There have been numerous complaints regarding commercial vehicles being parked in the neighborhood. For your information, the following is the city code regarding this:
Charlotte City Council adopted a new ordinance, effective April 20, 2004, prohibiting parking of commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods.
What does the ordinance prohibit?
Overnight parking of large commercial vehicles in residential neighborhoods. It also restricts overnight parking of light and medium commercial vehicles to no more than one per dwelling. Medium commercials vehicles must be parked on a clearly delineated driveway and cannot be parked in the public street.?
What is the penalty for violating the ordinance?
Warning tickets are issued upon the first violation. The second violation carries a $50 fine. The third violation carries a fine of up to $200, with fines of up to $500 for the fourth violation.
For more information, go to and Search for commercial vehicle parking code. Complete details are listed there.