Big Bear Farms

To Public School Basher

Posted in: Big Bear Farms
I seem to have read a quote under the topic of Public Schools that said,''Parochial Schools do extensive background checks, I made sure of that.''

It seems the poster must not have really made sure of it. In the posters bible this morning read about the private school and the child molester that worked there for a long time.
Get a clue

I guess you haven't been paying attention to all the female teachers that have been caught having sex with their young male students. But, maybe you don't see them as child molesters.
Just giving sex education, to young boys.

You must thrive on this stuff. Is this all you can think about?

A Clue for you: No matter where you are today, you may be subject to behaviour that is not what you might expect. It is a fact of our lives today. Don't think it goes away in Parochial Schools.

I moved to the Powell area for the atmosphere most conducive to what I wanted for my family. If you don't like it move. If you didn't want the taxes, the schools, the road maintenance etc.. then why are you here? MOVE if you want to pay Columbus taxes and get their schools and get their services.

Stop your crying in this site.
To Clueless in Powell

Why would I want to move to Columbus and have my kids go to public schools? Did you not understand how I feel about them or are you that stupid ? BTW, Nobody is twisting your arm to read this, so why don't you just MYOFB ?
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