We are currently have Petitions signed for Street Lighting at our four Entrances.(Princess dr./ Bishop / QueensWay / KingsWay) Neighbors will be knocking on your door for your thoughts and signtures. Please be friendly, they are just tring to help improve our subdivision and our safety. These program is set up through Canton Township and DTE. The first Petition is only to see if we, as a subdivision, have an interest in Entrance Lighting. Canton TWP will then conduct their own survey along with DTE. Pricing will THEN be broken down on a per lot bases. We will then have another chance to vote on it at a Board Hearing. After the lights are instulled, the Township bills each property owner in the district their proportionate share. The first billing will also include the one-time contribution charge. The maintenance charge will then be billed each year on our winter tax bill. The amount can increase or decrease, depending on the amount DTE charges the Township. What are your thoughts and concerns?