glasses of water; if no vomiting occurs in 15 minutes, give another glass of water and gag by touching back of tongue.

If no vomiting in 30 minutes, call Poison Control Center again.

Posted by bsmith on 07/02/2001
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