Bluebonnet Acres Landowners Association

Neighborhood Watch Info

From the Watch website

Neighborhood Watch Yesterday and Today
Neighborhood Watch was created in 1972 by the National Sheriffs’ Association (NSA)to provide citizens with a way to unite against crime in their own communities. The program focused on securing property to make it less vulnerable to break-ins but was evolved to promote Watch groups in which citizens and law enforcement work together in an effort to reduce all neighborhood crime, restore pride in the community, and look out for suspicious activity. Citizens are now learning to incorporate terrorism prevention into their Neighborhood Watches and to make preparedness a part of their daily lives.
About Neighborhood Watch
In essence, Neighborhood Watch is a crime prevention program that stresses education and common sense It teaches citizens how to help themselves by identifying and reporting suspicious activity in their neighborhoods. In addition, it provides citizens with the opportunity to make their Neighborhood Watch groups typically focus on observation and awareness as a means of preventing crime and employ strategies that range from simply promoting social interaction and “watching out for each other” to active patrols by groups of citizens
Most neighborhood’s crime prevention groups are organized around a block or a neighborhood and are started with assistance from a law enforcement agency. Volunteers who donate their time and resources are typically at the center of such programs, since many do not have a formal budget or source of funding. One study found that most Neighborhood Watches were located in areas that contained high percentages of single-family homes, little or no commercial establishments, and residents who had lived at their current address for more than five years. This study also found that most of the programs used street signs to show the presence of the program to potentially deter any would-be criminals.
Neighborhood Watches share one foundational idea: that bringing community members together to re-establish control of their neighborhoods promotes an increased quality of life and reduces the crime rate in that area. That’s precisely what Neighborhood Watch strives to do. In fact, from the earliest attempts to deal with the neighborhood structure as it relates to crime (through the Chicago Area Project of the early 1900s), to modern attempts at neighborhood crime prevention, collective action by residents has proved one of the most effective strategies.

The reason for this effectiveness is rather simple: Involving community members in watch programs decreases opportunities for criminals to commit crime rather than attempting to change their behavior or motivation.

Today’s Neighborhood Watch Program is an effective means of crime control and neighborhood cohesiveness. While not all of the programs in place today go by the same name, they all accomplish the same goal; to bring community members together to fight crime.
Types of Neighborhood Watches
In 1981 national data showed that 12 percent of the population was involved in some type of neighborhood watch group By 1988, it was estimated that between 7 % and 20 % of residents of U.S. cities were involved in such activities . A national study showed that 38 % of households in neighborhoods that had a Neighborhood Watch Program participated in the program. This study concluded that urban areas were more likely to have programs than suburban or rural areas, but that people living in the latter were likely to be involved in a program if one was organized.
Whereas the “opportunity reduction” approach focuses on crime reduction through observation to restore informal control and a sense of “neighborhood”, and the “social problems” approach typically revolves around addressing certain issues in the neighborhood that may be linked with higher levels of crime . To address these social problems, programs that target youth, such as athletics is to provide young people with alternative and positive activities that not only occupy their time, but also provide them with opportunities to increase their skills and their self-image .

