Blendon Woods Civic Association

BWCA General Meeting for ALL Residents and Area Reps!

Posted in: Blendon Woods
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  • bwsec
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Columbus, OH
  • 79 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Our next meeting will be on Tuesday, May 21st at 7 PM. We have the Donato's Pizza Party Room reserved at 1391 E. Johnstown Road at Morse Road.

Are you a new resident?

We want to meet you! If we somehow missed welcoming you to the neighborhood, we would like you to come and meet your neighbors.

Do you volunteer as a BWCA Area Representative?

We want to meet with you about your role in the community!  If you are unable to attend, please send someone from your area to take your place. We would like to see participation from each area of our community.

Like to plant flowers and spruce things up?

We would like to have volunteers to start a Beautification Committee and tidy up the entrance sign on Boulder Dam, and maybe have a neighborhood contest for “Best Curb Appeal”- i.e., improvements to the front entrance of your home!  Come to the meeting and bring your neighbors!

Concerned about crime and safety?

Help us start an annual event for the National Night Out in August.  The 30th Annual National Night Out, is an event that focuses on the traditional “lights on” in your neighborhood to prevent crime. The symbolic front porch vigils have turned into an annual  celebration across America. Bring your neighbors and let’s start a fun new community awareness night. We need YOU to get excited about this new activity and create a special event for our neighbors!


Keep the Blendon Woods Civic Association Alive by attending our next general meeting May 21st, on Tuesday night at 7 PM. Refreshments and a snack will be provided!  Meet with us in the Party Room at Donato’s - Johnstown & Morse Road.

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