Beverly Angeles HOA

Save 30%+ On your Monthly H2O Bills! Free Toilets + Free Installment!

Posted in: Los Angeles

Dear Property Owner:

If ten or more units in your care facility / condos / apartments / hotel / dorm complex are on the same water bill, and have 3.5-gallon (or higher), water-wasting toilets, you are eligible for FREE Toilet Replacement. Apply today and save 30% or more on your monthly water bill.

The toilets are free, the installation is free. We are participating allies in the Municipal Water Toilet Replacement Program with excellent references for over 5,000 replacements including numerous Care Facilities, the entire Irvine Company and Whittier College.

We are Buy And Large, Inc. – a Plumbing & Industrial business with 14+ websites. Visit We are Participating Allies in the Municipal Water Toilet Replacement Program with excellent references for over 10,000 replacements including numerous Care Facilities, Marriott and Best Western Hotels, the entire Irvine Company and Whittier College.

Thanks to the state-paid program, the toilet is free and the installation is free.
You can reduce your water bill as much as 30% or more.
Apply today to save $$ + water!



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