Laureate Zeta is an ecclectic group of fun loving women. We range in age from 50 something to 80 something. But all are young at heart. I think it's called "second childhood."
We have varying interests from reading, traveling, crafts, cooking, golf, bowling, theater, and so on and so on!
We meet the 2nd and 4th Monday of each month September through May. at 7:00 pm at the All Seasons Club house, approx. 300 N & Redwood Road.
Some of us work for a living, some are retired, some are going to school. Some married, some single, some raising or helping to raise grandchildren. We certainly keep busy, but not out of trouble.
We are active in the city council, many of our members having held, or holding offices on the board. We enjoy attending city council events and the opportunity to socialize with our sisters from other chapters.
We would love to hear from you and have you join us on one of our adventures.