Starting and Maintaining a Neighborhood Watch
As is often the case, communities that need Neighborhood Watch programs the most are the ones that find it the hardest to keep them. This is particularly the case with lower income neighborhoods. Typically, the adults in these neighborhoods work multiple jobs with odd hours, making it difficult to schedule meetings and organize events. This environment also makes it challenging for neighbors to get to know and care about one in a way that would encourage them to watch out for each other.
So what does it take to start and maintain an effective Neighborhood Watch Program? According to one researcher the five fundamental steps that make this possible:
1. First, strategies that address the problems in a given area must be mapped out. From the beginning stages of a Neighborhood Watch effort, it is essential to incorporate neighborhood involvement and identify ways to deal with the crime patterns of that area.
2. The second step, involves building a partnership between law enforcement officers and residents. For a Neighborhood Watch Program to be successful, it is essential that officers understand the needs of a neighborhood and work as role models for neighborhood crime prevention efforts.
3. The third step is to assess the needs of a given neighborhood. In many cases, law enforcement and community members do not have the same focus. For instance, law enforcement may be focusing their attention on a problem that the neighborhood is not concerned about, such as attempting to address major crimes throughout the city. On the other hand, community members may be more concerned about crimes such as bicycle thefts or graffiti, which are considered minor from a police standpoint. Effective Neighborhood Watch programs unite law enforcement and residents and encourage them to collectively determine what problems should be addressed and how.
4. Next, selecting and training an active body of volunteers that are led by organized and motivated leaders is critical. Without motivation and organization, volunteers may be uninspired to participate and quit out of frustration.
5. The fifth and final step is to develop meaningful projects. Often, after a Neighborhood Watch has addressed its original issue, members lose interest. It is important for leaders to remain enthusiastic. One way to accomplish this is to create and embark upon new projects so that there is always a goal towards which the team is aspiring. Projects may include building a neighborhood playground or painting over graffiti, for instance.
Even with all of these steps in place, success does not happen overnight. Creating truly effective Neighborhood Watch programs takes patience, planning, and enthusiasm. Since studies show that once a Neighborhood Watch program deteriorates, criminals notice and quickly resume illegal activities, there is certainly motivation to strive towards success.
Tips to make your Neighborhood Watch a Success
Inform the neighborhood of meetings and events. Flyers, brochures, posters, phone calls, word of mouth, emails, or a reminder in the local newspaper can be used to deliver the information. Being innovative and creative will help keep citizens interested and excited about being a part of your neighborhood watch program.

Find a group or person to host a neighborhood or organizational meeting. Invite everyone in the entire neighborhood, as well as an appropriate law enforcement representative, who may either address the group or merely be present for consultation. Register attending neighbors, and ask each one to enlist at least one other person. Collect addresses and telephone numbers of all present. Even if attendance lags, keep meetings regular and maintain direct personal contacts rather than relying entirely upon printed and broadcast information. Ask for people’s help rather than waiting for them to offer it. Plan each meeting with goals, ranked by priority. To maintain momentum, always have a new goal ready to act upon as soon as one is accomplished. Be sure to conduct the program democratically, providing each neighbor ample opportunity to express opinions and participate in making decisions. Those who do not feel needed will soon lose interest, and their apathy usually spreads rapidly among friends. Assure everyone an equal voice in the organization, and see their suggestions are heard. Rather than analyzing neighborhood problems for them, encourage them to speak out about problems they consider important. Crime prevention specialists and group leaders should keep their own roles, advisory ones---to serve rather than dictate, and ask instead of tell.
Keep Presentations interesting, valuable, clear, brief and to the point: never waste a participant’s time. Leaders should be polite, tactful, friendly, and enthusiastic. They must also be honest---ready to admit mistakes and to proceed with correcting them. Encourage positive attitudes among members, assisting them in assuming responsibilities suited to their abilities and patiently encouraging them to develop new skills which will help the program. Everyone has something important to contribute. Helpful and straightforward leaders will earn their group’s trust, essential to the program’s success.
The Baytown Police Department and Your Neighborhood Watch
The Baytown Police Department is very interested in the success of your Neighborhood Watch Program. Some of the services we offer to support your program include : Operation I.D., Personal Safety Programs, Crime Prevention Programs, Crime Stoppers, D.A.R.E., and Child Safety Programs. The Baytown Police Department will also provide a copy of a crime report for your area to assist in tracking and identifying crime related issues.

Posting Signs and Stickers:
For the most powerful deterrent of would-be intruders, display signs and stickers prominently, preferably with an outdoor sign at each entrance to the neighborhood as well as other conspicuous locations. Crime Stoppers stickers are available through the Community Services Bureau. Individual Neighborhood Watch Programs may order signs and or decals to post in their neighborhoods through Internet address **
3. Baytown Police Community Services Bureau

Posted by bikelady on 05/06/2009
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