I had heard about your original post from several people and I took the time to respond to the posting. I also included my name because I think that is only right. To let you know, I had asked Mark about it after the shed went up and I was told that they had no idea it was going up until after the fact. My father has been a realtor for over twenty years, saw the shed when he was out on a walk with my children and told me that it would negatively impact their property value because it is so close to their house (not property line). I whole heartedly agree with you that there are a lot of eye sores that are in the neighborhood. I had been the membership committee chairperson for four years and trust me, I would get a lot of phone calls. Diane Omlor who is the President of the Association and has been for a long time, also fielded quite a few calls about the shed as well. I know she spoke with you about those calls. My call to her, was about working to get the light back on for the entry sign on Boulder Dam. As I stated in my earlier response, I'm sure you had everything done appropriately, so regardless of how many complaints were filed, it should be a non-issue and everyone will move on to something else. I really had wanted to respond to your initial posting because you seemed to want to know what had everyone in such a lather. Best Regards!
Tracy Stocker