Boothhurst Homeowners Maintenance Association

Home Maintenance Association Accountability

Posted in: Wilton Civic Alliance
  • Stock
  • romans1218
  • Respected Neighbor
  • New Castle, DE
  • 3 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

When was the last time you heard from your Home Maintenance Corporation?  Are they having annual meetings?  Are they giving you a yearly financial accounting of what they are doing with the money they are collecting from you?  When was the last time you had an audit, or an election, or anycommunication from the association that is taking your money?  Do you have a full slate of officers on your board?  Are you happy with the way your neighborhood looks? 


Have you tried to contact anyone in the County or State about your Home Maintenance Corporation?  Were they helpful?  Were your elected officials helpful?  Do you know that your Home Maintenance Corporation can place a lien on your home without your knowledge?  That's right.  All they need is (1) your property parcel number, (2) list a Delaware Statute, and (3) have the paper notorized.


This notarized paper is then taken to the Recorder of Deeds where they "rubber stamp" it, charge your association $215 and SLAM, a lien is now on your home.  And, the Recorder of Deeds Office is not required to perform any due dilligence to verify the authencitity of the Home Maintence Corporation officer, the statute, or if indeed the amount owed is correct.


Oh, and by the way, there is no judgement by any of the Courts that is required to place this lien on your house.  Anyone can do this to your property -- even if they are lying; AND, you will never be notified by anyone from the Recorder of Deed's office or anyone else in the county.  This little gift is compliments of the Delaware State Legislature.


When this happens to you, you will find the entire State of Delaware will become cloaked in dumbness.  Every elected official that I've spoken with didn't know what to do. 


What will you do when this happens to you?


Please keep in mind that each person that signs a Deed that has a Home Maintenance Corporation associated with the community you will be living in is required to pay assessments.  However, your Board has no responsibility or accountability to you.



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