Bloomfield Lakes Association dues are $15.00 per year. This covers the cost of snow removal, liability issurance and corporation filing fees, printing of newsletters, annual garage sale advertisement, prizes and food for events, area enhancements, and flowers for deceased residents. This past year, we did not collect from enough residents to cover the cost of snow removal. Streets cleared during the most recent snow, 1/7/2010, cost $400.00, over half the amount collected from residents. Once the money is gone, residents will be responsible to clear the streets. The problem is that not all residents pay their dues. Of the approximately 120 residents, only 60-70 feel it is necessary to contribute. $15.00 is a small fee to pay for the peace of mind of knowing that you can get out of our subdivision during inclimate weather. If you do not contribute, please consider sending a check to the Association. We will not raise dues for those that pay to cover the cost of those that do not. If you do contribute, thank you for your support.