Town of Braintree


Posted in: Braintree

you are going to have to better

Oct 14, 2004
than that. kinda thin in the why department aren't we?that's ok, because i laid out some thoughts and they collected nothing but collective
yawns from the mighty peanut gallery.
decide for yourself:
(good luck)

sorry seems to be hardest word

Oct 10, 2004
I've read and listened and watched.the argument of war with Iraq remains weak,with or without justification.since when does the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA have the right to wage war on inferior nations without impunity? because our sensibilities are the only ones that matter?we are without question the biggest and strongest power on the planet.our needs are not more important than the rest of the worlds'.
our economy, religious faith,and Constitutional rights do not supersede any other nation's right to sovereignty. who told anyone here that their most intimate desire was to be more like America?Thousands of years have these tribes fought over what is uniquely a regional is no matter whether Bush or Kerry is president,many will continue to die for an idea discussed in board rooms by those who care only for monetary gain. no ideology or democracy is at stake here.just death and destruction,instability and and oil prices.there are three tribes in this region wrestling for control now that the government is destabilized and if our need to control their economy wasn't the real reason we came in the first place,we better not stop here.there's Iran,Korea and the biggest nut to crack of them all,'s a big job being the world's policeman,making every region safe so our idea of society will continue to prosper at their expense.if you don't understand it and you can't bully them,take'em out,set up a puppet regime and the world will be red white and blue all over.being facetious is the easy part. allowing the world's nations to take their natural course is another. if this president was as sharp as the proverbial tack and he had the necessary intelligence to make an informed and prudent decision this wouldn't be an election year issue.he would have had a plan,executed it and
and be on to bigger and better things by now instead of leading enough people to believe he made a decision at that time because it seemed like the right thing to do,even as it began to go he has NO CLUE or PLAN
in place to remove our military from harms way as America has emerged as the world's biggest oppressor( without a clue,no less)instead of the big brother looking out for the oppressed. Bush should be made to explain why the pursuit of BIN LADEN is no longer his biggest priority instead of pursuing the stability of world oil prices.
don't worry Anonymous, the sun will come out tommorrow,bet your bottom Bush

-By townie home owner

By Braintree's Resident Screwball
more wierd guy stuff

and you are

either the town fool or its jester but certainly not its conscience.too tough a job and much too much to contemplate.
keep it simple gomer

-By townie home owner

By and you are
Dick Cheney brought up a persona

i have answer-you won't like it

Dick Cheney brought up a personal issue to make him seem more in touch with the regular folk(as if a multi-billionaire could actually pull that off is another story)and made it public.all politicians are whores.even Georgie Boy.if you're a grown up get over it!who cares anyway-they're all going to hell,right?if these children
were thieves or rapists or frauds would they be more or less noteworthy? support whomever you will but spare me any morality nonsense.Every politician
lacks that gene.gets in the way.don't want to be 1/2 way through raping and plundering and get saddled with a conscience attack.very unseemly And counter productive toward the corporate
strategy of toppling the government,bringing in the contractors to rebuild and harness the resources in order to make the loss of life more
palatable to th US people.who care what the rest of the world thinks anyway? we are the biggest baddest most
Righteous country on the planet and We need the petrol for our SUV'S. any questions,right them down and send them with a self addressed stamped envelope to: Mr.George W. Bush
c/o The White House
1600 Pennsylvania Ave
Washington,D.C. USA

your responses will be either:
-refusal of our financial aid
-Goods and/or services blockade
-if all else fails then we lite you up

Peace is not an option!
We live to Dominate you

your war mongering,Justis administering,red white and blue
liberating narrow minded Christian
overseers, the US Government.
(you better thank us or else!)

food for thought on this fine Sunday morning from one that actually enjoys the freedoms the Iraqi people will never have which isn't what this little
weekend reservist maneuver turned out to become.

-By townie home owner

By Georgie Boy
trouble with a capital T


Oct 6, 2004
Calm down townie and tell your forefathers to go back to sleep.

-By Anonymous

By townie home owner
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