Big Bear Farms

Olentangy Schools

Posted in: Big Bear Farms
I read the previous chain of comments and it drove me crazy.

My feelings are as follows:

- Olentangy Schools are known to be rated nationally. How can you go wrong?

- Comparing a School System like Olentangy to any Parochial System is impossible. There are so many variables.

- To Put Olentangy Schools in the same category as all Public Schools is unfounded. ( Don't play the race card here ) Olentangy offers the same level of education to all comers.

- Most people who live in this School System do so because of the School System. How can you not support it?

- I have not children of grade school or high school age. I still support the schools because I know what they meant for my kids when they did go to school here. I also know that, as I said before, people move here for the schools. Property value does come into play.

- If you think you deserve a tax credit because you send your kids to a private school, then get in line with over 60 ( my age ) years of people who chose to do the same and paid taxes as well.

Bottom line: We are all lucky to have the quality of education available for our children. If your choice is private, fine, if you choice is Olentangy Public excellent as well.

What ?

Olentangy schools are rated nationally ?
Where did you get this bit of info ? Olentangy Liberty has only been in existence about five years. Where did you see these ratings ? Please share it with us.
Public vs Private

Go to and click best schools in Ohio, then find the article by Lisa Rosenthal, senior editor and in her column, click Public vs Private. You will see comments from Teachers that have taught at both and they say Private is better for a number of reasons.
Dispatch is over Exaggerating

The author is well know to be a weird guy who would want all the attention in the world.

The one major fact he ''conveniently'' ignored and covered up was the accusation on Ohio Dept Education that it covered up the past offenses.

However, the state and fed laws actually prohibit Ohio Dept Education to publish the details of the offence and ID of the offender and victim.

The laws have been there for the past many many years. Surprisingly, some part of the law were just modified back in Sept 2007, and Wholla! you got this reporter sneaking from the back to claim and imply Ohio Dept Education ihas been covering up All along the years.

I guess that makes the newspaper sell. These 2 authors are not professional -- Jennifer Smith Richards, Jill Riepenhoff
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